Possession // Bucky Barnes

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Summary: On your 25th birthday, for twenty four hours, you are allowed to possess your soulmate; a process called The Possession. As you look at the world from their eyes, you find out everything you can about your soulmate so you can locate them when The Possession is over. But you have a slight problem: you wake up in a cryo freezer. 


You didn't know if it was just you, or if the clock was ticking by unbearably slowly.

You watched the second hand mock you as it moved, as if threatening you to react to its slow passage. You gritted your teeth and forced yourself to close your eyes so you wouldn't have to look at it. When you opened them again a few minutes later, you groaned. The wait was excruciating.

You were nearly sweating through your clothes at this point, hands clammy. Had you been standing, you were sure you would have collapsed by now. Your legs were jelly and unable to move. You were staring at the clock again. Five minutes till the Possession.

You had no reason to worry, you had been planning this since the moment you could form coherent thought. Since the moment you knew what a soulmate was. It wasn't strange or new. Everyone did this. 25 was a big number in people's lives, the day they see their soulmate for the first time. And not just see them, actually know them.

You get to be your soulmate for one whole day.

You had spent years wondering what they looked like, what they sounded like, what they thought about. You had spent so much time reading up the fastest and easiest ways to track your soulmates after the Possession was over. You had watched tutorial after tutorial, read guides and manuals left and right, about what to do in the twenty four hours you possessed your soulmate. One day to make sure you two found each after the Possession. One day to write in stone whether you'd ever find your soulmate again.

You took a deep breath, revising your plan in your head. Reach into your soulmate's pocket, check for ID. Memorize ID. Plan B, check for a phone, dial your number and let it ring. Once you have the number, you can call them when you're back in your own body. Plan C, you look for the people around them, let them know who you are and where to find you so they can tell your soulmate later. Plan D, if all else fails, find a pen and paper, write your details down and slip them into your soulmate's pocket.

There were at least three more alternate plans floating in your head. All throughout the day your friends and family had been eagerly roaming around you, sending you excited grins and encouraging pats on the back.

"Y/N! It's the big day!"

"It's time! Are you excited?"

"Twenty four hours! Make 'em count."

And now here you were, just three minutes until you left your body to wake up in your soulmate's. You felt the nervousness wash away. You had planned for this meticulously. You had fleshed our every possible scenario in your head. You were ready. Literally nothing could throw you off at this point. This was it.

One minute to go.

You revised your multiple plans of action again. Taking a deep breath, you let your body relax against the bed, your mind going still.

Then, you drifted off.

You woke up with a start, coughing and nearly choking. Your hand reached up to your throat. Well, it tried. But it wouldn't move.

Your eyes widened when you realized you couldn't see. Everything was pitch black. You blinked multiple times but your vision didn't clear. Everything was still dark. You could hear your own breaths, coming fast and sharp. They seemed to echo around you. You realized that you were in a small space.

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