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After the show, Jordan and the guys run into Jo and Hendrix backstage. "Wow Jo, you are still amazing. Hey Hendrix, you're not so bad yourself." Jordan hugs Jo. Then he shakes Hendrix's hand. "You both did great. Bohemian Rhapsody, was a great choice. The crowd loved. You know I always loved watching you perform "

"Yeah your performance was the best of the night." Donnie tells them.

Darren walks up, holding a sleeping little girl in his arms. "Hey guys, how's it going? I loved the new song." Jordan eyeballs him and the little girl. God she is beautiful. "This is JJ, she insisted on coming tonight, but she can't hang past 9pm." Jon can't take his eyes off of little JJ. He looks from her to Jordan, then back to her. His eyes go to Jo, she's looking at Jon. He sees what he thinks is fear in her eyes. Then he knows what he thinks, is true. He excuses himself.

Jordan and Jo are talking, for the first time in five years. Their conversation flows, just like two old friends. It's nice and comfortable. Darren stands by talking to Donnie and Joey. They all get along and have a good time. JJ wakes up and is being cranky so Jo and Darren say their goodbyes. Jon stops Jo on her way out, now he gets to meet JJ. He hugs Jo and says goodbye, but he never takes his eyes off JJ. "It was really good seeing you Jo. I'm really happy for you. Congrats on tonight. Hopefully we'll see you again soon."

"Thanks Jon, it was really great seeing you too. I've missed you guys. My time on tour with you all was some of the best times in my life. Anytime your in California call me, we'll get together."

"I'll do that Jo. I'd love to be able to see you and really catch up. I'd love to get to know that beautiful little girl of yours." He kisses her on the cheek and walks away.

Jo can't get out of there quick enough though. She's in such a hurry, Darren has a hard time keeping up with her. "Jo, slow down. Why are you in such a hurry? Wait up!"

Jo stops once she gets to the elevator of the parking garage across from the venue. She pushes the up button over and over, even though she knows that won't make the elevator come any faster. Darren and JJ catch up to her just as the doors open. Jo takes JJ from him as they get into the elevator. She hugs her close. "Mommy you were running so fast. You made Daddy lose his breath, now he can't catch it." JJ points at Darren as he bends over trying to catch his breath. Jo gives her a little laugh, "I see that sweetie, Mommy's sorry. I'm just ready to get back home. Its past someone's bedtime." Jo gives her daughter a little kiss on the nose.

"Whose mommy, I already took a nap and I'm not tired at all." JJ says as a jaw cracking yawn takes over her. She even gives a little full body shiver afterwards. Jo laughs at her little girl, "You're not tired at all? Are you sure about that?"

JJ thinks for a second and says, "I'm not one hundred sure, but I'm almost sure." Jo looks at Darren and they both smile, their little girl is something else.

Jo puts JJ into her seat and buckles her in. Darren starts the car as Jo gets herself buckled in. JJ asks from the backseat, "Daddy, will you put on my favorite? Please, please, please, please..." Her "pleases" will continue until she gets her answer.

Jo answers her, "No baby girl, no New Kids tonight." JJ doesn't like her answer, "Mommy, please just Popsicle, please its my best favorite song." Jo starts to say no again, but Darren's already putting on the song for her.

Jo looks over at Darren, he can see in her eyes she isn't happy. "Darren I will never understand why you introduced her to their music."

"She was going to be introduced to them sooner or later. I figured its better I do it my way", he says with a little sadness, or maybe it's bitterness in his voice. Jo reaches for his hand and holds it tight. He pulls her hand to his mouth and kisses it.

The ride home is quiet, aside from the sound of JJ singing in the backseat to her favorite song. Until she falls asleep.

Darren carries JJ up to her room and changes his sleeping daughter into her pajamas before tucking her into bed. He kisses her on her forehead and tells her he loves her. Jo kisses her next. And brushes her hair off her face. "I love you too my beautiful baby girl."

Darren and Jo go to their room. Jo starts undressing for bed. Darren watches her, a familiar hunger radiates inside him. She stands there naked in front of him, not even noticing him staring at her. "Jo" he says her name, she turns to look at him. He's sitting in his chair at the end of their bed. Leaning back, long legs stretched out in front of him. His dress shirt unbuttoned and opened showing off his hard, chiseled abs. His pants are unbuttoned and unzipped, his erection in his hand. She takes him in, "Darren, what are you doing?"

"God, you are so beautiful Jo. I've never been so attracted to anyone in my whole life. Even after all these years with you, you still turn me on like no one ever has. Come here to me please. Jo I need you so badly right now."

She feels her arousal between her legs. The ache grows as she walks slowly over to him. The closer she gets to him, the stronger the ache gets.

They make love that night, like they haven't in a long time. She's been so busy with the her music. They don't often make time for each other anymore. Not because they don't still love each other. But because they've been busy with life. But tonight that make time, for just each other.

They lay in bed together after their love making. Darren is so proud of his wife, "Congratulations on the awards. And your performance was phenomenal. How was it seeing the New Kids again?"

"Thank you babe. And yeah it was good seeing them. I'm glad I got a chance to talk to Jordan. It was just like how it was when we were friends. One thing though. Did you see how Jon was looking at JJ? I think he suspects something. I think he knows."

"Sweetie, what do you think he knows?"

"Darren, honey, you have to see it."

"See what? See how much I love my daughter? See how much my daughter loves me? Do I see what a beautiful family we have? There's nothing else to see. She's my daughter, I'm her father. That's all there is to see."

"I'm sorry Darren. It was just the way Jon stared at her. Darren she is yours, you're her father. Nothing will ever change that. But, she has his eyes. And I'm almost positive Jon saw it tonight."

"Babe, is that why you ran out of there so fast? You think Jon might suspect something?"

"Yes and no. It was just too much. Too much of the past. A little overwhelming, but good I guess. I'm just glad its over.

Lyrics and Love: Say Goodbye (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now