drawn in // Bucky Barnes

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Sitting down with the rest of the team I turn to see Bucky shuffle closer, lifting his arm up and resting on the back of the sofa behind me. I smile to myself as Tony begins to talk, but all I can focus on is Bucky getting closer, slowly pulling me towards him.

This always happens in some form. I always find myself close to Bucky whether I wish to or not.

At first, I thought it was just our body clocks. I would wake up and as I entered the kitchen, he'd appear too. We began to make it into a morning routine, and I can't say I minded it.

But then it became more evident. I would find myself wandering down into the library, and inside he would be searching for a book. I couldn't explain why I ended up there, but the feeling stopped as soon as we started talking and sat together in the library for hours.

I'd try to spend at least a day away from him, but when I did I felt empty inside. My body would begin to shut down until I left my room and let my feet guide me somewhere. Wherever that was it would be where Bucky would be. He'd smile and invite me to join him, regardless of what it was.

It happened to him too. I could be sat watching a movie and he'd knock on my door, asking if he could hang out. We'd sit and slowly we would scoot closer into one another. His arms would wrap around me and I'd curl up into him. Any sense of uneasiness would vanish along with any fears.

As Tony wraps the meeting up he claps his hands. "Okay, who's up for a drink tonight before the mission?" He looks around and Thor raises his hand along with Sam and Bucky. "Right, let's go." The four men rise before heading out of the room and immediately I feel attached to him by a piece of string, slowly being drawn further and further away.

I watch as Bucky glances back, his blue eyes shining to me as he smiles softly before turning around, tugging on the string in the hope it could break.

Sighing I lie down on the sofa only to be interrupted by Steve kneeling in front of me. "How can I help Steve?" I question as I feel myself becoming colder and his brows furrow together in concern.

"You don't look so good." He mutters as he places his hand on my forehead and quickly pulls it away. "You're burning up."

"I'm fine." I mumble as I open my eyes and see three of him before me. "Okay, maybe I'm not." I stumble over my words as Steve helps me to my feet and I immediately fall into his arms, unable to support my own body weight.

"Nat!" Steve calls and she comes rushing over, her eyes widening at me before taking a hold of my other arm as they drag me to the nearest room.

"What's wrong with her? How does this happen so quickly?" Natasha asks as she tries to keep calm for my sake, but I can see the panic setting in her expression as she looks over to Steve.

"I, I don't know." He states and I begin to cough forcefully, blood appearing on the tissue and my eyes widen as I look up to both of them.

"Am I dying?" I mumble as I lie back down, closing my eyes to ease the banging in my head.

"Of course not." Natasha states with a level of certainty as I simply nod and then I hear the doors burst open.

"Is that Y/n?" Opening my eyes I see Bucky walk in, sweat lining his forehead as he moves closer, taking my hand in his. "Hey, you're okay." He stutters as I open my eyes and the cold sweats die down, I begin to focus on him and it's clear.

"What?" Natasha thinks aloud as Steve sighs loudly.

"We should get Tony in on this." He announces as Bucky slips his hand into mine and sits down beside me.

"Had me worried for a minute, I could feel it." Bucky nudges me lightly and I raise an eyebrow to him.

"You could feel it?" I question and he simply nods.

"You can't?" His blue eyes focus on mine as I tilt my head, yawning loudly. "Just, close your eyes, focus for me, okay?"

Abiding his request I close my eyes as he slips his hand out of mine before walking away. Slowly I feel an uneasiness settle in my stomach and I place my hand on it, hoping it would stop.

"B, Bucky?" I call out as I feel his hand now on mine, the feeling disappearing and I open my eyes. "I, I felt that." I admit and a small smile rises on his face. "What does it mean?"

"You two are magnets." Tony speaks up as we both turn to see him standing in the doorway, his arms crossed. "If you two are separated you'll always try and find your way back to one another until you click." He intertwines his fingers, demonstrating each hand being one of us.

Glancing up to Bucky he licks his lips, before nodding. "And when we're away from one another? Why do we get so sick?"

"That I can only place down to the separation syndrome." I shrug my shoulders and Tony sighs. "You two being apart isn't a good idea, basically. You're connected and I can't explain how or when that developed, but you're stuck with one another."

I turn to face Bucky who smiles softly. "Ever feel that string tied to your rib cage?" He asks and I nod. "I don't want that to snap, not with you doll."

Focusing on him everything else melts away as his fingers intertwine with mine and I can feel the click of the magnets connecting. "Likewise, Barnes." I mutter as I stand on my tiptoes, kissing him softly and never has anything felt more natural than kissing him.

"I guess we're stuck then, huh?" He jokes and I laugh lightly. "Could've been worse, might've been Sam." His eyes widen in fear as I chuckle softly.

"Guess you better count yourself lucky." I tease and catch him smiling down to me.

"Trust me, doll. I am." 

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