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When Jo wakes up Jordan is gone. There's a piece of paper laying next to her on the pillow where he had been. She picks up the paper and rolls onto her back as she opens it.


Good morning beautiful! I hope you slept well. Sorry I had to run out without waking you for a proper goodbye. You looked so peaceful and I couldn't bring myself to pull you from whatever dream you were having. (You kept making the cutest little moaning noises)

We had an early meeting before soundcheck. I'll see you as soon as we're done. Maybe we can grab some lunch together?

See you in a little bit.


P.S Pardon the way that I stare
There's nothing else to compare
The sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak
But if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that is real
You're just too good to be true
I can't take my eyes off you"

She folds the letter and puts it on her nightstand. She stretches and gets up to take a shower. After her shower she got dressed and ready to see Jordan for lunch.

She expects Jordan when she hears a knock on her door. She opens the door already talking to him, "So babe, what did you have in mind for lunch?" It isn't Jordan.

Shock runs through her when she sees that familiar face. A face she'd once loved to see at her door. Those eyes, a shade of blue she'd never seen before or since. Eyes she thought could see inside her soul. Those lips, that she loved to have on her. Lips that had spoken words of love and devotion to her. But it was all a bunch of lies.

Jo turns around and left him standing outside her door. She walks over to her bed and sits down. She feels like she can't breathe. She's hyperventilating. She's going to die, she can't breathe and she was going to die was all she could think. And his face will be the last face she sees.

Suddenly Darren's right in front of her, kneeling down, his hands on her knees. His face is mere inches from hers. "Kitten, are you okay? Just breathe."

"Don't...you...fucking...call...me that" each word coming out between breaths.

"Kitten, don't be like that. I've been dying to talk to you. But you disappeared. It took me two months to find out where you were. I've flown all this way to see you. At least let me say what I came to say." She found herself being soothed by his voice. She'd always loved his deep, almost raspy voice.

She shakes her head, removing those feelings from her mind. "No Darren, I don't need to hear anything you have to say. You've spouted nothing but lies to me for over a year. I'm done listening to you. You had your chance and you threw me away like garbage. You really hurt me. So fuck off."

Darren sits down next to her on the bed. She tries to stand, he grabs her hand and pulls her back down. The feel of his hand on her sends heat up her arm to her face. She closes her eyes.

He holds onto her hand and begins explaining. "Kitten, I did lie to you, but only about one thing, a big thing yes, but everything else was the truth. I loved you so much. I still love you. I miss you. I need you and only you. I left Beth. I only want to be with you. I can't handle being without you. I hate myself for what I did to you Kitten. Please give me another chance. Come back to me."

Her eyes are closed, she can't think straight. She can't think while he's touching her. She needs to get away from him so she can think again. She tries to stand up again, he won't let her go, he pulls her down again. But this time he pulls her to the bed onto her back. He moves on top of her crushing her lips with his. She doesn't have the ability to stop him. She kisses him back unable to think before she does it. His tongue moves into her mouth. She touches his tongue with hers. "Oh kitten, I love you so much. I knew you'd come back to me."

Her eyes pop open and suddenly she comes back to her senses. Her hands move to his chest and she tries to push him off of her. He doesn't budge. She pushes again. He still won't budge, he just keeps kissing her. When he moves his lips to her neck she's finally able to speak, "Darren, stop it, get off of me. Stop, now." He doesn't stop. "Darren, I said stop, get off of me, NOW!!"

Suddenly he's gone, off of her and up against the wall. "Hey asshole, she said no. Can you not hear?" Presley had Darren by his shirt, fist clenched, ready to punch him. Cash, Hendrix, and Jordan are all in her room. Cash pulls Presley off Darren before he can hit him.

Darren speaks up,"Jo knows me. I'm her boyfriend. I wasn't attacking her or anything. Jo, would you please tell this guy who I am?" She looks at Jordan, he looks at her and turns to leave her room. She jumps up and runs after him.

"Jordan, hey Jordan please wait. Where are you running off to?"

"Look Jo, it's okay. You're back together with your ex, I get it." He says without looking her in the eyes. She steps closer to him, taking his hand, "Jordan I'm not getting back with him. I thought it was you at the door, that's why I opened it. If I'd seen it was him, I wouldn't have let him in."

"So you feel nothing for him anymore? You don't want him back? You're not conflicted? Cause your lipstick is smudged, like you were kissing him." Jordan isn't sure what to think or feel.

She looks up at Jordan, she has tears in her eyes. "Jordan I'm not conflicted, not anymore. I wasn't prepared to see him all of a sudden. He was talking and I was in shock from seeing him again. He kissed me, and I kissed him back for a second, then I told him to stop. I was conflicted, but I'm not now."

He smiles at her, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "Jo, listen I'd like to believe that you aren't conflicted, but I can't. If you didn't still have feelings for him you wouldn't have kissed him in the first place. I understand, I'm not mad and I'm not ready to give up on you yet. But I want you to be sure about this. I can't be in a relationship with you if you aren't completely over this guy."

"Jordan I'm over him. I don't want to be with him."

"But the question is, do you really want to be with me? Or was I just the rebound guy?"

"Yes, Jordan I want to keep seeing you. I like you a lot. You make me happy. You've healed me. You've made me, me again. I can't tell you I'm ready for a serious relationship yet. But I know I'm getting there, with you. How do I show you? What do you want me to do?"

Tears are falling down her cheeks now. She feels like she's losing him. And it hurt. The thought of him not being around bothers her, it makes her feel sad. She doesn't want to be without him.

Jordan wipes her tears away, "Please don't cry Jo. I just wanted to hear that you still wanted to see me. Look I think you're the perfect woman. You're everything I've ever wanted. You're actually more than I ever could have known I wanted. But I'm not trying to rush you into anything you're not ready for. But hearing you say you're getting there is enough for me. And you don't have to show me, I take you at your word. I'd like to talk to this guy Darren."

"What? Why?"

"I need to find something out. You can be there. I don't need to be alone with him."

"Okay." Jo feels nervous for some reason. But she's also curious and her curiosity overrules her nerves. So she follows Jordan into her room. Hendrix tries to stop her from coming in. "Pres said to keep you away, but I'm guessing that isn't an option is it?"

"I need to talk to Darren, alone. Well with Jo. Can you guys give us a minute?" This time its Cash who turns into protective older brother. "No fucking way Jordan. My sister stays away from this douchebag. He never gets the chance to hurt her again."

"Cash, its okay, he doesn't have the ability to hurt me anymore." The difference between Cash and Presley is Cash takes her at her word. Cash grabs his brothers and they head out of the room. Cash puts his finger in Jordan's chest, "You better watch out for her, he says or does anything to hurt her, you better punch him in his fucking jaw, do you understand me?"

Jordan nods.

Lyrics and Love: Say Goodbye (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now