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"Darren, we can't do this. You have to go home, now. I've moved on. I'm over you. You hurt me, you turned my life upside down. All I ever did was love you. I was good to you and you threw me away like I was garbage. You ruined me. Do you have any idea how badly you hurt me? Do you even realize how close you came to destroying me?" She pushes him away and stands up.

Darren looks at Jo, he's surprised by her words. He knew he'd been selfish when it came to his relationship with her. But he truly wanted to make it work now. He loves Jo, he needs her. He'd realized it way to late. He had to show her.

"Kitten, please I'm just asking for one more chance to prove to you I can be worthy of your love. I love you so much. Please, I'm begging you. You're my sweet Kitten. God Jo, please don't deny me another chance. I know you can't have just stopped loving me after only a few months. We had the best year together. Don't you remember all the good times we shared?"

Jo can't handle this. He's making her think too much about their past. She won't listen to him anymore. "Look Darren, I can't do this. I need to go find Jordan. He must think I'm going back to you, he needs to know I'm not. You need to book you a flight home, tonight."

"Why is our relationship any of Jordan's business? Oh...you and him? Are you with him? You replaced me with that kid?" He stands up and goes over to her. His hand goes to her face, caressing her cheek. "Kitten I know he can't be taking care of you like I can"

His hand trails down her cheek, running his thumb softly across her lips. "Does he kiss you like I do? Causing you make that cute little moaning noise you make when you get turned on?" He runs his finger down her chin. Then down her chest, in between her breasts. He turns his hand and places it flat against her stomach, his fingers pointing down. He runs his hand down until it reaches the top of her shorts. Her breath catches, her eyes close. She feels his breath against her lips now. "Does he touch you like I do? Does he know your body like I do? Does he know how to make you beg for what you want?" His hand is in her shorts now, fingers finding her clit. She quivers under his light touch. He really does know her body. So much she learned about her own body she learned from him. He was a master of sex, he had been her sexual professor, they had often joked. He knew his body, he knew her body. He knew how to put their bodies together in a way that caused maximum pleasure. He is hard to resist when it comes to sex. But she has to try, she has to resist this. She needs to find the strength to stop him. She needs to go find Jordan.


"No, Darren I can't do this. I can't go back. I'm moving forward, and I want to move forward with Jordan. If it wasn't for him, then maybe I'd be willing to give you another chance. He's a great guy and I like who I am with him. He makes me better. Book your flight, you have to go. I appreciate you coming all this way, it is nice to know that what we had wasn't all in my head. That it meant something to you, even if you realized it too late." She kisses him on the cheek and turns towards the door. "Book your flight."

Jo sits at the hotel bar, she'd needed a drink to calm her nerves after everything that happened today. She looks at her watch, the concert should be over soon and then she'll be able to talk to Jordan. She finishes her drink and cigarette and heads back upstairs. She has to check on Darren, make sure his flight is booked, then she'll wait until she hears the guys come back from their show.

Darren's laying on her bed when she opens the door. "Hey, did you get a flight home?"

"Yes Kitten, I did exactly as you asked. I got a seat on the first available flight. I leave at 7am. Everything earlier than that was full. I'll be out of your hair by 6am, okay?"

"Okay. And please stop calling me Kitten. I never did understand that nickname." She hears the sound of the guys coming back from the show, she also hears some girls laughing too. It isn't at all unlike Danny or Donnie, or even Joey to bring girls back to the hotel after a show. She runs in to take a quick shower before going to see Jordan.

After her shower, she put on some comfy clothes and makes herself presentable. When she's done, she walks out of the bathroom and finds Darren sitting on her bed watching tv now. "I'm going to go find another room to sleep in. You can sleep here, have a safe trip home."

"Are you going to him tonight? Will you be fucking Jordan tonight after I got you all turned on? Hey if you'd like I can give Jordan some tips on how to really please you."

"Look don't be an asshole, or you can go sleep at the airport. I know you're upset but don't ruin everything again by being petty. I'm just starting to forgive you and not hate you so much. So don't be an asshole, okay."

He frowns and looks down, "I'm sorry Jo. You're right I'm just jealous as fuck. I can't stand the thought of you being with him or anyone for that matter. I miss being with you. I miss the way you feel. I miss the way you taste. I miss the sounds you'd make when I'm inside of you. What I really miss though, is holding you in my arms after we made love, listening to you breath. Then watching you sleep, your head on my chest. I always loved when you'd start dreaming, you'd sometimes talk a little. It never made any sense what you said. You have the cutest little snore. I miss you so much Joplin. I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I hope that someday you can find it in your heart to forgive me. And I'll be here if you ever change your mind Kitten." He smiles at her, and laughs, "I started calling you Kitten, because you're so young and full of life and playful, like a kitten."

She smiles at him, "A kitten huh? Thank you Darren."

Jo needs to see Jordan. She isn't sure why, but she feels nervous as she walks down the hall to his door. She realizes why she feels nervous when she gets to his door, what if he doesn't want her anymore? She's given him such mixed signals today. What if she's ruined everything? Only one way to find out. She knocks on Jordan's door and waits.

Lyrics and Love: Say Goodbye (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now