The Voice Inside My Head // Wade Wilson

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You walked down the busy street, feeling numb in the world. Feeling an aching that never would leave and it was getting pretty fucking annoying. Gripping the bag of groceries in hand, you jogged across the street toward the shitty apartment he lived in.

He had pushed you far away so long ago. Tried to get you to see he was nothing but trouble, yet here you were. Standing outside his door like a world class moron, clutching to his favorite food and a little hope. A stupid little gleam of hope that he'd just stop being a fucking idiot and give it a go. Give it a real chance.

So you knocked - banged your fist against the door until the pain stopped and his voice came from the other side.

"For the love of Oprah Winfrey! I'm going to kick your little asses!"

The door flung open and there he stood, in his Deadpool suit without his mask carrying a stuffed unicorn, which he immediately threw over his shoulder.

"Neighbor kids - little pricks," Wade explained as his eyes shifted around before landing on you. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Ignoring the question, you held up the grocery bag and smiled. "Interrupting wanking time apparently. I bought you some groceries."

Wade wanted to smile and tell you to come in, but after everything that happened with Vanessa, he wasn't willingly to bring you into his fucked up life. She had left him or he had left her, things were a bit murky in the merc's head. All he knew was that things got really shitty and before he could stop it, he was alone again. Then he met you.

And fuck him if you weren't the perfect woman. The fact that he had to hold you back from fights at Sister Margaret's and often caught you sharpening his katanas, it should have been easy. It was easy in fact, the merc found himself disgustingly in love with you and damn if he didn't want to fill you up with his pooly sperm every damn second of the day. Then he remembered Francis - that fucking prick. He had gotten his hands on Vanessa once and he wasn't going to let anyone get you. The best thing he could do was let you go.

You were the Jack to his Rose - wait didn't that british bitch let him go?

"Listen Rose," Wade shook away all Titanic thoughts and sighed.

"Rose? I'm more of a Blanche," you teased.

The merc snorted and shook a finger at you. "If anyone's Blanche, I am."

"Whatever, Blanche. Just take the groceries, I bought those chimichangas you like so much and fruit roll ups, because apparently you are a six year old boy."

Wade hesitated when you held out the bag for him, but took it and thanked you. "I appreciate it. But you shouldn't be here."

"I'm sorry I came here to talk to Wade fucking Wilson, not his equally handsome but little bitch of a brother, Ward."

"What the shit! Ward? Really? What come back school did you go to?"

"Merc with a Mouth Academy, asshole. Are you going to invite me in or what?"

The smile faded from your mouth as Wade's eyes met you with apprehension. You were a strong person, but the tears started welling up in your eyes and that was enough to send you packing. So you waved him off and turned to walk away, even though every fiber in your body screamed at you to stop. Stop because you loved Wade - in all his crazy and gloriousness. Whatever he was afraid of, whatever was stopping him from loving you back, it wasn't your fault. And that brought you some comfort, gave you some hope that one day he'd get his shit together and just fucking love you.

Don't be a fucking moron, go get her!

Nah, she's too hot for you.

Vanessa was hot too and look what happened with that.

Just go inside and let's eat all the chimichangas!

Running a hand over his face, he wished away the voices inside his head. But then he heard one.


I love you, Wade. So stop being a jackass.

He stood in the doorway of his shitty apartment, grocery bag in hand.

So yeah things could get shitty, your life would probably be in danger constantly, but he was Deadpool. He'd kill anyone that looked at you the wrong way, he would protect you no matter what, plus the sex was the bomb dot com. Dropping the bag to the ground, the fruit roll ups fell out of the bag and Wade looked down at them.

Come on, a woman who brings your favorite food?

She's a fucking keeper.


Stopping in your tracks, you turned to the sound of Wade's voice. He was walking toward you with a smile and your heart sighed.

"Harry Potter reference, alright I can dig that," you mused meeting him halfway.

The merc grinned at you and shrugged. "Listen, so you know the voices in my head?"

"Moe, Larry and Curly," you nodded.

"Well there's a new edition," he rolled his eyes in false annoyance and placed both hands on your waist. Slipping your own around his neck, you waited for him to go on. "Really hot voice, I'm going to be walking around with a boner 24/7."

"Don't you already?"

"True," Wade agreed pulling you into his chest letting his hands move down to your ass. "Anyway, it's you, you little shit."

"It's me?"

You tried holding back a smug smile, but the merc saw right through it. "Don't you get a huge ego now! There's only room for one big head in this relationship and that's me!"

Laughing, you quickly pressed a kiss onto his lips. It had been too long and felt so good. The two of you moaned into each other's mouth and you had to pry yourself off the merc after a while - sorta needed to breath.

"My dick," Wade pointed out as you pulled from him and started toward the apartment. Following you, he watched as you picked up the fruit roll ups off the floor. "I was talking about my oversized cock - the whole big ego shtick."

"Oh, I know. Fruit roll up?"

The merc smirked over at you and caught the snack. "Shit, I love you."

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