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The next couple of weeks went really good. They got the song completely written. Their first week in L.A they got the music recorded.

The week in L.A is great for them on a professional level. But personally it's difficult. They'd spent every night together in Boston, but it isn't possible for them in L.A. Jo has JJ at home to take care of, and being gone the week before she isn't willing to be away from her even one night. Jordan's disappointed but understands.

One day while Jo and Jordan are at the recording studio, Cash shows up with JJ. It's unexpected and Jo is super busy. She's recording the guitar parts of the song, they decided she'd play the guitar on the song and Jordan will play the piano part. So when Cash and JJ arrive at the studio Jordan entertains them until Jo's done.

JJ is very interested in Jordan. She only wants to talk to him. Cash keeps telling her to leave him alone, that he's busy. But Jordan finds her delightful. They laugh and joke together and she sings and dances for him. He's very impressed by the dance she does as she sings one of the New Kids oldest songs, Popsicle. She tells him it's her favorite old song. He thinks she's really adorable and funny. "If New Kids ever tour again we might have to get you to choreograph our dances, you're very talented." She throws her little arms around his neck and hugs him tight.

Jo walks out of the recording booth and sees JJ hugging Jordan. He looks up at Jo and shrugs his shoulders. "What can I say, kids love me." She lets go of Jordan and runs to Jo. "Mommy, Jordan loves my dance."

"Well of course he did, its a great dance. And you've been doing it since you were like four or five. Hey Cash, what are you two doing here?"

Cash looks guilty, "JJ wanted to come by and see you and Jordan." His eyebrows go up questioning as he shrugs his shoulders.

"Hey JJ, sweetheart, you know you can't stay here, we're working. I can't watch you and work at the same time." Just then Jordan's called into the booth to play the piano. JJ's eyes lite up and she turns to Jordan. "You want to come in with me?"

"Yes, can I mommy, please?"

Jo looks at Jordan, "Are you sure that's okay with you?"

He smiles at Jo, then at JJ, "Yes, I'm definitely sure. Come on little one, let's go lay down some piano. Do you know how to play the piano?"

"Yes, I've played piano since I was like four, duh."

"Hey JJ, don't say duh its really rude." Jo corrects her daughter.

"Sorry mommy, I forgot. I'm sorry Jordan I didn't mean to be rude."

"It's okay sweetie, let's go play some music."

Jo watches Jordan and JJ go into the recording booth together. Jordan sits down on the bench and JJ sits beside him. They both put on headphones, and Jordan begins to play. JJ watches him intently. She's mesmerized by his hands moving so quickly over the keys.

All Jo can see though, was those two sets of dark brown eyes, looking back at her from the piano. Both are all smiles. They're having such a good time together. Jo feels her stomach lurch. Cash, suddenly standing right behind her, is looking at them through the window too. "Wow sis, look at them. Is it just me or..."

"Shut up, Cash, you know it's not just you. And we're not having this conversation right now, okay?"

Jo can see Jordan and JJ laughing about something. Jo pushes a button and can suddenly hear inside the booth. "Here JJ, you play this part." She begins playing what's on the paper in front of her. When done, she looks at him for approval. "That was amazing JJ. You are quite the little musician."

"Thank you Jordan. I love to play piano. You are really good too. Who taught you to play?"

"My mom did. She played in the church when I was little, and she taught me back then. So I've been playing since I was about four."

"So did you know we have the same name?" JJ tells Jordan.

Jordan looks confused, never really wondering what JJ stood for. But surely she isn't named after him. Just then Cash opens the door, "Hey kiddo, it's time to go. We're already running late, so say goodbye. Bye Jordan, it was good seeing you again." He takes JJ by the hand and hurries her out of the booth and out the studio door. Jo kisses her cheek as they rush past her, saying she'll see her at home later.

Jordan comes out of the booth, "That was sudden, we were having fun. She's quite the character, that daughter of yours. Where did they run off to in such a hurry?"

"Oh they had dinner plans and they were late. Do you need to run through that again?"

"No, I think it sounded pretty good. I finished my part before we started playing around. We can go listen to it to make sure though." So they listen to the playback and he's right it sounds great. But the recording continued while he and JJ joked and laughed. Jo loves hearing them laughing and playing together.

Jo can't help but look at Jordan with adoration. She knows she needs to tell him about what she suspects about JJ. She's certain she is Jordan's. She, of course, always knew it was a possibility, but seeing them together made it impossible to ignore. She can't believe Jordan didn't see it. Maybe he didn't see it because he wasn't looking for it, never thinking she could be his. Jo's scared to say anything right now. She decides to wait until the next week when she's in Boston.

They find themselves alone at the studio. They're week in L.A is almost over and they haven't had any alone time since he got here. She goes and stands in front of him. Taking his face in her hands, she brings her lips to his. She inhales his scent as their lips touch. She kisses him deeply, madly, in need of him and his touch. He matches her kiss with his own need. They lose themselves in each other.

Their love making is quick and hurried, never knowing when someone could show up at the studio. She's fulfilled despite their quickness. Jordan has always been a generous lover, making sure she's satisfied before he is. Some things haven't changed about him at all. Which is one of the things that make it hard not to love him again.

She knows she can't allow herself to love Jordan again, not while such a harmful, hurtful secret lays between them. She makes up her mind, next week when she's in Boston she will tell him everything. Loving him may not be an option once he knows everything. She expects him to be angry with her, possibly hate her once she tells him what she suspects. Although, after seeing them together it isn't as much of a suspicion, it's more of a revelation.

Lyrics and Love: Say Goodbye (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now