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"Hello Darren, I'm Jordan."

"Hi Jordan, nice to meet you. Look I need a minute alone with Jo. Would you mind leaving us?"

"Not going to happen Darren. I wanted to talk to you. Now if you can't talk to me with Jo in the room, I'll ask her to go. Then I'll give her the option to talk to you or not after I'm done. But right now I just need to ask you some questions, okay?"

Darren looks at Jo, she meets his eyes for the briefest of seconds then she looks at Jordan. But Darren can't take his eyes off her. He sighs, "Ask away."

"Why are you here?"

"I came here for Jo." He looks from Jordan to Jo. But she won't look at him, she keeps her eyes on Jordan.

"Why? After what you did to her, why would you think it's okay to just show up for her like this?"

"I love her, man. These last few months have been hell." Darren again turns to Jo, "I miss you so much. It's killing me babe. Please, I need you. I left Beth, we're getting divorced. I told her I couldn't live the lie anymore. I stopped loving her the day you walked into my life. I miss you so fucking much it hurts. I can't live without you. And I'm so sorry for what I did to you." He begins to cry, dropping his head into his hands.

Jo's looking at Jordan, her eyes big and glistening with tears. She's pleading with him to understand. He shakes his head at her and mouths, No Jo, please. Her eyes tell him how torn she is. She's trying to decide what to do, listen to her head or her heart. Her heart is torn in two directions, she had loved Darren so much, she'd spent over a year with him. But now there's Jordan, and she begins to realize he's got his own place in her heart.

Right now she needs to help Darren. He needs her. And the pain she hears in his voice is messing with her head. It's tearing up her heart. She doesn't know how much longer she can keep herself from going to him.

Her eyes plead with Jordan to do something, to make this easier for her. She reaches for Jordan's hand, he begins to reach out to her. But before he can take her hand, Darren is on his knees, in front of Jo, arms wrapped around her midsection, head against her stomach, crying. Her arms wrap around him, holding him as he cries.

Jordan doesn't say anything, he just stands up and goes to walk out, he doesn't look back at her. He's hurt. He feels like he's just been punched in the chest. He isn't sure what hurt the most, seeing her holding him, or seeing the sadness in her eyes as she watched him walk out, not saying a word to stop him. He's crushed.

Her brothers are all standing in the hall waiting. When they see Jordan come out of her room without her they aren't happy, but it isn't Jordan's problem anymore. She chose the other guy, the one who had broken her heart. The one who had treated her like an option. He doesn't say a word to any of them, he just walks to his room, goes inside and shuts the door.

He sits on his bed and leans forward, his elbows on his knees, head in his hands. His heart hurt, he's disappointed, he'd had such a good feeling about Jo. He thought maybe she was right for him. And after her little speech in the hallway about not being conflicted about what she wanted. That she didn't want Darren she wanted to be with him. He's confused and hurt, not a good combination. Maybe he should have stayed with her. She'd tried to reach for him right before that asshole threw himself at her mercy. It takes everything he has to keep himself from running back to her room and punching that jerk in the face. But he has a show tonight, and niw Donnie's at his door yelling at him that it's time to go.

Donnie sees Jordan's expression and knows immediately that something is wrong, "Hey what's wrong Jordan? You okay?"

"No man, not at all. Jo's ex showed up today. He's in her room with her right now. When it came down to me or him, she chose him."

"Wait, did she actually say 'bye Jordan, I want him, not you'?" Donnie inquires, knowing Jordan could be a little on the dramatic side at times.

"No. But they were in each other's arms when I left her room. And they had been kissing before her brothers and I found them together. He told her he loved her and needed her. He even said he was leaving his wife for her. Hell, the man flew all the way to fucking London for her. I'd say he's really trying to get her back. Can't say I really blame him."

"Maybe you're wrong. Talk to her. See her side of it. Don't be stupid and do something you'll regret."

"Look Donnie, she and I weren't serious or anything. I can't keep her from being with him if that's what she wants. The European leg of the tour is almost over, and then we'll all be off a month. This was bound to end anyway. I'm sure she hadn't planned on doing the U.S leg of the tour too. It's better this way. And to help me get over it quicker, I'm going to go back to how it should be for me, different girl every night. No emotions, just sex. Fuck feelings, they suck."

Donnie doesn't like the sound of this. He'd been so happy Jordan and Jo had started seeing more of each other. Jordan single isn't good. He got lonely easily. And then he'd drink to much and sleep around. It isn't a good look on Jordan. He needed stability. He needed someone to keep him grounded.

Donnie definitely didn't like the tone of his voice. He's hurt, but trying to act like he isn't. This is not good.

"Jordan, that's not the answer. You don't need to go back to the way it used to be. You know that's not what you want. You've always wanted more than just meaningless sex with random girls. So stop trying to act like this doesn't bother you. I know you, brother."

"Look Donnie, I do like her, a lot. The thought of her being with him really fucking hurts man. I can't take it. I need a distraction. Just support me like a friend should at a time like this."

Now Donnie feels like a bad friend, Jordan needs him to be on his side of this. Right or wrong, he has to support his friend. "Okay Jordan, we'll find you a hot girl for a little distraction this evening."

Lyrics and Love: Say Goodbye (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant