Let It All Out // Nathan Summers

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The X-Force team was walking through the forest on our way to rescue a few mutant kids that the facility officers had managed to smuggle past us on the last rescue mission. This wasn't my first mission, but I haven't been on many. It's mostly because I don't trust myself. My powers are remarkable, but there are times when I lose control and all hell breaks loose. However, Colossus and Wade somehow managed to convince me to join them on this one.

Once we reached our first marker, we split up into groups. Colossus, Negasonic , and Yukio would go around the back of the building and wait while Deadpool and Domino went inside to get the kids out. That left me with Cable, which was nothing unusual.

Cable and I were close. Honestly, "close" was an understatement. There were parts of Cable that were still a mystery to me. He's generally a quiet person. But I knew enough about him to know when he needs my company, needs his space, and how to surprise him to show him I care. Not to mention I enjoyed finding out new things about him. When it came to me, however, Cable could read me like an open book no matter how closed off I got. He knew when something was upsetting me and when I lied about it. He was always able to get me to talk to him even if I didn't want to. But honestly, I always felt so much better afterwards because Cable knew what to do to change my mood.

There wasn't much he didn't know about me. The only things he didn't know were what my powers were, and my code name. Which I got because of my powers. Oh, and the fact that I wasn't a mutant, which made me wonder why I was on the team in the first place.

It's not that I don't like my code name, but because it associates me with my powers, I prefer not to be called by that name.

I was lost in my thoughts when Wade shouted at me. "Earth to (y/n)!"

"What? Sorry- I was just-"

"Thinking about my beautiful bod," Wade said. "I know, it's a distraction. I just can't help it."

"Would you just your dick hole of a mouth," Negasonic said.

Colossus ignored their banter and looked at me. "You and Cable are going to keep watch." I nodded. "And, (y/n), don't be afraid to use your powers. I've been training with you long enough to know you won't lose control. Have some confidence in yourself." I just nodded one last time and could feel Cable staring at me.

"Alright! Let's go save some angsty teens!" Deadpool shouted.

We parted ways and Cable and I walked about a quarter mile east where we set up "camp". Basically we just made ourselves comfortable. I could still feel his eyes on me. I knew he had questions. Especially since I was being so quiet.

I sat on the grass underneath an oak tree and just picked at the grass. I could hear for miles. So far, so good.

"You're unusually quiet," Cable said. I just grunted a response. 'What is it? Your powers? Is that why I've never seen them? Because you're afraid?"

"You haven't seen them for a reason. Just leave it at that."

"C'mon, darling. You can't keep hiding them away forever."

"Please. Let's not do this today, Nathan." I only ever call him by his name when we're alone.


I stood and started walking away when he caught my arm. "Why can't you ever just leave things alone, Nathan!" I shouted and pulled out of his grip. I felt my body shaking.

"I just want to be sure you're okay," he said softly, taking a step closer.

"Do I look okay? I'm never okay. I don't belong on this fucking team!!"

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