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Its been two days since they'd spent their first night together. They had fallen into a peaceful sleep after they had sex, the first time. But he'd woken her up a few hours later in the most amazing way.

She was really enjoying getting to know Jordan intimately. He was turning out to be absolutely nothing like she thought, which thrilled her.

They were on the road to London now, they had only a couple more hours. Jo decided to spend the last stretch of the ride with Jordan, on his bus. They laid in his bunk, talking and holding each other, kissing and touching each other, devouring and worshipping each other. They had become increasingly more involved since they had finally "gone out". Her body just responded to him. He walked into a room where she was and her body chimed. She walked into the room where Jordan was and his body pinged to attention. They were hyper aware of each other. This didn't bother Jordan in the least, he actually loved it. But Jo was so worried about her older brothers noticing this, Jordan didn't really get why it worried her. But he guessed he'd see what she was so worried about in a couple hours. He told her he didn't plan on keeping his feelings hidden. She told him it was his funeral. He wasn't scared.

"Jo, are you going to hide what's going on with us when we get to London? Are you going to hide how you feel about me?" Jo ran her fingers through his beautiful thick hair and smiled at him. "Look J, you have your reasons for "hiding" us from your world and I have my reasons. Please try to understand. I'm not ashamed or unclear about how I feel or what I want. It's just easier than dealing with the fallout from the brothers."

"Jo, I want to understand. But explain to me how we hide this thing between us. I can't keep my hands off you when you're near me. I gravitate towards you. But I'll figure it out, if that's what you really want. Now let's not waste anymore time on that, let's enjoy what time we have left before we're invaded by your oh so scary brothers." And he didn't waste anymore time, his lips immediately found hers.

"Thank you for trying to understand. And I promise we'll find a way to be together while my brothers are here. And if they find out, then I guess they find out. I'll stand by how I feel about you." She said as he kissed down her neck.

She threw her leg over his hip, rubbing against him, sending pleasure up his spine. They kissed deeply, ravishing each other. As if they read each other's minds, they both undressed from the waist down. Laying face to face in his bunk, she returned her leg over his hip, bring her body flush against his. He found her entrance and pushed into her warmth, slowly stretching her to fit. She moaned into his shoulder, to keep the others on the bus from hearing her. He put his mouth to hers, kissing her with such passion. She clinged to him, her arms wrapped under his arms, gripping his shoulders. Giving herself the ability to move with him. He grabbed her ass, moving her body closer against his, causing the sweetest friction pushing her faster towards her climax. He knew she was very close when he felt her nails sink into his shoulders. He pulled her tighter against him and thrust into her as hard as he could, with them being in such close quarters. She tried to stifle her cries, but wasn't successful, as she orgasmed. Jordan's own orgasm followed just three thrusts after hers. He wasn't able to keep his moans quiet either. When they laid panting, trying to catch their breath, they heard Danny, Donnie, Joey and Jon all start laughing loudly and congratulating Jordan, and Jo. This caused them both to laugh.

Donnie stuck his head into the bunk room, "Hey guys, it's only about thirty more minutes to London. So I'd hurry and get presentable if you don't want to look like you just finished fucking in a cramped bunk, in the back of a tour bus. Jo, from what I understand your bros are already there, waiting for the buses. How will you explain getting off our bus instead of the bands?" Donnie laughed, "Ha ha ha I said getting off, and both of you were doing exactly that five minutes ago, ha ha ha. I'm a fucking funny guy. Get up, get dressed, almost time to ignore each other for however long those angry brothers are with us. Hey, don't worry Jordan, if they find out and come after you, your four brothers have your back."

Jo didn't like how that sounded. She silently prayed there would be no issues with the guys and her brothers. Donnie left and went back to the other guys to give them privacy.

Jo kissed Jordan one more time before crawling out of his bunk and cleaning herself up and getting dressed. She brushed her hair and fixed her makeup so she looked nice when they got to London. When she walked out of the bathroom, Jordan was dressed, he opened his arms to her, she threw herself at him. Wrapping their arms tight around each other. Holding each other until the bus came to a stop in London. They let go of one another, kissing again, then Jo walked to the door of the bus. She turned her head back, looking at Jordan she blew him a kiss, he blew one back to her, then she opened the door and walked out.

All Jordan could hear was three very loud male voices yelling her name. Why did he suddenly feel worried? He hung back on the bus as the other guys left. He wasn't ready to be ignored by Jo. He wasn't sure how he was going to stay away from her. He couldn't stand this. But she had made a good point, his publicist kept any of the guys girlfriends hidden from the public. Because it was best to make sure the female fans always believe they were attainable. It wasn't something the guys liked, but it was what was best for their careers. So maybe Jo knew it was best to keep what they had going on quiet from her brothers. He needed to respect her wishes.

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