Being Matt Murdock's Daughter Would Include

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- Matt is very protective of you. His biggest fear is that somehow some day something will happen to you and he does everything in his power to make sure you're safe, but at the same time he tries not to suffocate you

- He teaches you to always be honest, with his senses there would be no lying anyway, but you don't know that

- You're more afraid of losing his trust than anything else, since that's what your whole relationship is built on

- Church on Sundays, but if you come to believe in something different, Matt will be very accepting

- Foggy, of course, spoils you rotten, despite Matt's attempts to keep him from doing so

- Karen has become a sort of sister to you and you love her without question, since there are some things you'd rather not discuss with your father

- You find out he's the Devil of Hell's Kitchen at the same time Foggy does, and kick yourself for not figuring it out sooner

- Eventually you start joining him on his patrols (though he argued strongly against it- compromise is made for weekends only) and Melvin designs an armored suit for you, too

- Outside the night life, you often help him prepare for his trials

- "Were you or were you not aware of the laws being violated by your office?"

- "I am the law."

- "Y/n, please take this seriously."

- "You can't handle the truth!"

- You try to make him laugh as often as possible, considering how much he's been through. On occasion you'll steal his glasses or take his cane, stand at his office door, and say, "You shall not pass!"

- As a result, he pulls you into a bone-crushing hug and replies, "My precious, my precious!"

- Because you are his precious little girl and he loves how playful you can get and can't help but join in

- Hugs. Lots of hugs.

- Being an only child, you become extremely jealous of Elektra when she comes through and steals your dad's attention away from you

- But to be honest, she's not a big fan of you either. Though after a while you warm up to each other and Elektra would tell you stories about the trouble she and Matt got into during college (keeping it PG)

- Stick doesn't give a shit when he comes into the picture, and doesn't try to hide his distaste for you in the slightest. You normally need to keep yourself from daring him to fight you, knowing that's not a bridge you want to cross, though you've come close once or twice

- Matt always calms you down when you're upset by telling you stories of Grandpa Jack and his shenanigans with Foggy

- You love stories, which leads to you reading to Matt from an early age and he absolutely loves how into them you get. You learn to read Braille so you would know what documents to grab for him should he need them

- You wouldn't trade your relationship with your dad for anything and neither would he <3

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