Friends (Pt. 3) // Chris Evans

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"I cannot believe you, man!" Anthony almost yelled. "You-you went back to her over a misunderstanding!"

"Why?" Sebastian asked. "Just why?"

Chris didn't say anything, what could he say. He had went back to Erica, the woman he swore he would never go back to, all because he had been jealous. Now he'd lost Y/N; he was stuck with a woman he couldn't stand to be around; and his friends were lecturing him like they were his parents.

"After the way she treated you, that last time" Anthony continued. "I thought we'd never see her again. I was hoping we'd never see her again."

"What were you thinking?" Sebastian asked. He sounded so much like his mother, that Chris looked up at him.

"Dude, seriously? You sound like my mom."

"Well, it is a fair question."

"I don't know. All I know is that I was mad. And hurt. I thought- I thought Y/N was gonna leave me."

"So, what? You left her first?"

Chris nodded his head. Leaning forward he put his head in his hands "I fucked up."

"You can say that again." Anthony said. He took a seat next to his friend and put a hand on his shoulder. "Look, we'll figure something out. It's not the end of the world."

"How? I mean, what can we possibly do?"

"Well, first thing is getting rid of Erica." he looked at Sebastian. "Any ideas on how to do that?"

"Wooden stake through the heart?" Sebastian suggested, trying to lighten the mood.

Chris chuckled "Nah, that won't work, I've tried it."

They all laughed. "I'm gonna have to talk to her."

Sebastian and Anthony looked at each other. Knowing how well Erica could manipulate him.

Sebastian shrugged. "Yeah, it's really the only way."

"Good luck man, stay strong." Anthony said.


Y/N paced her living room, unable to sit still. She'd left work early, because she had become so agitated she couldn't focus. It had been two weeks since the restaurant, and she was still fuming over what had happened.

I cannot believe him! She thought furiously. One tiny mistake, that he wouldn't even let me explain, and he goes back to her.

And to top it all off he hadn't even tried to call her, not even a text. She had tried and tried to explain herself when he was mad, but now that the tables were turned: nothing!

"Well then if he doesn't care enough to explain himself, then he doesn't care at all. So why should I spend my time worrying about him?" She said to herself. "I've gotta move on. The chance we had to be together is over."

She sighed, trying to resign herself to her fate. She didn't like it; she still wanted him. When she closed her eyes she could see him, she could still feel his arms around her, his kisses, his touch... she missed it.

Shaking her head, she tried to clear her mind. "Moving on, moving on..." She picked up her phone and scrolled through the contacts.

"Hmm I could call Jason... not to go out, just to talk?"

She stared at his name for a good minute, she sighed and called him. As the phone rang she contemplated hanging up but before she could end the call, he answered.

"Hey, Y/N. What's going on? Long time, no talk."

"Hey, umm can you talk?"

"Yeah sure, what's up? You okay?"

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