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Jo stood outside, alone, smoking a cigarette.

She'd told everyone she had to pee so they'd let her go, by herself. She just needed a minute away from Presley. He was so intense sometimes. He was also an amazingly loving brother, all her brothers were. But sometimes Presley was too protective. She knew he was stewing in his anger right now. That's why she needed a minute. It pissed her off, it was her heart that got stepped on, not his. He was so wrapped up in his anger, he forgot she was hurt.

The door opened and Jo almost hid behind it, afraid it was her brother looking for her. But it was Donnie...and Jordan. She sighed with relief.

As soon as the door closed and Donnie stood with his back against it, she was in Jordan's arms, wrapped in his warmth, she felt herself begin to calm. He was just what she needed right now.

"What's going on in there? Did he say anything after I left?"

"He's just mad someone hurt you, sweetheart. He loves you. But damn, he's really intense. I can't believe he stepped up to me, I'm from the streets of Boston, nothing and no one scares me. Your other brothers are pretty cool though" Donnie said, with a smirk.

"Just wait, he'll get them riled up."

Someone jiggling the door knock made Jo jump away from Jordan. Donnie moved, but only after Jo went back to Jordan for a quick, but wonderful kiss. She whispered in his ear, "I'll come to your bunk tonight, okay?" He nodded and kissed her lips lightly.

The door opened and it was Presley, he looked around at Donnie and Jordan, then at Jo. "Okay I need to know the Professor's name. We're going to fix this shit. You're coming home with me and we're going to get you back in school."

Jo stepped over to him, "Pres, listen, I'm not coming home with you. I'm not going back to that fucking school where he's still teaching. I'm going to fucking stay with Dad. I'm having fun. I don't want to come home to be fucking miserable again. I'm enjoying myself here."

Presley was getting really pissed off. "Joplin, I said you're coming home. On the road with Dad is no place for a young girl to be. Have you not fucking noticed you're like the only God damn girl here? Dad never should have brought you out here. He should have sent you to my house, not brought you on the road with a bunch of dudes. How many of these assholes have tried to get in your pants? I know you think they're all nice, but guys in this business are only nice to girls for one reason, to get laid."

"Hey man, you know I think you need to really watch yourself. Your sister has been nothing but respected by everyone here. And for you to imply any different is an insult to us all. And where I'm from that's not cool. Those kind of accusations, are enough to fight over." Donnie hissed at Presley. "Apologize and we'll forget all about it."

Presley looked at his sister, she nodded her head at him. Presley turned to Donnie, "I'm sorry man, I'm just upset. Please know I don't really think bad of anyone here. Try and imagineif she was your baby sister."

"Pres, Dad has been here with these guys, he knows them. He wouldn't have brought me if they weren't trustworthy."

Presley laughed, "Seriously? You think it makes me feel better that Dad is okay with them? Dad took you, at the tender age of 14, to Munich, to Freddie Mercury's recording studio. I can't even begin to imagine what would have happened had I not come along too. No doubt, sexually you would have been fine. But Jesus Christ, the amount of drugs in that house. It was a crazy house Jo and Dad was just letting you run around, doing whatever you wanted."

Jo laughed, "Good point. But I'm still not coming home until the tour brings me home. I'm happy here with these guys. They're great guys. I was a mess when I got here, but these five amazing men have helped me put myself back together. Especially Jordan. Give them all a chance, okay?"

Jo noticed Presley was now staring at Jordan. "Presley!! Stop it! He's a great guy. And I really like him" she moved to Jordan's side, taking his hand in hers. Jordan looked down at their joined hands, then his eyes moved up to meet hers. A smile filled his face as he looked at Presley.

"So this guy is the reason you don't want to come home and get your life together. You want to hide out here on a tour, that's not yours, that you don't even have a job to do while you're out here? You're just out here wasting time. You need to get back to school. This isn't your place. There's no way I'm fucking letting you stay on tour with Dad."

"Letting me? You're not FUCKING LETTING ME? I'm not a fucking baby Presley. I'm not a kid anymore. And most importantly, I'M NOT YOUR KID, YOU'RE NOT MY DAD!! You aren't the boss of me. I'm a fucking adult. I can look out for myself."

Presley practically had steam coming out if his ears. Cash, Hendrix, and James had heard her screaming at him and now they came out the door.

Presley paid no attention to them. He got about a foot away from Jo. He laughed, an angry laugh, at her. "OH you can look out for yourself huh? Can you really? So is fucking a MARRIED MAN, FOR A FUCKING YEAR, is that you being a adult and looking out for yourself? Cause little sister that's real fucking mature. You're such a fucking child and I'm telling you right now, YOU'RE COMING HOME WHEN I LEAVE!!!"

Jo stepped up toe to toe with her much bigger brother. She glared up at him with fire in her eyes. Then suddenly, she slapped him across his face. She knocked the smug grin right off his face and said "GO FUCK YOURSELF PRESLEY!!!"

With that she stormed off. Left everyone standing there dumbfounded with their mouths hanging open. Jordan looked around at her brothers, none of them moving to go after her. So Jordan took off to catch up with her. As he was walking away he heard Hendrix laugh and say, "Damn Pres, I guess my twin told you...dude your cheek has a hand print on it. Shit WAY TO GO TWINSIE!!" Jordan heard James laughing too now, and possibly Cash.

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