Said the Dead Guy Pt. 2 // Frank Castle

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"Start talking," Frank said and you narrowed your eyes at him scoffing before walking off. Grabbing your elbow Frank's iron grip stopped you in your tracks.

"I don't owe you anything," You spat, showing little interest in the fact he was actually alive after everything had happened.

"I thought you were dead. There was no report of a survivor that day at the carousel," Frank said, sighing you had put that day in the back of your mind; it had been good at the start but everything ended so badly and you were left with no one.

"I wasn't supposed to make it. When I woke up one of the nurses was acting weird she was dressing me and telling me what she packed in a bag. Just some medicine and things. She told me exactly where to go so I'd be okay for a while. She said some powerful people would make sure I never made it out of this hospital if anyone knew I woke up," You explained and Frank knew right away whoever it was who put the do not resuscitate on him put it on his entire family.

"The same thing with me okay except no one helped me I just woke up on my own," Frank said and your mind was racing with everything from that day.

"I told Mom I would do better that morning. I was gonna be a better daughter," You said, wiping your eyes a burning could be felt in your throat.

"Hey," Maria said, tapping on your door it was the anniversary of your parents' death and as usual you weren't talking much. Glancing at the door you looked back to your window. "Listen I get that your not a little girl anymore and you are going through so much but I just want to be here for you okay. I love you, we love you."

Looking at her you were starting to cry, "Even after how horrible I treat you?"

"Of course you listen to me okay no matter what you are my daughter. I know I could never replace your birth parents but I do love you as if you were my own," Maria explained, startling her a bit as you swiftly pulled her into a hug. As you cried she let you have a moment as she lightly rubbed your hair. Once the crying stopped she continued to just hold you as you gathered yourself. "The kids thought maybe our little family trip to the carousel would be fun. Since Frank is home and it would be a good way to get your mind off of today."

"Yeah, I'd like that," You said, kissing your forehead Maria got up to start getting the kids dressed. Watching her as she reached your door you called out to her and when she looked at you waiting it all felt right, "I'm going to be a better daughter. I love you and Dad as if you really were parents. Sometimes I just don't know how to show it and I get angry."

You hadn't even realized you were full-on crying or that Frank had pulled you into a hug. Frank kept mumbling apologizes but you kept remembering the worst of it. When you were left completely alone with absolutely no one to turn to. Billy was completely missing, every time you went looking for him there was nothing. You didn't want to burden Curtis with you so you made a choice to figure it out.

"I'm sorry I should have come for you I should have known," Frank said and as you sobbed to the point of your head throbbing it all felt real again.

"The whole thing was unbearable almost every second worst then the last," You cried, sitting you down Frank noticed the few sprays of blood on your shirt. As you noticed it you remembered fully what happened in the park, you hadn't ever forgotten about it but you pushed it so far down.

"Sis look at me!" Lisa yelled as she looked back at you, laughing both Frank and Maria were on the horses on both sides of you. As the carousel reversed going backward you laughed some more looking around you all looked like a happy family. That's when the shooting started; it was as if you blinked and first it was Lisa. She was riddled in bullets and then one ricocheted hitting you in the chest. Falling off the horse the carousel was still moving and you could hear Maria screaming for a second.

"Girls!" The shooting was still happening though and all you could see was red at first. Looking up for a second as black spots danced in your vision you looked at the mirror on the ceiling. That is when you saw it all your entire family unmoving covered in a crimson red. Blinking trying to stay awake the shooting stopped and the carousel had as well, coughing up blood letting your head fall back your eyes closed and you would stay like that for nearly two weeks.

"Dad," You said, coming out of your trance Frank was glancing out of the motel window making sure you two weren't followed.

"Yeah?" Frank asked, kneeling in front of you; what he saw was not the adult you had become but the little girl who lost everything.

"What do you remember from that day?" You asked and he sighed mentally struggling for a minute.

"You and Lisa going down and then that's it. I know I remember more but I just you know," He said and you understood why he would block it out, "What do you remember?"

"Everything. I didn't pass out right away," You revealed and Frank was shocked not even he had been awake to see all of you seemingly dead, "At first after I left the hospital I didn't really think about it. I was just scared about whoever wanted me dead finding me but once I felt safe once it really sank in with what had happened."

Taking a breath Frank could see you were struggling and he put his hand on yours, "You don't have to tell me this."

"No, I do have to tell you Dad. When I really thought about what had happened it felt like my brain had just broke. I couldn't sleep for days and I kept thinking my bullet wound would open in my sleep and I'd bleed out. Once the shelter realized I was almost eighteen but not yet they tried to call child protective custody so I ran from there. I taught myself to survive," You explained and Frank was deep in thought, not saying anything for a while.

"I am so sorry (Y/n) I promise I'm never gonna leave you again okay," Frank said, looking at him you didn't take his promise to heart as you were accustomed to everyone dying, but it was a nice gesture. As he sat next to you on the edge of the bed you pulled one of your knees up to your leg. Resting your head on his shoulder you were exhausted.

"So what now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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