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The next morning, Darren wakes Jo up before he has to leave for the airport. He tells her he wants her to think about coming and staying with him when she gets home from the tour. She says she doesn't think that is a good idea. "Do you really not love me at all anymore Kitten?" He looks so sad when he asks her that.

"I don't know Dare, I think I'll always love you in a way. I just don't love you like I use to. You broke that part of me. To be perfectly honest with you Darren, I've got feelings for Jordan. I may have completely fucked everything up with him last night. But I have to at least try to fix things with him. I don't think I'll ever forgive myself if I don't try."

"If you have feelings for him then why did you have such incredible sex with me last night?" He is fully dressed now, but lays on the bed facing Jo. He is so close their noses touch.

She can't help but smile. This is the way he use to always say goodbye when they were dating. She'd always loved it when he'd do this. It made her feel like he had to be close to her for a long as possible before going anywhere. Like he couldn't get enough of her. "Dare, last night didn't mean anything. I was upset. And I lashed out. I'm going to try and fix things with Jordan today."

"So it was just a big mistake? It didn't mean anything? How can you say it didn't mean anything? Its us. It'll always mean something. Didn't you have a good time? I could tell you've missed me."

"It didn't mean anything as far as us getting back together. Yes it was a good time. One thing we always had between us was amazing sex. But it takes more than that to make a relationship work. Oh and even if I'd missed you or that big dick of yours, I'd never fucking admit it. Now get to the airport before you miss your flight."

"Okay. But promise me that if things don't work out with that boy, you'll give me another chance. And by the way, my big dick has missed that sweet honeypot of yours too." He gives her a long passionate kiss before getting up and leaving for home.

Jo falls back asleep for about an hour. When she gets up again she takes a shower and gets her bags ready to get on the bus. She's starving, so she wanders down to the little restaurant in the hotel. Coffee and eggs, with bacon is all that is on her mind. Until he walks in. There is only one thing that can pull her mind away from her grumbling stomach. Jordan.

He looks tired, like he's had a long and exhausting night. This causes her heart to drop, just a little bit. At least he's alone. Now is her chance to talk to him. She waves at him to get his attention. He walks over to her table. "Morning Jo."

"Good morning Jordan. Will you join me, we can have breakfast together." He looks surprised, but takes the seat next to her. "I didn't think you'd want to talk to me this morning. Are we okay then?"

"You said you needed one night. Did you get everything taken care of so we can move on?"

He just looks at her and nods his head. "Good" she says.

"I was wondering, did you spend the night with your ex? Is he still here?"

"He left this morning. And he was in my room, so yea I had to spend the night with him."

Jordan tilts his head, "You know what I'm asking you."

"I do, and I don't want to talk about last night. I don't want to know about your evening activities."

"I guess that answers my question. Are you going to see him again? When the tour ends?"

"The tours not ending, its just taking a break for a month. Then we're back out. Starting in New York right?"

"You're coming back out with us for the US leg?"

"If I'm still welcomed and wanted I'd like to. I haven't talked to my dad about it yet. But I guess I'd like to know what you think first."

Jordan takes a second to think about what she's asking him. He knows what his immediate thought is, and that's yes he wants her there. But when thoughts of yesterday and last night pop into his head, he isn't as sure.

"Jo, I do want you on tour with us, with me. But everything that happened yesterday and last night scares me. I was so hurt by what I thought was going on with your ex that I did something stupid and hurt you, so you turned around and did the same back to hurt me. Trying to hurt one another isn't healthy. I'm sick about bringing that girl back here last night, I really am. But knowing you went and slept with your ex to get back at me bothers me so much."

"I'm so sorry J. I hate myself for doing what I did. A part of me thought it was the only way to not be mad at you. Kind of like we were even and could start over with a clean slate. Stupid I know."

She leans forward and takes his hand in hers, "Can I make a request? After the show in Scotland, will you spend a couple of days with me, in Scotland? Then we both go to our homes and during the month break you can decide if you want me to come on the next leg of the tour. I'd like for the last memory you have of us together before we go on break to be something good, not what happened last night."

"I'll have to check with our manager and see what is scheduled for after Scotland. But if my schedule is clear I'd love to spend a couple days alone with you in Scotland Jo."

Lyrics and Love: Say Goodbye (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now