PERSONAL SPACE// Carol Danvers

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"So, let me get this right," you began, pushing the button on the coffee maker as you turned to face your new guests, "she's an alien from a far off planet, sent here to stop the infiltration of shape shifting aliens? Don't you see the connection, Nick?"

"Well yeah, I haven't not thought about that but-" Before Nick could finish, Carol, alien in question, was facing you. Her nose just barely brushed against your own as her deep brown eyes stared you down. Unlike Nick's eyes, that glimmered with humor even in such a dire situation, Carol's were almost alarmingly cold.

"I'm not here to hurt people," her voice mirrored her stone expression as she spoke, "I'm here to end a war before more people are hurt." It was hard to discern whether it was Carol's close proximity to you or the serious glint in her eyes, but your breath caught in your throat. Warmth flooded your face to reveal a your feeling of embarrassment.

"Sorry for my assumption," you said softly, your voice betraying you. With her so close, you could see flecks of gold in the rich brown of her irises. For an alien, she had very human, and very pretty, eyes. It was then you noticed, despite how close she was already, Carol leaned in further with furrowed brows. Her lips parted as if she were about to respond but Nick, watching the scene carry on, cleared his throat.

"Are we done, cos, we got a world to save still?" Still peering into your eyes, Carol nodded. A moment later she was standing in front of your window, gazing out across the city. You spared a glance at Nick who merely shrugged, "maybe she likes you?"


"When I agreed to help you, this is not what I imagined," you said through gritted teeth. Nick let out a laugh, nearly spilling his glass of sweet iced tea as you spun Monica around.

"Working with SHIELD comes with it's perks! You should reconsider my offer, Y/N, you'd make a fine agent." Monica giggled as you set her feet back down on solid dirt.

"You're not an agent?" She asked, her brown eyes widening slightly as she added, "But you're so good at fighting! You almost beat the-"

"Monica!" Maria shouted before her daughter could finish her sentence. The little girl smiled shyly, glancing over to where her mother and Carol stood on the porch. You followed her gaze, eyes locking with Carol. She looked more in her element than she did when you first met her. No longer wearing her suit, she was clad in a loose fitting shirt and jeans that, when she had first changed, made your jaw drop. You had tried your hardest not to ogle and it seemed she didn't notice as she continued to spout on about the Cree.

Now, however, in the light of the setting Southern sun, it was hard to ignore her beauty. Even in conservation, the way she held herself was strong. It was something to admire; something about the woman that had stuck with you. You hoped that, maybe, after everything, she would stay and you could admire her some more.

"Y/N?" Nick's voice pulled your attention away from Carol back to the lounging form of your friend. He raised his eyebrows, gesturing towards Monica who still stood at your side.

"Oh, sorry, no. No, I'm not an agent." The little girl frowned, as if asking why.

"Should be though," Nick shouted, "you're wasting your potential in that stinking office." You were about to fire back, something mean about being able to shoot straight, but Carol beat you to the punch.

"But then she'd have to wear one of those stupid hats, Fury," she joked. A smile spread against your lips, sending her a grateful glance to the woman from over your shoulder. Monica giggled before pulling on your hand to get your attention.

"We could make new hats for SHIELD! Maybe then you'll be an agent?" You bit your bottom lip, finding it hard to say no to the little girl before you with her wide eyes. Sighing, you glimpsed back up at Carol who, much to your surprise, was smiling too.

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