Said the Dead Guy // Frank Castle

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You remember when the Castle's first moved in next to you. You were ten years old and they would come over for dinner parties your parents would host during the short times they were home. Maria had taught you to cook; Frank had taught you to face your school bully. You really connected with them, all your parents did was work and give you empty promises. Even Billy was more reliable and involved in your life. Your parents were high tier lawyers and always traveling. Traveling so much is what killed them, the timing of their death set the course for the rest of your life though.

"Hello?" You said as Maria had brought you the phone telling you it was your parents. You hated being home alone so when they were gone the Castle's didn't mind housing you.

"Hi sweetie," Your mother said and you sighed awaiting the line you were told over and over again.

"Let me guess, work is getting dragged out, both you and dad are going to be gone another week?" You said the annoyance clear as day in your voice but your mother laughed.

"No your father and I decided we're gonna take a vacation. All three of us as a family when we get home we're gonna pick somewhere and spend time together," She explained and you could not believe what she was saying was true.

"Really?" You asked.

"Yeah. We love you and we know we need to be there for you more so from here on out prepare for us to be around more okay?" Your dad said and Maria stood in the doorway of the bedroom watching the big smile on your face. Once off the phone, you explained everything to Maria and then started to write a letter to Frank explaining it all. The two of you dropped it in the mailbox and returned in the house.

"Thank you," You said as Maria tucked you in again and she placed a hand on the side of your face.

"No thank you. You are an amazing kid (Y/n) and I hope my kid is as kind as you are," Maria said touching her swollen stomach and you smiled. Kissing your forehead Maria left you to go to bed.

You were still sleeping that next morning when Maria saw the news of the plane crash. It took her almost an hour before she got news of your parents and she was unsure of how to tell you. Ironically Frank called that morning too and she explained everything to him.

"Have my parents called yet?" You asked, running into the kitchen, you were ecstatic.

"Hey kid," You heard Frank say and taking the phone from Maria you smiled at Frank on the tiny screen and smiled.

"Hey! Tell Billy I said hi too!" Your excitement was not matched as Frank was not sure how to tell you.

"Listen kid okay you're gonna be staying with Maria and me for a while okay," He said and you furrowed your eyebrows. Then disappointment spread across your face.

"So work got extended again didn't it," You said visibly angry now. Maria crouched down in front of you.

"There was an accident and your parents got really hurt so you're going to be with us okay-" Maria continued talking but you were brilliant for your age and knew what their words translated to.

"They're dead," You cried, hyperventilating you slipped from Maria's grasp falling to the floor the world turned black.

Frank came home a few months later by then Maria had obtained legal custody of you and Lisa was born. He had missed the tough adjustment period you endured and your parents funeral. Your bond to the Castle's seemed to disintegrate as your trust in people died with your parents. Unfortunately, as the years went by you became the rebellious teenager that pained every parent.

"Mom and Dad are mad at you," Lisa said and Frank laughed as they continued their homework at the dining table. Throwing your book bag down you went into the fridge grabbing a bottle of water and a cheese stick.

"Do you always have to ignore the smallest things we ask of you?" Maria asked and you rolled your eyes walking around her only to be stopped by Frank.

"Hello anyone home?" He said blocking you off from walking away, scoffing you leaned on the counter looking at them with a bored expression.

"What?" You said.

"Are you serious right now?" Maria said, slamming her hand on the counter she was frustrated. "We have done nothing but love you and take care of you and you treat us like your enemy."

"Sorry mom sorry dad," You said but it was not genuine and the kids watched the fight unfold; your terrible tendency to mock their relation to you was a common occurrence.

"I love you as if you were my own daughter (Y-" She said and you snapped a bit.

"Well, I'm not so get over it," You said, walking off and Maria brought her hand to her mouth, her feelings were hurt.

"(Y/n)-" Frank started but Maria grabbed his hand stopping him.

"It's okay Frank. She's right. I'm not her mother," Maria said, joining the kids to distract herself. Frank was not going to let this go. You were a sixteen-year-old nightmare and he knew this was karma for what he put his parents through.

"Listen here asshat, in this case, is a World War one double claw Mauser sniper rifle. I went through hell stealing this thing, so you're gonna pay 1,900 for it or no deal," You said, leaning against the car the case was right next to you.

"Well sweetheart it's you against four of us so I'm gonna take that case and no one gets hurt alright," He said and you chuckled pulling out your gun you quick shot his men and then aimed at him.

"Well, sweetheart now I want all the money you brought then I'm gonna get in my car and leave," Mocking him he glared at you and then threw an envelope at you, opening it he took his chance as you were distracted but a gunshot went off.

"Dammit, kid get your shit together," Narrowing your eyes you thought you saw a ghost probably because you were.

"Dad? Aren't you dead?" You asked and Frank grabbed your forearm pulling you along.

"You got some explaining to do," He said and you rolled your eyes no longer a teenager but that habit still carried on for you.

"Said the dead guy."

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