dating Steve Rogers would include

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- making mix-tapes for each other which eventually turn into spotify playlists

- 'songs we should make out to'

- 'songs i would have danced with you to in the 40′s'

- calling you 'doll' and 'pretty girl'

- him making a conscious effort to keep up to date with all the movies and music you're into

- and grinning like a dork when he understands your references

- pretending he hates it when you call him cap but secretly loving it

- him having a sketchbook just for drawings of you that he doesn't let anybody see

- mostly drawing you when you're asleep because otherwise you make silly faces or start giggling and he gets distracted

- him telling you he loves you roughly 17 times a day

- 'Steve rogers. how is it that you fatally injure people on a regular basis but can't hurt a fly?'

- 'the fly isn't endangering the lives of the human population'

- when he figures out how to, having a picture of you as his lockscreen

- him asking your permission before holding your hand for the first time

- giving you his dog tags as an anniversary gift, fumbling over his words as he explains that all his friends gave them to girls back home when they went off to war and how he'd never given his to anybody until you

- it taking a while for him to get used to 21st century swearing habits

- 'my god, language, doll.'

- 'fuck off, star spangled ass hat'

- sleeping with you lying directly on his chest, a protective hand in your hair and the other around your waist

- throwing him a 40′s themed party for his 100th birthday

- getting super worried about him when he goes on missions but hiding it with snarky comments so you don't cry

- 'if you die, i'm gonna be so pissed off you'll be too scared to come back and haunt me'

- being one of those gross couples that like, share gum

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