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Jordan jumped at the chance to do something nice for her. She wants to lay down, so Jordan offers up his own dressing room for her to rest in. She almost declined his offer. She is not trying to encourage his annoying behavior. "So Joplin, why did you decide to come on tour with your dad?"

"First of all, do not call me Joplin. Only my dad and brothers call me that. If you must call me anything you can call me Jo. Second of all, it's really none of your business."

Jordan was a little taken aback. He was trying to be nice to this girl and she was just plain rude. "Sorry for asking, I wasn't trying to get in your business. I was just being nice."

"Well don't, I'm not here to make friends, I'm just here because my dad says I have to be. So don't feel like you need to be nice to me. I don't need you trying to act like we're friends. Just pretend I'm not here."

"That'll be difficult since you're taking my dressing room. Have a nice nap." He closed the door behind him as he walked out.

Jo sat down on the couch and dug an unopened letter out of her bag. She looked at it, tears welling up in her eyes. Darren had slipped this letter to her as she moved her last box into her car before leaving school. He had tried talking to her several times since he lied about her to her dean and getting her expelled from school. She hadn't been able to open it yet. But she thought it was time to rip off the band aid. She opened the envelope and pulled out his last words to her:

My dearest Joplin,

I know I'm probably the last person you want to hear anything from. But I couldn't let you leave without explaining to you why I did what I did.

When I met you, I was so mesmerized by you. You became my life. I fell so in love with you. I knew it was wrong, on so many levels. I was married, I was a Professor and I was way older than you. But none of that mattered, I only cared about you. I became obsessed with you. You were all that mattered, I couldn't stop thinking about you. You began to consume me. I had to have you. I truly believe I am addicted to you.

For a year I was lucky enough to call you mine. I thought about leaving my wife for you. I thought about leaving my job for you. I wanted to be with you forever and I foolishly thought you felt the same. Then I found out about you and the drummer in your little band. I was so heartbroken, and I couldn't hide it. I ended up drinking too much one night and called my wife by your name. When she asked me who Joplin was I didn't even try to lie.

She threatened to expose me, take my son away. She was going to ruin me. So she told me that I had to ruin you and us to keep myself safe. I hate myself for what I did to you. But I was protecting my son. I'm so sorry Joplin. I will never forgive myself. I hope someday you will though. I will always cherish our time together. It was the best year of my life. I will always love you.

I can only assume that the reason you didn't tell the disciplinary board the truth about us is because you still love me. Thank you for that. It only makes me feel worse about myself. I beg you to try and see things from my point of view.

I will love you forever,
Yours always,

She was feeling so many things after reading his letter. She was angry, hurt, heartbroken, she felt incredibly empty. She couldn't believe he thought she had something going on with Ted, her drummer. There was nothing going on with him and her, and there never had been. She laid down with his letter still in her hand and cried herself to sleep.

Jo was woken up a little later when she heard someone moving around the room. She opened her eyes and found Donnie, sitting in the chair next to the couch. He was reading her letter. She sat up and grabbed it from him. "What the hell Donnie, that's private."

"Oh shit I'm sorry. It was on the floor, I just picked it up and was trying to figure out what it was. I thought it was Jordan's. Please know I wasn't trying to get into your business. I swear." Donnie explained.

Jo looked down at the letter and started to cry again. Donnie moved over to sit next to her. He hated to see a girl cry. He put an arm around her shoulders and leaned her against him. He tried his best to comfort her. "Hey its going to be okay. That guy's a fucking douche. Fuck him!!" She turned to him and laughed. "Thanks Donnie. I needed to hear that. And you're right he is a douche. Fuck him!" She looked up at him, he took his thumb and wiped her tears. "No more tears for that prick, you hear me pretty girl"?

Jo doesn't know why but she had the urge to kiss him. So she did. She pressed her lips against his, sweeping the tip of her tongue across his lips. He responded immediately, his tongue meeting hers before entering her mouth. His hands fisting into her long blonde hair holding her in place. His kiss deepened and grew more intense. God this man can kiss, was all Jo could think. Then his lips moved away from her lips. He was just staring at her now. "Damn girl, you're beautiful. That guy's a fucking idiot." He moved in for another kiss.

Just then the door swung open, Jordan took one step in, saw what was going on, stepped back out and closed the door. Donnie jumped up, "Oh fuck! I gotta go." Jo spoke up, "Donnie hold on just a second." He stopped and looked at her. "Come back over here, sit for a minute, tell me what's going on. Why are you suddenly in such a hurry to get away from me, when not two seconds ago your tongue was in my mouth."

He sat down and turned to face Jo. "Look, I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that."

Jo smiled at Donnie, "It's okay Donnie. I'm sorry too. I was feeling all kinds of upset about my ex. I was just trying to figure out a way to get him out of my head. And you sat down, with those oh so kissable lips. And I thought what the hell...and kissed you. I hope I didn't overstep."

"Oh no, it was fine. I'm not upset or anything. And it was a fucking awesome kiss." Donnie winked at her. "So that guy, he's the reason you're here?"

"Yeah, I was a Junior at University of Southern California, a music major. One night during my sophomore year I was singing at a local college bar during open mic night. I finished my song and this absolutely gorgeous man approached me. He asked me to have a drink with him. We sat and talked until the bar was closing. We exchanged numbers. Then I ran into him at school two days later. That's when I found out he was a professor at my college. But we began dating anyway. He wasn't my professor so I didn't think it was against the rules. Which technically it wasn't. Anyway, we dated for a year, we fell in love. We had a great relationship. Then all of a sudden it wasn't great. He was married and she found out about us and then I was taken in front of the disciplinary board and made out to look like a terrible whore who went after a good and decent man. I didn't even fight it, I just basically said he was telling the truth and I took their punishment. So here I am."

Donnie shook his head, "That sucks. I'm so sorry Jo. That's terrible. That guy is a real prick. Thanks for telling me your story. I have to get going, stop Jordan from thinking something's going on with us."

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