First Time // Steve Rogers

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Featuring :pre- and post-serum Steve.

Warnings: Slight smut


You were surprised. You couldn't believe this was actually happening. Steve had gotten his orders. He was to report to training in a few days. Little, tiny, skinny Steve. Your little, tiny, skinny Steve. Your Steve with is asthma and all the other health problems he had. How was this possible? You knew he had tried again and again and again to get enlisted. Bucky had told you in hopes that you could dissuade him from doing something so utterly stupid, but Steve was stubborn. In a way you admired him for that, and it also worried you.

"How on earth did you manage this?" You asked him as he sat in your tiny Brooklyn apartment watching you pacing back and forth.

He just shrugged. Really, he was still in shock that he had gotten in.

"You know if they catch you out in this lie...."

"I know, Y/N, but I don't think it will happen this time. The doctor that talked to me... he was different."

"Different how?"

"He seemed like he believed me when I told him I didn't like bullies. Something about that made him approve me."

You stopped pacing at that and went over to sit next to him, taking his hand in yours.

"You're really gonna do this, huh?"

He nodded with a determined look on his face . You knew that look. You called it his stubborn look. His mind was made up and there wasn't anything in heaven or earth that would change it.

"Okay, just... just be careful."

"Y/N, it's a war, I don't know about careful." He stopped and seeing the worried look on your face he added. "But I'll try."

You squeezed his hand lightly.

You two sat like that for a while, holding hands in silence. This was about as close to intimacy that you ever got with him, besides a few kisses here and there. You wanted more from him though, but you didn't know how to broach the subject. You had been waiting on him to make a move in all the years you had been together, but he never did. You didn't know why, maybe he was afraid of rejection, but it wasn't like you'd ever say no to him. And now he was going away and you didn't know if you'd ever see him again.

You made up your mind. It would either be now or never. It would be the first time for the both of you, so you felt there was nothing to be embarrassed about..

Scooting over closer to him you said "Steve, um, I figured since you were leaving that maybe we could, um..."

You trailed off.

"What is it, doll?"

You shook your head, unsure of what to say.

"You know you can tell me anything. We don't have secrets."

You wouldn't meet his eyes, so he took your chin in his hand and raised your face up a bit, so you would look at him.

"Tell me."

You stared into his blue eyes for a second, then, closing yours, you leaned in and kissed him. You started softly at first, because he was taken aback by your move, but when you felt him relax, you deepened the kiss. Trying to put into it everything you didn't have the words to say.

You took one hand and rested it on his thigh, moving it slowly up to his crotch. He tensed up at that and pulled away.

"Y/N, what are you doing?"

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