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Jo doesn't call her brothers when her flight arrives home. She calls Darren.

It only takes him about 15 minutes to get to the airport. She thought he must have driven like crazy to get there so quickly. It should have taken him at least 45 minutes this time of day.

As soon as he sees her he pulls her into his arms. "I'm so happy you changed your mind. I love you so much Kitten."

She cries in his arms. He thinks the tears are for him, but they're for Jordan. And for her and the baby she's carrying. Darren grabs her bags and loads them up. She exhales and is determined to let go, and move on. She's got someone more important than herself or Jordan or anyone else, to make good choices for now. From now on the only thing that matters is whatever is best for her little one. Nothing else matters.

Once in his car, he asks "Where to Kitten?"

"We need to talk first, then we'll decide." He nods. Jo takes a second to gather herself before she continues.

"I'm pregnant and it's most likely yours but there is a slight chance it could be Jordan's. There's no way of knowing yet, I had sex with you both the weekend you were in London. I'm not telling him, even if it turns out to be his, it would ruin everything he's worked so hard to achieve. But if it's yours, I need to know what you want."

The smile on his face tells her what she needs to know. "I don't care who's it is, I want you, and if that means raising a child that might not be mine so be it. But I don't want to ever find out who the father really is. We raise the baby as mine. That's what I want to do. Marry you and raise our child together."

"Okay" is all she says. "Let's go home. To our home. We've got some planning to do."

Over the next couple of months Jo hears Jordan is trying like hell to reach her. Presley calls her every time he calls him looking for her. Presley tells her she has to come clean with him, "Jo he deserves to know what's going on, he thinks you're on your death bed or something and we're hiding you from him so he won't leave the tour. I need something to tell him so he'll move on."

Jo's heart breaks for Jordan. She feels absolutely horrible for keeping this from him. She knows Presley's right, so she tells him to give Jordan her number. "You're right Pres, he deserves to hear from me that I married Darren."

Presley thinks he must have heard her wrong, "Say that again, I must have heard you wrong. I swear I heard you say you married Darren."

"You heard right Pres, we went to the JP and got married two days ago. We love each other and we made a decision. I'd like for you to support my decision and be happy for me. And when you give Jordan my number please don't tell him anything, let me tell him."

"What the fuck Jo?" He pauses, "Fine sis, you and I are going to talk soon though. Be easy on the guy. I think he's in love with you." Jo is sure her brother is mistaken, Jordan would have told her that, surely he would have. Or maybe he wouldn't have, just like she never told him.

A few days later Darren brings the phone to Jo, "A call for you sweetheart."


"Jo? Oh my God Jo, are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm fine Jordan. I'm at home."

"At home? Wait, who answered the phone? What's going on Jo, why did you just leave like that?"

"Jordan, when I came home to rest I needed to be somewhere quiet. Darren let me stay with him. He took care of me and I just couldn't pretend anymore that I wasn't still in love with him. I  wasn't sure how to tell you. It wasn't an easy decision to make. You're such an amazing man. But I couldn't see it ever working out with us, no matter how much I loved you. I've seen the end result of a relationship with a musician. My parents, they're miserable. And it's made her bitter. I don't want that for myself. "

"I don't understand, what happened? What did I do wrong? And did you just say you love me? Why didn't you ever tell me that before? I love you too, we can make this work."

"No it can't work. I'm married to Darren now. You have to move on. Finish your tour. Do another album. Your career is what's important. I'm sorry for leaving you without word. Goodbye Jordan. We'll always have Scotland. I'll never forget you."

Jo doesn't wait to hear what he has to say. She'd held back her tears as long as she can. And she doesn't want him to hear her cry. It's time for her to move on with her new life and leave Jordan behind.  Broken heart or not, it isn't about her anymore. It's only about her  baby. Darren will give them a wonderful life. She protectively puts her hands on her growing baby bump.

Darren comes back into the room. "You okay Kitten? That was Jordan wasn't it? Did you tell him?"

She looks up at him, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I told him about us, but not about the little one. I'm fine." Jo wipes her tears away. "You want to talk about some baby names?"

"Yeah? You haven't wanted to talk much about the baby. I'd love to talk names. You have any you really want?"

Jo thinks about it, "I'd really like to name the baby Jordyn James if it's a girl, then call her JJ."

Darren isn't thrilled about the name Jordyn, but he doesn't want to argue with her. "Can we discuss the name Jordyn? I feel like that's a little insensitive. I mean do you really think that's fair to me? To name my child after your ex...the one that got away."

"I'm sorry Darren, you're right. I just love the name for a girl. You can pick the boy name. Whatever name you want."

"Okay, but I hope you like Kermit. Or some other muppets name." She laughs and thinks, This is going to work. We're going to make it.

Lyrics and Love: Say Goodbye (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now