Worthy // Thor Odinson

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Warnings: swearing, fluff, and like one  dirty joke


The ritual of the Avengers trying to lift Thor's hammer happened regularly nowadays. Tony was throwing party after party and each time the heroes sat around each other in a circle, slightly tipsy, and took their shot. None have them have ever succeeded in picking it up, other than Thor, of course. Steve came close once, but still managed to fail. When Thor and Steve aren't present, Tony and the others sometimes contemplate if he can but just decided not to go through with it due to his chivalrous ways. Maybe they'll never know for sure, but as of right now, only Thor is worthy.

You started dating the God of Thunder almost instantly after taking the job as a SHIELD Agent. He couldn't resist your bright smile that lit up every room you entered and he fell in love with your kindness. All of the Avengers and other Agents agreed you were by far the sweetest person to ever work within the tower. It appeared you and Thor were perfect for one another, being so nice and understanding. Obviously you both have your moments of weakness and it's known you have quite the mouth on you sometimes, but that never broke your reputation as the classic girl next door.

Thor, Tony, and Bruce sit on the couch in the living room in the tower. Two of them had just made yet another attempt at lifting the hammer, completely sober this time, as if that has any affect. Much to Thor's delight, Tony and Bruce fail yet again. So, he sets the hammer down on the kitchen table and spends the next few minutes hanging out, watching TV, and chatting.

"Hey Thor?" Bruce announces.


"Has Y/N every tried lifting the hammer?"

Tony scoffs. "Can you not hear her lift his hammer through the walls all night? They're so fucking loud."

Thor chuckles to himself, completely unsure of what Tony means. "No, Y/N has never tested her worthiness."

"Do you think she could be worthy, Point-break?" Tony questions.

"Perhaps...she has such a good heart and never does anything wrong. I don't know for sure if those things are important but I like to think so. I guess she could very well be worthy." Thor replies. The men all nod in agreement at his statement, even if they don't truly believe you could ever lift the hammer.

You enter the common area, looking for the paperwork you have been typing up as research for an upcoming mission. Your brain is a daze, completely fried from working so hard. You have only one thought: where are your damn papers?

"Shit," you mumble, sorting through the piles of paper scattered on the island. You don't have any luck finding them. Your stressful actions gain the attention of the others in the room as they all turn their heads to watch you frantically search the kitchen.

Thor furrows his eyebrows, concerned about you. "My love, what seems to be troubling you?" he asks.

"I can't find my work! Everything I've been putting my energy into the past few weeks so you guys can go on your mission! This is so fucking frustrating!"

Tony and Bruce just snicker at your outburst, finding the way you raise your voice hilarious as you usually remain calm and happy. Thor, however, cares too deeply for you to see you this upset. He makes his way over to you, placing his large, strong hands on your shoulders and placing a quick kiss to your lips. "It will be okay, Y/N. I will help you with your quest to find these papers."

You laugh at his formality. "Thanks, Thor."

"Anytime, my love," he says with a grin. His usual nickname for you still manages to make you blush as your heart skips a beat. You could certainly go by that name for the rest of your life.

Thor saunters over to the counters, looking through cabinets and in drawers. Maybe checking in those areas is unneeded, but it warms your heart to see how badly he is trying to help. You step over to the kitchen table, fishing through the work left out from the other Agents.

Thor's hammer sits atop a stack of papers and you let out a groan. You pick it up in your hand and swing it around. "Babe," you state. "You can't just leave your weapon lying around in the kitchen like this." You smirk at your boyfriend who stands still, looking at you in disbelief. Tony and Bruce turn their heads as well. Their eyes are wide and their jaws are dropped so low they could probably hit the floor. Confused, you glance at each man.

"Holy shit..." Tony utters.

"Everyone get in here!" Bruce yells.

"Now!" Tony adds.

The rest of the Avengers fill the room. Steve, Sam, Bucky, and Clint stand frozen and clearly taken aback. Wanda and Nat just smile. "That's my girl," Nat says, both women nodding in approval.

You glance between the most powerful people on the planet as they stand around you in complete shock. You smile nervously, trying to remain collected and friendly. "Guys...what's going on?"

Thor runs toward you and lifts you in his arms. You giggle at him as he triumphantly grins and spins you around. Gripping the hammer tighter, you try not to drop it. He places you back on the ground and kisses you deeply.

"She's worthy..." Steve whispers, still very surprised.

"Why of course she is!" Thor shouts proudly. "Only the one woman in the world who is worthy of my heart would be worthy of holding my hammer as well."

"What are you talking about?" you remark.

"Y/N, I am the only one who has ever been worthy enough to lift this hammer. Now it appears you are worthy as well!" he cheers.

You snort, not really understanding the joke. "Baby that's impossible. I love you but what you're saying doesn't make any sense."

Tony instructs you to put the hammer back down as he demonstrates that he cannot lift it no matter how hard he tries. One by one, everyone tries, and the only people who can pick it up successfully are you and Thor.

Tossing the hammer back and forth between your hands, you smirk. "I could get used to this kind of power."

"As could I, my love."

Marvel ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora