Who Could It Be at This Hour? // Danny Rand

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You were sitting on the floor in your living room, small stacks of papers for new book orders surrounding you as you tried to figure out which ones to sign for first. The television was showing flash flood warnings on the bottom of the screen, the rain wasn't coming down too hard yet but you had an idea it was going to get worse later tonight.

You looked up from your work when you heard a couple knocks on the door, reaching across the paper piles to reach for your phone. There weren't any messages from anyone, so who was at your door so late?

Getting up from your spot, you walked over to peer through a window at the top of the door and saw someone wearing dark clothes and a hood covering their face.

Now any sensible person seeing that waiting for them at the front door of their house would be terrified.

But it was storming outside, and you couldn't help but feel bad just letting them out there.

So slowly, you cracked opened the door to look outside.

The person looked up upon you opening the door and you saw a very upset looking Danny standing there.

"Oh, hello!" You said, grabbing his arm and ushering him inside. "What are you doing here? You'll get sick out in the rain!"

Danny yanked down his hood, his curls were damp and lightly clung to his forehead. His cheeks looked a little flushed, and he had small bruises and cuts scattered around his face.

"I know, but I had to see you."

"Is everything alright? You look dreadful." You helped him to the couch. "Here, I'll get you a towel."

"No, I have to talk to you." Danny said, clutching onto your arm.

You smiled softly, placing your hand onto his and gently releasing yourself from his grasp. "It will take me ten seconds, and we need to warm you up before you get sick."

Dannu reluctantly agreed, he seemed antsy though, even when you returned with a towel and a warm sweatshirt for him to wear, Danny jumped at the slightest of sounds.

You took the towel and laid it across his head, fluffing up his hair to help with the dampness. "Hey, you look pretty shaken up. Did something happen?"

Danny stared up at you as you dried off his hair, in his trance he almost didn't hear what you asked him. "Oh, nothing you need to worry out."

You tossed aside the towel and handed him the sweatshirt. "Put this on, I can put the other one in the dryer."

He did as told, shedding the wet jacket and shoving on the dry one. "What were you doing? Did I interrupt something important?"

You shook your head, hearing the alarmed tone of his voice you gently ran your hands through his hair to calm him down. "Just some paper work, nothing groundbreaking."

Danny nodded, remembering all the cuts he had and he tried to move from the ground. "I-I'm getting blood all over your things, I'm sorry."

You lightly pushed him down. "You're fine, there just little cuts I can take care of. Just stay here, can you do that for me?"

He didn't try to get up so you took that as a yes, jogging to the bathroom to locate the small kit of medical supplies you had and then back to him.


"Yes?" You kneeled in front of him and started to clean all the cuts so they didn't get infected.

"Do you feel safe with me?"

You looked up at him with knitted brows. "What do you mean?"

He shook his head. "Just answer me, please?"

"Of course I do, you've never given me a reason to not feel safe around you." You met his gaze and saw the same scared expression he'd have after Ward did something particularly cruel to him when he was younger.

"Can I show you something?"

You smiled at him. "You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to. It's okay."

"No, no. I want you to know."

"Go on then."

Danny made a fist and held it close to you, there was an intent look on his face for a minute, then his hand started to light up in a faint yellow glow.

It took you a moment to realize what you were looking at was in fact happening and wasn't some tired trick your brain was pulling on you.

"Woah," You slowly reached out your hand and placed a few fingers on his fist, it had almost turned translucent and you could see the inner workings of his veins. "How are you doing that?"

Danny unclenched his hand and the glow went away. "Remember how I told you I'd tell you the story about my tattoo?" He asked, waiting for your nod. "Well it's not really a tattoo, it's the mark of the Iron Fist."

"Iron Fist? Sounds like a super hero name."

Danny chuckled. "Sort of, I earned the title through my years of training with the monks. Iron Fist is a title given to those who complete the trial of Shou-Lao," He saw the confused look on your face and laughed again. "You don't really need to know all the details, it just means I'm the protector of K'un-Lun and sworn enemy to the Hand."

"I've heard you mention them before, what do they do?"

Danny shook his head. "No, the less you know about them the safer you'll be. Trust me."

You found yourself smiling. "Can you punch through walls?"


Your eyes went wide. "Shut up, that's so cool!"

Danny watched you go off on a little tangent about how fun it must be to have a real super power, there were a few questions in there about what else he could do, but you scarcely gave him the time to answer them.

Out of all the reactions to his being the Iron Fist, yours was his favorite. You didn't look weirded out or scared, you were just your usual self.

You were about to ask him something else when Danny leaned down and kissed you, his hands on either side of your face as they dug into your hair and brought you closer to him.

After the initial surprise you started to respond, your hand lightly reached up to hold his cheek, but you must have grazed one of his wounds and he reluctantly pulled away to hiss.

"I forgot about those! Maybe we should call Claire instead, she's better at this."

Danny tucked your hair behind your ear and leaned close to you again. "I've had worse."

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