fighting for attention // Loki Laufeyson

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brief summary: Loki has taken quite a fancy to you, but getting your attention isn't as easy as it seems when the other avengers decide to play mind games with the trickster god. 

word count: 1.3k---


It was evident to everyone besides you.

Loki always changed when you entered the room, there was something different about his demeanor. He was less prone to storm out. He was learning to control his temper around you as he wanted you to see the best version of himself, even if that wasn't someone Loki entirely knew just yet.

Whoever this version of himself was, he was someone Loki wanted to learn about just for you because he really believes you are something worth stressing over.

As Loki sits in the kitchen, you walk in, yawning loudly. He can't help but smile to himself at the state of you, clearly having just woken up. "Mornin' Loki." You call out, waving softly as you keep your eyes heavily closed, unaware of Loki straightening up and brushing his hair back.

He'd been practising how to truly smile and make it look less painful, but so far it looks as if he's constipated or in pain; neither being remotely attractive.

You turn around as you cling to the mug of coffee, inhaling the bitter fumes in hope of it curing your hangover. "Rough night?" Loki asks and you raise your hand, shushing him.

"Too loud." You mumble as you sit down next to him, stumbling and leaning against him. A small action you think nothing of, but Loki stares momentarily at the spot you had just leaned on, your touch etched permanently. "Remind me not to drink with your brother next time, okay?" You ask quietly, a small smile rising on your lips as a chuckle escapes Loki's lips.

He notices how you quickly turn your head, looking at him with wide eyes. "What? What did I do?" Loki asks you, slightly panicked.

"Did I just make you laugh?" You ask in amazement as Loki remains silent. "Oh my god, I did, didn't I?" You ask once more, your excitement grows as you nudge his arm lightly.

Loki shakes his head slowly, but he can't help but smile as your eyes follow his. "You can't tell anyone, Midgardian." He points his finger at you and you push it away as if the action that usually intimidates thousands was nothing. "Do you know who I am?" He rises to his feet but you simply laugh.

"Sit down, Loki. That's not going to intimidate me." You sip at your coffee before rising to your feet. "I'm going back to bed, I gotta sober up before Thor wakes up and gives me a headache." You comment before walking back out of the kitchen, leaving Loki slightly smitten by your unphased attitude toward him.


Ever since that morning, Loki was trying to take any moment he could to talk to you. But, that was something that seemed easier in his head than in practice, especially when it came to living with the Avengers.

It didn't take Thor long to figure it out, having spoken to you and Clint when you were drinking. You had drunkenly called Loki cute, and since that night the pair were on guard, observing the two of you closely.

And that was when they enforced the rest of the Avengers, see how far they could go with teasing Loki before he finally admitted to having feelings, and more importantly, actually having a heart.

You were sitting in the living room, reading a book when Loki noticed you sat alone. He looked around, wondering if he should take the moment, chance it. But then he realized it wasn't often you were on your own, so he had no choice.

"What're you reading?" Loki asks as he walks over, sitting down by you as you take off your glasses, something Loki hadn't noticed about you before.

A slight blush crossed your cheeks as you closed the book, showing the cover. "A mystery? Aren't you mysterious enough, dear." Loki asks, not even noticing the slight pet name as you begin to discuss the plot.

Despite seeing your lips moving, Loki was struggling to focus on the words that were leaving your mouth. All he could focus on was your face, the movements of your hands as you explain the story line, getting progressively excited and nudging closer towards Loki.

But the moment was short lived as Bucky runs into the room. "Y/n, doll, you gotta help me." Bucky calls out as he clutches his hand as it is covered in blood.

Instantly you rise to your feet whilst Loki rolls his eyes. "God, Buck. How'd you manage that?" You ask as you see the deep cut across his palm. "I've got a first aid kit in my room, I'll patch it up." Bucky nods as you lead him out.

"It'll heal." Loki mutters as he slumps back down, picking up your book as he skims through the pages, noticing you've barely started.


Incidences like that continue to occur over the course of a few weeks.

First, it was Bucky, then it was Sam with an exploding cake in the oven followed by FRIDAY calling you back and forth all over the compound.

Loki's frustrations were increasing with the passing days. All he wanted was more than five minutes alone with you, just to have a chance to see a bit more of who you really are because so far, he can't deny he likes it.

Sitting by the balcony, Loki watches the trees blowing in the breeze. He glances down, noticing you jogging lightly out of the compound and heading through the grounds. Instantly he rises to his feet, walking off before he can be interrupted once more.

You continue to stretch out after your run, unaware of the company walking toward you as you stretch your hamstrings. "Y/n," Jumping up you clutch your chest, watching as Loki stands with his hands out uneasily.

"Jesus, Loki you scared me." You laugh lightly, but Loki remains straight-faced. "Is everything okay?" You ask quietly, and Loki is unsure of what to say now he's finally alone with you, completely out of sight.

Hesitantly, Loki shakes his head. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you, Y/n." He starts, unsure where exactly where his words would lead him. "And I haven't quite had the chance to speak to you for more than a few minutes in weeks and-"

Before he can continue, a loud clap of thunder rolls in, followed by an instant downpour.

You squeal lightly, wrapping your arms around yourself as Loki looks up, clenching his jaw tightly as he resists the urge to swear to his brother. "Loki what is it? Can you tell me when we're inside and not at risk of catching pneumonia, or when I'm not at risk."

"No, no it can't." Loki tells you sternly as he steps closer, unaware of your heart beating faster as he reaches down, taking your hands in his. "I'm not used to this, this feeling I have when you're around, dear. But, I don't hate how it makes me feel." He explains and you laugh lightly. "I guess what I'm trying to say is I have feelings for you, to what extent I'm still unsure but I would like to learn more about you."

Raising an eyebrow to you, all you do is smile before nodding. "Okay, Loki." You respond and Loki begins to lose faith as his hands slip away from yours. "I guess you can say I have feelings for you too, but I know to what extent." Pulling him back you wrap your arms around his neck, closing the space between you as your lips land on his.

As you two remain in the rain, finally having admitted how you felt, the Avengers stand on the balcony, watching you two in the distance. "Wanna turn it off now, buddy?" Tony asks as he glances up at Thor who wipes his eyes.

"Not just yet, let's leave them in peace." Thor turns around, patting Tony's back making him fall forward as the Avengers finally give you two the space you deserve. 

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