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When Donnie finally found Jordan, he was outside talking to Jon.

"You done already man? That was quick for you." Jordan said to Donnie as he walked up.

"What's your problem Jordan? It's not like she's your girl. You can't be mad at me for kissing her. Nothing else happend. We kissed, actually she kissed me and I kissed her back. That's it."

"Donnie I'm not mad. I just wasn't expecting to walk into my dressing room and find you making out with her on my couch is all. So what's this mean for you and her?"

Donnie was a little annoyed by Jordan's tone of voice but he let it slide. "It doesn't mean anything for us, we're friends, that's all. The girl just had her heart broken by some douche bag. She's in serious pain over it. She was sleeping when I walked in and there was a piece of paper laying on the ground, I picked it up. It was a letter from some married, professor from the college she was attending saying how sorry he was for hurting her. She woke up and caught me reading it. She started crying, I tried to comfort her. She kissed me. I would have stopped her, but damn that girl can kiss."

Jordan huffed, "Funny it didn't look like you wanted to stop when I walked in. Looked like if I'd been about five minutes later, I would have walked on a lot more than kissing."

Donnie rolled his eyes, "Man, you think I can't control myself? You think I can't stop myself? And do you honestly think I'd get this girl naked, with the door unlocked, when her father could walk in at any time? Nothing was going to happen because, first I'm no one's rebound guy. And second, I respect her father too much to just fuck his only daughter with no intention to be with her. And Jordan I expect you to think long and hard before you pursue anything with Jo. Don't try and get your little dick wet, just because you think she's fine. This girl will be on tour with us and so will her father. He'll kick your ass Jordan."

Jordan feigned shock at Donnie's insinuations. "Really Donnie. You think I'm trying to just get it in with Jo? I'm not, if I wanted just a sex thing, I could have a different girl every night. There's something about Jo. I don't know what it is but I plan on finding out. And one more thing Donnie, my dick isn't so little, as a matter of fact, your sister said it was HUGE!!!" He took off running as he yelled the last word, Donnie right on his heels.

The guys were all laughing as Jo walked up. She asked Jon, "What's going on here?" Jon laughed, "Oh Donnie's chasing Jordan because Jordan told Donnie that Donnie's sister said Jordan's dick is huge. If Donnie catches him he'll kick his ass, not really, but in a brother way."

Jo laughed, "They remind me of my brothers." Jon looked at her, "How many do you have?"

"Three. All older. I'm the baby and the only girl." Jon whistled, "That must have been tough growing up. Lots of protection. Probably unwanted most of the time."

"You have no idea. It was terrible. And Hendrix is my twin, so we were in the same grade. So he was always there. At every party, every football game, every school dance. I barely dated in high school."

Jon laughed, "Your name is Joplin and your twin brother is Hendrix? As in, Janis and Jimi?"

"Yep my dad was a big fan of theirs. My other brothers are Cash and Presley. My dad had a way with picking baby names." Jo shrugged and laughed. Jon shook his head, "Sounds like it. How old are Cash and Presley?"

"Cash is twenty four and Presley is twenty six. Then Hendrix and I are twenty, almost twenty one, well in three months."

Jordan ran up behind Jo, holding her in front of him as a barrier between Donnie and hisself. "Truce man, truce. I take it back. Your sister didn't say that." Donnie stopped out of breath, "Okay truce. This time. But next time you say something like that about my sister, I will kick your ass."

Jordan was still holding onto Jo's hips after Donnie stopped chasing him. "So what are you two talking about over here?"

Jon answered, "Jo was just telling me about her three older brothers. All who are big, mean and overly protective of their only sister and baby of the family."
Jordan let go of Jo's hips and moved over next to Jon so he could look at her while they all talked. He was interested in getting to know her. But she definitely didn't seem to want to get to know Jordan. She had been talking to Jon before he came over, but she hasn't said anything since Jordan walked up. He gets up and walks away. Fuck this. I have better things to do than be ignored. Jordan wasn't sure how to get this girl to open up to him.

Jo watched Jordan walk away and she couldn't help but admire his ass. He was a really good looking guy. But she was done with guys like him. She wasn't interested in getting to know him. She wasn't interested in him at all. She planned on keeping away from him. He almost reminded her of Darren. He was too into himself.

Jo shook the thoughts of her ex out of her head and went to find her dad. He was finishing up on stage. "There's my beautiful girl. Have a good rest?"

"Yeah Dad. Need any help?"

"Nope, I'm all done. Let's go eat. They put out the best spreads here. You must be starving. I know I am." James put an arm around her and they walked over to get dinner with the rest of the crew. And to her surprise, the "kids" were all there, eating with everyone else. She hadn't expected them to all be so down to earth, to eat with the hired help.

Jordan had two open seats by him. He waved for them to sit with him. Her dad went right over to him, she followed. As soon as they sat down Jordan began with the questions. "So Jo, tell me about your musical talents. Jimmy says he taught you piano and guitar. And I heard you singing earlier, you've got pipes. Do you play anything else? Do you want to be a musician?"

Jo looked up from her dinner, "Nope just piano and guitar. And I sing a little. I was in a little college band back in California. But we just played small bars, mostly just covers. I like to write my own songs but rarely let anyone else see or hear them."

"Can you read and write sheet music?" Jordan asked.

"Yes, I think I learned to read music before I learned to read words." She laughed and looked at her dad.

James spoke up then, "Jordan, my little girl can read music, but she can also play music after just hearing it once. She's one of the most talented musicians I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot. I'll get her to play something for everyone soon. I don't know why she's acting so shy about playing now."

"Dad I'm not "acting shy". I'm just not interested in playing music today. I'm tired from my trip. And I'm in the worst fucking mood ever. So please just drop it and stop trying to make me look so talented for these guys. I don't need you bragging about me to them. I don't feel the need to impress your bosses. Please excuse me, I'm just not that hungry anymore." She left the table and stormed out of the dining area. She finally found a door to the outside. She sat down with her back against the wall. She took out her Walkman and her cigarettes. Aww Queen and a smoke, it doesn't get much better than this.

Lyrics and Love: Say Goodbye (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now