Talk To Me // Steve Rogers

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Warnings: Slight Smut

You barely heard what Tony was talking about throughout the meeting, all you could seem to focus on was the man who was sitting across from you. Steve's eyes were on you practically the entire hour, only glancing at Tony once or twice. You tried your hardest not to look at him, but you snuck a few peeks now and again, and sure enough, every time he was staring at you. The last time you had looked at him, he gave you a small smile. You didn't return it though.

"And finally, I'd like to introduce our new member," Tony was saying as he pointed at you. "This is Y/N, she's going to be working with me, Rhodey and Banner on some logistical things. So if you see her around, it's all good."

He smiled at you and you smiled back. You had jumped at the chance to work with Tony Stark on some of the work he was doing because the man was a well known genius and you felt you could learn a lot from him.

Everyone around the table said a hello to you or gave you a smile.

"Y/N, no need to be nervous around anyone, we're all a family here." Tony said to you.

You nodded at him "Gotcha, boss."

"'Boss' see Rhodey, I knew I liked her."

His best friend shook his head with a small laugh and leaned over to you. "See what you've done, Y/N, he's gonna want us all to call him that."

"Umm, not happening," Sam said.

"Not at all." Natasha agreed.

You laughed, still not looking at Steve, who was still staring.

With that you were all dismissed. You could feel his eyes on your back as you walked of the room and you felt them following you as you walked into Stark's lab.

"Stare a little harder, Rogers" Tony said to Steve as they walked out.

Steve looked over at him. "Where did you find her?"

"MIT grad. Top of her class. Brilliant." Tony said, then looking at Steve he said "She's single too."


"Yeah, don't do anything I would do and don't distract her, we need her help."


Tony didn't really have to worry, you weren't going to be easily distracted by Steve. Yes, you found him ridiculously handsome and nice, but you weren't going to go any further than a simple "hello." Every time he tried to strike up a conversation with you, you only gave him one word answers. You could tell the man was interested in you, everyone could tell from the way he looked at you, but you didn't want to go there with him.

You had other reasons why you avoided him, but the main reason was because you were hopelessly attracted to him. You felt avoidance was the best method, you didn't want to get distracted from your job. You didn't trust yourself alone around him, so you made sure that every time you were near him there was at least one other person there to act as a buffer.

"Good morning, Y/N." Nat said as you walked in the kitchen a month later.

"Morning, Nat."

"Morning, Y/N." Steve said, giving you a smile.

"Morning." You said simply and walked over to the coffee maker not making eye contact.

Steve frowned a bit, while Nat hid her smile behind her mug.

Pouring your coffee you said "If anyone needs me, I'll be in the lab all day."

Steve watched you walk off and Nat watched Steve watching you. Finally she decided to help him out.

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