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The day after her conversation with Donnie, Jordan stops to talk to Jo, in her usual spot. She's writing in her notebook. She looks up at him, looking him over closely.  She thinks about everything Donnie told her and considers giving Jordan a chance.

"Jordan I'm about to go grab some coffee and a smoke..." Jordan speaks before she finishes what she was saying, "Oh okay Jo, I'll talk to you later."

"You didn't let me finish Jordan.  I was going to say, I'm about to go grab some coffee and a smoke would you like to join me?" He smiles at her, and its such a genuine smile. "Yes I'd like that."

They grab some coffees and sit outside. She lights up and seems to relax. He's never seen her this relaxed around him. She's usually so on edge and a little annoyed by his presence. But not today. They settle into a comfortable conversation about music. "Jo you are very talented. I'm not sure I've ever seem anyone play quite like you. You played Bohemian Rhapsody perfectly.  It was amazing."

"Well I learned it from the best."

"Yeah I can imagine having your Dad as a teacher was probably pretty great."

"My dad didn't teach me Bo Rhap, I learned that directly from Freddie himself. My dad played guitar for Freddie's solo album. They are great friends. I went with him for most of their recording time in Munich. I guess I was around fourteen then. He is the best teacher. He was so patient and kind to me. I love him so much. We became really close. I even call him Uncle Freddie. I've been so worried about him. He's been sick. I'm hoping to get to visit him while in London."

"Wow sounds like you've had some good times with your dad."

"Yeah I went with him a lot. Not all the time, but my mom wasn't a good mom to her only daughter. She was amazing with my brothers but with me, it was like she had no idea what to do. And most the time didn't want to try.  That's why Presley, my oldest brother and I are so close. When I'd go places with dad, he always came too. To watch over his baby sister."

Jordan was really enjoying how open she was being with him. He couldn't believe she learned to play Bohemian Rhapsody from Freddie Mercury himself when she was fourteen. And he enjoyed hearing stories about her brothers, it reminded him of his older sisters. His sister, Sharon had gone on tour with them when they first got together, it had been nice having family there with them.

"I'm really looking forward to meeting your brothers next week. Your dad has been talking about them all tour."

"Well just a warning to you. When it comes to me and my brothers, they don't take kindly to guys talking to me. Pres is so over the top, overly protective it's ridiculous. I love him but he's run off every guy I've liked or who's liked me. If he thinks you and I like each other, he'll do everything he can to put a stop to it. He wants me in college and away from the rock and roll lifestyle. Just so you're fairly warned."

"So are you saying you like me then?"

"You don't give up do you J? No that's not what I'm saying exactly. But I'd like to get to know you as a friend. I think I was a little hard on you at first. I'd just had my heart broken, so I was a little reluctant to get to know you."

"But you got to know the other guys. I mean you immediately became friends with with them, why was I singled out as the bad guy?"

"You're different from the other guys. You're super talented and you're gorgeous. And you know it, and you never hide that you know it. I still wonder, if we ever do hook up, if you'll completely lose interest and move on. That's what I saw in you when we met. I'm trying to see past my own hang ups and find out who the real Jordan is."

This pleased him more than anything in the world. "We have a couple of days off coming up, would you like to do something just the two of us one of those days?"

"I'd really like that J. After the days off is it one more show in Germany, then we're in London?"

"Yes, we have three shows in London. Are your brothers going to be in London the whole time?"

Jo thought about it, "Yes, I figure they plan on taking me home with them when they leave too. It's going to be a fight, because I'm not going home. I'm not ready. I want to be here with my Dad, he helps me heal. He makes things better. I love and miss my brothers but it's my dad I need. So I'm staying until dad tells me I have to go."

"Will that make your brothers mad at you? I mean it sounds like you have a really great relationship with them. Will telling them no piss them off?"

"Maybe. But I'll explain it to them. They still don't know why I'm here. They know I got kicked out of school but not the whole story. Now that, they'll be pissed about. When I tell them the story about Darren I'm afraid they will take a trip to see him. If I know my brothers Darren is in for quite an ass kicking if they find him. I'm telling you my brothers don't fuck around when it comes to me and my welfare and happiness."

Jordan frowned, "What will they think about me? Will they be upset that I'm trying to date you?"

"Jordan it depends on how they take the news about Darren. They may accuse you of taking advantage of my broken heartedness. Or they may think I'm on the rebound. You'll just have to stand your ground. That is if you're really into me. Maybe we should keep it a secret while they are visiting."

Jordan frowned again, "I don't want to keep it a secret that I like you. I'm not ashamed or scared. You're amazing and I wont hide that I think that." He kissed her on the cheek and walked back inside. Leaving Jo sitting there thinking about Jordan and how he really wasn't anything like she had thought he was.

She slipped a handwritten card underneath Jordan's dressing room door as she walked past it when she knew he was in there getting ready. He opened the door immediately, he saw Jo walking away. "Jo, come here really quick, please."

She turned and walked back to his door, he took her by the hand and pulled her inside with him. "Jo, can I kiss you again?" She nodded her head.

He pulled her close to him, he moved his face slowly towards hers. She watched him lick his lips as he got closer to her lips. When his lips touched hers, her breath caught in her throat. He moved his tongue across her lips, instinctively she opened her mouth for him. His tongue caressed her own tongue. They moved their tongues together. She whispered, "Oh God" as she exhaled against his mouth. He started to pull back when her hands went into his hair. Her kiss became more sensual. She sucked his tongue when he put it back into her mouth. He gasped. She rocked forward on her tiptoes, pushing her hips hard against his arousal. He moaned. This time she pulled back from him, dragging her teeth along his bottom lip. She stepped away from him, catching her breath and fixing her hair. She couldn't stop smiling. "Damnit Jordan, how am I supposed to keep a clear head about getting to know you, when you kiss like that?"

"It didn't take you kissing me like that for me to realize I wouldn't be able to keep a clear head around you." She gave him one more short, sweet kiss before leaving his dressing room.

He opened her card once she had left.

"Ever since we met the world's been upside-down,
and if you don't stop troublin' me you'll drive me out of town.
But if you go away, as trouble ought to do,
where will I find another soul to tell my trouble to?"

He smiled.

Lyrics and Love: Say Goodbye (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now