Confetti // Bucky Barnes

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The crowd is thick. So thick that the entire compound is filled with people and you sometimes had to play elbows to find a spot where you can actually breathe air that wasn't in someone else's lungs before. Stark really outdid himself again, and, to your dismay, parties are still his thing apparently.

Despite how hard you tried, Natasha didn't let you hide away in your room and even provided you with the most beautiful dress you've ever seen, proclaiming that you would not sulk away while everybody was celebrating New Year's Eve. So, after trying really hard to escape the party, you came to the arrangement that you just had to stay around until midnight and after that, you could go back to your room with all the food and drinks from the party that you wanted.

The deal seemed fair but you quickly regretted it when you realized how many people got word of the little party. You tried to escape several times, but Natasha sent Bucky to keep an eye on you, his mission was to keep you at the there until midnight and, with the help of his charming smile and his smooth-talking, the night had been almost bearable.

"Almost midnight," Bucky says when Stark turns on the TV for the countdown. He's wearing a dark grey shirt and black pants, he looks so handsome it's almost painful. "See, it wasn't so terrible after all."

"Worst night of my life," you sigh dramatically, taking a sip of your drink. A blunt lie and Bucky knows it, your eyes are shining from having laughed so much together.

"Oh come on, now, darlin', you're hurting my feelings. It wasn't that bad. What about that mission in Ecuador where you broke your leg and spent the night alone in a ditch while we were looking for you?"

You ponder for a second before shrugging, "less painful than tonight."

Bucky gasps and places his hand on his chest, feigning being hurt and a burst of laughter bubbles past your lips. You immediately cling onto his left arm, babbling an apology when someone bumps against your back and you nearly lose balance. The countdown just started and people are getting a little too excited.

Bucky wraps his flesh arm around your waist to help you remain steady and you both smile at each other, counting down with the rest of the party but your voices melt away in the crowd.





A shower of confetti falls from the ceiling as the crowd roars in the room, a sea of good wishes, waves of laughter and kisses bubble around you but they all fall deaf to your ear as all you can see, hear and feel are Bucky's smile and his arm around your waist.

"Happy New Year, darling."

"Happy New Year, Bucky."

You look up and laugh softly when you notice some confetti clinging to Bucky's hair. Reaching up, you playfully ruffle the brown locks that he cut shorter a few weeks ago, causing the confetti to fall between you and Bucky's chest rumbles with a deep chuckle that you can feel over the loud music.

Time seems to still for a minute, people keep hugging around you, the music is now blasting again and yet you're still looking into Bucky's eyes. His cheeks are a little pink, if you ask him, he'll tell you it's from the heat in the room, but you know he had a taste of the mixture Stark elaborated. It was his latest project, creating something that will allow Steve, Bucky, and Bruce to get hammered, for science, as he says.

"I really want to kiss you," you read on Bucky's lips and your heart skips a beat.

You and the former soldier have been tiptoeing around each other for weeks if not months. Your proximity and bantering being now the number one hobby of the entire team, you are not so surprised to have witnessed Sam and Clint pouring Bucky drinks after drinks tonight. Just like you're not so surprised that the blue-eyed man insisted on being by your side for the countdown when he could have kept an eye on you from afar.

"Then what are you waiting for?" you quirk your brow, barely able to suppress the wide grin that creeps up your lips.

Bucky's cheeks turn a deeper shade of pink as his smile widens, gosh, did he have to look so endearing? Swiftly, he wraps his other arm around you so he is facing you and pulling you a little closer to him. Can he hear the thrumming of your heart, you wonder. But the truth is, his own heart is pounding in his ears, that is the only sound he is aware of.

"Are you sure?"

His brows furrow a little in worry, providing his features with that sheepish look that has your insides warming up in the most delicious way. This man will definitely be the end of you. You laugh, nodding a little too eagerly as you wrap one of your arms around his neck, your free hand resting on his chest and you lean a little so he can hear you.

"I don't know a better way to start this new year."

Bucky's lips twitch into the goofiest smile you've ever witnessed on his perfect face. Slowly, he leans a little closer to you. The countdown is long finished now and everybody is dancing around you, but neither of you seems to care about the agitation surrounding you. Your eyes fall on Bucky's lips, the pink flesh more attractive than ever and you cannot help but lick your own lips in anticipation.

When you do, the former soldier's hold tightens around you, causing your heart to flutter in your chest. Your eyes meet again, one last verification that you're both absolutely certain and, when your lips twitch up in a flustered smile, Bucky knows he has to do it now before Stark's mixture effect wears off and he's back into his usual coward self.

Slowly, you and him lean closer, both of you breathing the same air. When your lips meet, the crowd around cheers again and a new wave of confetti falls on your head, clinging to your hair, lashes, clothes. The team isn't here only to celebrate the New Year.

"About damn time!" Sam bursts out.

"You owe me a hundred bucks!" Nat extends his hand towards Stark.

"No! We said on the clock, they've been staring at each other so long it's basically Thanksgiving right now!"

You both giggle against each other's lips at the team's outburst and you wrap your arms tighter around Bucky's neck, scrunching your nose when some confetti tickle your nose. Neither of you is surprised they bet on tonight's outcome, and quite honestly, neither of you actually cares because all that matters is that you're finally kissing Bucky.

"I'm sorry about all that," he smiles through his hooded eyes, pecking your lips softly, "that's definitely not how I expected our first kiss to go."

Your heart skips a beat as you smile bashfully, "you thought about it before?"

"All the time," he hums, bumping his nose to yours and some confetti fall between you, clinging to his lashes and causing you to laugh.

"It's everywhere!" you giggle, looking down to see the colorful pieces of paper stuck in your cleavage.

Bucky follows your line of vision, a smug smile creeping up his lips before he leans closer to your ear.

"I'll gladly help you get rid of them if you want me to," he teases like he's done so many times before, but this time, when you look up and meet his eyes, you notice the way his pupils dilate and your breathing hitches.

"Let's start this year with a bang, Barnes," you wink, untangling yourself from him to take his hand and you both sneak out under everybody's whistling.

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