A Little Push // Foggy Nelson

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"Wait, where's my pizza?" Foggy looked around at the table almost suspiciously before he met your eyes. "Did you eat my pizza?"

"Lies and slander," you said through a mouthful of what was definitely Foggy's pizza.

At his dramatic gasp, you laughed and pushed the plate back over to him. He pulled it to him, murmuring about his precious, and you shook your head as you went back to your own pizza.

Your friendship with Foggy had started the moment you started working in the same building as his law office. The first introduction was late at night while you helped one of the realty agents unpack. There was loud singing coming from the office next door and you had gone to investigate.

The man you found passionately singing along to the radio was immediately embarrassed. You thought it was adorable.

Since then you were fast friends. Of course no one could take the number one best friend spot from his partner Matt Murdock, but you were happy in second place.

The funny thing was that Foggy wasn't conventionally handsome but you were head over heels. No one knew that of course. Well, almost no one.

Karen had guessed one night while the two of you were on the phone, with you lamenting that Foggy had canceled your weekly movie night to go out with Marci.

"It sounds like you're jealous," she teased. And when you didn't respond, she yelled out "Holy shit, do you like him?"

It had taken threats, bribes, and begging to get Karen to promise not to say anything. It didn't stop her from winking at you anytime you spent time with Foggy.

Matt knew as well but that didn't count because it's not your fault you can't control your heartbeat. And it wasn't fair because he could hear your heartbeat.

They both promised not to tell Foggy about your feelings for which you were grateful. His off and on thing with Marci not with standing, you didn't want things to be weird if he didn't feel the same. And you were certain he didn't feel the same.

Foggy flirted with you a bit when you first met but then you realized it was mostly just his personality. The overt flirting stopped after the first month or so of knowing each have other.

While you thought about him, Foggy was focusing in his food. He had been looking more stressed than usual, hence you picking up pizza for the two of you. It was late at night and you were in his office.

"Big case?"

Foggy looked up from his food and sighed, tossing his hair out of his face.

"Yeah. The client is in serious trouble. She's actually staying in a hotel because she's so scared of these guys. I just want to make sure this case goes smoothly, you know?"

You nodded and reached out to clasp his wrist.

"You'll nail the guy to the wall," you said with a smile.

Foggy rolled his eyes, not bothering to explain that they were defending the victim and not prosecuting the real villains, and leaned back in his seat. You could tell that he was looking you over and you thought about joking with him, asking if he saw something he liked, but the joke hit too close to home. Instead you stayed quiet and went back to your food.

A little while later, Foggy realized that if he was going to stay up and work on the case, he was going to need coffee.

"The good stuff, not that brown water that we have here." He was sliding on his jacket, giving you a smile as he did. "Would you like to accompany me? I'm just going to the cafe down the block."

"I think I'm gonna say no to coffee. Some of us like to sleep at night," you joked as you leaned back.

Foggy gave you a nod and checked his pockets for his keys.

"You gonna stay here or head home?" When you said you'd wait for him to get back, he gave you a smile and headed towards the door. "Don't eat any of my pizza while I'm gone."

His warning was met with deaf ears as you immediately made a grab for his pizza the moment the door shut. He would notice but you know he would never tell you know.

A little while later, while you threw away your plate, you heard the doorknob rattling. A glance at the clock said that Foggy had only been gone less than ten minutes and the cafe he was going to was about that far away. You frowned and headed to the door.

"Did you forget something?"

As you reached out for the knob, the door was viciously kicked in. The wood smacked into you, sending a searing pain along your arm. As you cradled it to you, you took a few hesitant steps back as you faced down three men. One looked familiar, his face splashed on the papers in Foggy's office. He was also holding a gun pointed in your direction.

"Where's the lawyer?"

Your eyes darted between the three men, minutely shaking your head.

"He's not here," you said carefully. They were obviously asking about Foggy.

"Shut up," he snapped as he raised the gun a little higher.

You clenched your mouth shut, hoping beyond hope that this was not going to end the way you feared. The other men went into Matt and Foggy's offices. The man in Foggy's office immediately started to gather the paperwork that had been spread out on the table.

Once the three of them were gathered at the door again, the leader got your attention once more.

"I'm gonna leave a message for that lawyer," he said ominously before he pulled the trigger.

At first you weren't sure what had happened but it was only because you're adrenaline was rushing. After a moment you felt the sting and then the immediate blood of pain in your chest.

As you slumped to the floor, you watched the three men leave the office in a hurry. You could only pray that they wouldn't run into Foggy on the way out.


Foggy juggled the coffee and the bag of donuts he had splurged on at the last minute. He knew they were Y/N's favorite and if she was going to he keeping him company while he poured over the case, the least he could do was treat her to something nice.

He wanted to treat her to all kind of nice things. It was something he complained about to Marci constantly. So constantly that Marci had threatened to reveal his feelings on multiple occasions just to get him to shut up.

Thankfully Karen and Matt didn't know. Well Matt might because of the super hearing, but he kept it to himself.

At least she didn't seem more interested in Matt. That would be a blow to Foggy's already fragile ego.

As he went down the hall, he got a sense that something wasn't right. The door to the office was open and he was certain that he had shut it.

When he entered the office, he saw Y/N sprawled out on the floor, a pool of blood beneath her. Her chest was rising and falling ruggedly.

Without a second thought he dropped the coffee and the donuts and slid over to her, pressing his hand against the bullet wound on her shoulder.

Too close to her heart.

"Y/N," he called out as he straightened up to find his phone, "stay with me okay?"

Her eyelids fluttered and Foggy took that as a promise that she wasn't going to die anytime soon. He kept up a stream of nonsense to her as he dialed 911, stopping only to provide the information to the operator.

She couldn't die. Foggy wouldn't allow it.


"Stop hovering," you griped to Foggy who was trying to fluff your pillow again. "I appreciate it but I'm about to smother you with that pillow."

"You just got shot; I'm pretty sure I can take ya."

He moved back a bit and took the seat next to your hospital bed. He reached out and grabbed your hand, squeezing it gently.

"You scared me," he said, eyes trained on your hand and the IV sticking out of your arm.

"I'll try not to get shot again," you said as you shifted a bit, wincing at the bite in your chest.

"Well your testimony and eye witness account has helped put him and his buddies away. He's not a threat to you." Foggy's thumb rubbed against your hand and you let yourself sigh at the touch. "I mean it though. I saw you on the floor with all that blood and it scared me to death."

He looked up and met your eyes. Your breath caught at the look in his eyes, the affection and fear at war.

"Oh," you breathed with a small stretching over your lips. He looked confused for a moment and you squeezed his fingers. "I do too."

It was strange out of context because he hadn't actually said the words, but he didn't have to say them. Instead he was smiling at you, eyes bright and breathtaking.

"Well that's a relief," he said with a laugh, leaning in to press his lips against your hand.

"About damn time," came a familiar voice from the door.

You both looked up and smiled at Karen and Matt, holding flowers and a get well balloon. Foggy rolled his eyes and gestured for them to come in, Karen leading Matt.

"Yeah, it only takes a gunshot to really spell romance."

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