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The plan is for Jo to talk to JJ after her birthday party, so if she takes the news badly it won't ruin her special day.

The house is all decked out in purple and pink balloons, JJ's two favorite colors. They have the cake and presents set up in the living room and some games and a photo booth set up in the family room.

JJ is having a blast with all her friends. They're playing and dancing around the family room while the adults watch from the sidelines.

When Jordan shows up, with a very large gift in hand, JJ abandons her friends and runs to him. She hugs him tight and tells him how happy she is that he came to her party. She shows him to the living room where the other adults are and then goes back to her friends.

Jordan asks Jo if she'd already talked to her and she says no. Jordan guesses she just likes him because she had grown up listening to his music.

The rest of the party is great. Everyone has a wonderful time. The house is a mess when the party is over. Jordan stays behind to help Jo clean up.

JJ follows Jordan around as he picks up plates and cups. She just goes on and on telling him all about her presents she got and which friends had given them to her. He smiles and listens to every word she says. Then she whispers something in his ear that takes his breath away. "I know you're my real dad. You have the same eyes as I have." He kneels down to look her in her eyes, that are exactly like his own. "Sweetie, did your mommy tell you that?"

"No, she is scared because of my other daddy who died." She lifts her little hand to his face and runs it down his temple, "but I can have two daddies, lots of kids I know have two daddies or two mommies. Why are you crying Jordan?" She asks him as she wipes away his fallen tear.

Jordan looks up and Jo is standing in the doorway of the family room. She's crying also, waiting to see what Jordan will say.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm crying because I'm so happy. I'm sorry I didn't know sooner." She wraps her arms around his neck and hugs him tight. "It's okay, you know now."

Jo walks into the room, taking in the site of the two of them hugging. It warms her heart. "Hey sweetie, who told you that Jordan was your father?"

She releases Jordan and looks up at her mom, "I heard you and Uncle Pres fighting about it before you left to go to Boston. Then I just did my own research."

Jo laughs, "Research? You're nine. What kind of research did you do?"

JJ sits down on her knees between her mom and Jordan on the floor. "Well first I talked to my uncles and grandpa. They weren't much help. But they did say you and Jordan used to like each other on tour. Then I googled it."

Jordan spoke up this time, "You googled what exactly sweetie?"

"I Googled you, then my mom, then your names together. I saw pictures of you together, kissing in 1989. Which is the year I was born, I know it takes about nine months for a baby to grow and be born. Then I compared my eyes to his, and I knew." She smiles at her own accomplishment.

Jordan and Jo just look at each other in astonishment. "Well, do you have any questions? I'm sure you couldn't find the answers to all your questions on Google."

JJ thought about it for a second. "Did Daddy know Jordan was my real father?"

Jo pulls her onto her lap, "He always knew it was a possibility. But he loved you so much that he knew you had to be his. And in his heart you were his. JJ you were the best thing in his life he'd always say. You were his whole world. But yes he knew about Jordan."

JJ looks from Jo to Jordan now, "So does this mean I have a new Dad?"

Jordan smiles, "Well, your mom and I haven't really talked about what happens next. But I'd really like to get to know you as my daughter, and you get to know me as your other dad. Would that be okay with you?"

Jo smiles and nods her head, eventhough she knows the question was for JJ.

JJ jumped onto Jordan's lap hugging him, "Yes. I'd really like that Jordan. Wait do I call you Jordan or Dad?"

Tears pricked at his eyes again, "Sweetheart you can call me whatever you're comfortable calling me. But I'd like to call you Jordyn. Since that's your real name, and I love that name for you."

"But no one else calls me Jordyn."

"Well, no one else calls me Dad."

Lyrics and Love: Say Goodbye (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now