Thorns // Frank Castle

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   Warning(s): Kidnapping, violence, swearing, slight sexual assault(?)


Your eyes snap open from your slumber as you hear your apartment door being busted down. You immediately leap from your bed and search for the gun your best friend Frank left you. You pulled out the draws of your bedside table and pulled out clothes from your dresser but to no avail you couldn't find it anywhere. You hear the heavy footsteps of two different people searching through your apartment. You take this opportunity to rush to your window and pry it open.

"Ah, ah, ah little lady." A raspy voice chuckled. You here the safety of a gun click off as the two men walk into the room. "Step away from the window, keep your hands above your head and turn around. If you don't comply, we shoot you." You sigh, and did what you were told. The other man came up and grabbed your wrists, zip tying them together.

"Is it pointless to ask why you are doing this?" You say with an eyeroll as they push you out of your apartment, his gun pressed against your back.

"Your buddy, the Punisher, has been causing' us trouble. We've been following him and saw him come here a few times." You reached outside where a black car was waiting, the trunk open.

Before they made you take another step, the man pistol-whipped the back of your head and everything went dark.


Frank Castle walked up the steps of your apartment, duffle bag in one hand and a bag of doughnuts in another. Despite him not wanting to get close to anyone, Frank couldn't help it. You wormed your way into his heart ever since you found him almost dead in an alleyway. You helped him out, and offered him to always come back if he needed fixing.

Frank reached your floor and came to a complete stop at your broken door, the items in his hands fell to the floor. He carefully stepped over the broken door, pulling his gun from his side holster, his dark eyes scanning for any signs of life. He came to a stop at your bedroom, draws pulled out and clothes strung about.

"Dammit (Y/N)!" He hissed under his breath. "Where was your gun?" Worry and anger started to bubble inside him when he saw a note left by the kidnappers. He knew exactly who it was that kidnapped you and Frank was going to make them pay for touching you.

Castle stepped out of your apartment, tossing the doughnuts in your place before grabbing his gear. Frank made his way to the top of the building, he needed to clear his mind for a second before he went out looking for you. He reached the top of the building and walked to the ledge, setting his gun bag down.

He stared at the city he wanted cleanse, his blood boiled knowing you were out there in harm. His mind started beating himself up, you were taken because of him, you could be hurt or killed because of him.


You groan and squint your eyes as you started waking up, your head pounding from where you where hit. You struggle to stand up, but soon realized your hands and feet were bound to a metal chair. You look around as your vision started getting used to the light, you could tell you were in a small room in some hideout. You hear talking outside and you were able to pick up the name of the factory. The two men that kidnapped you and another, slightly shorter man, walked in.

"Here she is boss." One of the kidnappers said to the shorter man.

"Hey baby cakes." He greeted with a crooked grin. "I'm Paul Romano. You may or may not of heard of me. I run a small gang and your friend is tampering with business. So, you will call him and tell him to meet at the park. His life for yours. You do that and a hair wont be harmed on that precious head of yours." He had one of his men cut on of the zip ties as the boss handed you a burner phone. You tapped in the number you knew, and held the device to ear.

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