Sweet // Loki Laufeyson

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You emerge from your bedroom with a yawn, still looking exhausted in your comfy pajamas. Loki notices you enter the kitchen and can't help but smile to himself at how adorable you look in the morning. You return his warming grin as your heart flutters at the sight of him looking so excited. The way you care for Loki so deeply causes you to be happy when he is. Without a doubt, he feels the same way, but he isn't always so cheerful when you are affectionate with others.

"Morning, kid," Tony announces to you with a nod. With your bright grin still plastered on you face you make your way over to Tony and wrap him up in a tight hug which he returns.

"What's up, Tony? Hogging all the coffee this morning are we?" You ask, noticing he is pouring a mug that's certainly not his first.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." he mutters while holding tighter onto the coffee pot.

Steve chuckles from the living room, turning around and gaining the attention from everyone else. "That's his fourth cup."

Tony rolls his eyes in response and hands you the pot that only has a little coffee left. "Thank you very much," you state sarcastically as you pour yourself your own mug. Then you waltz over to Steve and ruffle his hair before swinging your arm around his shoulder. "And good morning to my favorite super soldier!" The two of you laugh as he hugs you back.

Loki crosses his arms and grunts in anger as he watches you give out affection to all the men in the room but him. He can't help that you're so sweet and friendly, but sometimes he wishes that behavior could be reserved for only him. He knows you're far too kind to care about someone like him, but he likes to think he can dream about such paradise where you reciprocate his feelings. But if only he knew how you spend every waking minute thinking about how lovely he is and how desperately you want him.

He sighs again, but louder and with more annoyance in his breath. "What's the matter, reindeer games? You pissed over a little coffee too?"

"I'm not pissed! I just wanted some fucking caffeine this morning, not your disrespect Mr. Iron Man, sir," you chuckle as you jokingly salute him. Shaking your head with a smirk you slowly walk to Loki. "Here you go," you say handing him the pot and placing a quick kiss to his cheek.

The second you pull your lips away his hand falls to where you pecked him. His cheeks are a bright red and you can sense the nervousness radiating off of him. "Thank you, Y/N," he mumbles anxiously.

You place a hand on his shoulder and leave it there, grinning up at him with nothing but admiration in care in your eyes. "Anytime, love."

Loki chokes on his coffee at the affectionate nickname. His heart skips a beat and his mind repeats the same idea of you calling him that forever. You laugh at how flustered he is before retreating back to your room.

Later that evening, most of the Avengers were hidden in their rooms, some were out running errands, and others were training or working in the lab. Loki knew you were hanging out in your room because you announced that's where you were headed after dinner. He decided that while you are alone it would be a good time to express his jealousy and explain the way he's so in love with you. He paces outside your door, desperately craving to go inside and see you. But what if you don't want to see him? What if you hate him? What if he makes a fool of himself?

Taking a deep breath, he brings his shaking hand to your door and knocks quietly. Almost immediately, you swing the door open, beaming brightly when you realize it's Loki on the other side. "Hey, honey, what's up?" you question, another nickname making butterflies flutter in his stomach.

"Hello, Y/N. There is something that has been recently brought to my attention that I would like to share with you." You nod, encouraging him to continue. "I guess to explain it I should start by informing you I do not particularly enjoy the way you treat the others."

You furrow your eyebrows at him. "What do you mean?"

"There is a certain way you go about interacting with them that I do not like to see," he says. "There are the affectionate touches or the terms of endearment that make me feel rather unpleasant."

"You don't like how I treat my friends?" you ask with a hint of irritation in your voice. You're surprised to find someone doesn't appreciate your sweetness. "Loki you need to understand I'm just nice to the people I fucking care about! You can't come to my room all upset over something so stupid. I just-"

"No it's not that!" Loki explains, cutting you off. "I do not mind it when you treat me that way...just the others."

Your anger subsides and you look up at Loki with understanding. "Okay so you're just jealous."

Sighing, he nods. "I suppose you could put it that way."

You grab Loki's hand, dragging him into your room and slamming the door behind him. His eyes widen in shock as you nearly pin him against, smashing your lips on his. He immediately gives into the kiss, bringing his large hand to the back of your neck and tangling it in your soft locks. Spinning you around he now pushes you up against the door as he kisses you with more passion and hunger.

You pull your lips form him reluctantly and bring a hand to the side of his handsome face. He chuckles nervously as he tries to catch his breath. "I am going to presume you share these feelings, my love."

You blush at the nickname, not used to being called something so sweet by the man you care about. "Loki I am so madly in love with you.

He grins seductively, placing another soft kiss on your lips. "And I, my dear, am madly in love with you."

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