Odd Beginnings

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    "What on earth are you doing?" Hermione spun on her heels at the familiar voice, being careful to cover her exposed damages. By the look on his face she concluded that he hadn't seen.

    "I could ask you the same thing, Malfoy" she shot back as fiery as she could muster. It didnt matter though. The tears still making their way down her cheeks betrayed the attitude she was trying to give off. She has no idea what was going to happen. She wasnt in control. That made her uneasy.

    "What are you hiding Granger?" He tried to keep his tone neutral. Draco didn't feel right about being cruel to someone in such a battered state but also felt that she might not take kindness from someone she was supposed to hate. The truth was, if it wasnt for his father he would have liked to be friends with her. She always seemed nice and they were two of the smartest kids in their year. It would have made perfect sense for them to be close. He knew his tone had failed him, in a good way, when her expression softened. He began to think that maybe she just needed someone, anyone, and he is who showed up. So be it. He knew the feeling all to well to leave her like this. He took a few steps closer and noticed she began to tense as he lessened the distance between them.

    "I'm not hiding anything." Her voice was weakening as she struggled to keep her composure. Against her instincts she allowed him to get close to her. Was she this desperate for someone to care that she would let someone like malfoy in? Hermione didn't care. She had stopped caring about a lot of things a long time ago.
Draco became more concerned with every step towards her he took. He was going slowly to make sure she would stay calm. He could now see the strain on her face, he assumes it was from holding back cries. He wondered just how long whatever she was hiding has eaten away at her. Once he was close enough to touch her, Draco noticed she had an arm behind her back. Maybe shes holding something? He slowly reached his arm to hers. He gave her arm a gentle tug and, to both their suprise, she easily let him take it. His eyes widened as he realized what exactly she had done. He was fixated on a small drop of blood trailing down her arm. The room was silent. The next few minutes were spent like this. It felt to Hermione like it was never going to end. Draco looked up. They were now staring at each other, shock and confusion filling their expressions. He pulled out his wand and pointed it at hers. She instantly pulled away.

   "Let me heal it" he said softly. She shook her head. "It will only take a moment. I dont want it to keep hurting" he pleaded.

    "That's kindof the point" her voice broke as she spoke. She knew she couldn't hold back much longer but she'd be dammed if she was going to let him see her breakdown. Draco looked at her for a moment. He opened his mouth to speak, to fight back, but shut it. He knew from past experience that it was better not to fight with her. She was simply too stubborn. He put his wand away and pulled her arm to the sink. He turned on the water and started rinsing the blood off. It stung. Bad. Draco hushed her comfortingly as she winced at the pain. Hermione closed her eyes and tried to ignore the stinging along with the lump in her throat and the pit in her stomach. Her body was begging for her to let her guard down. The water turned off and she opened her eyes. Draco let go of her arm and got paper towel. He gestured for her to follow him. They sat on the step next to the sinks. He began to dab the still bleeding wounds as carefully as he could.

    "Why did you do this Granger?" He tried to sound as welcoming as possible. This wasnt exactly his area of expertise. He was just glad she was taking his efforts and not fighting it. She was obviously going through a lot, Draco didnt want to add to it. When he didnt get an answer, he looked up at her. "Hermione" it was almost inaudible but she had heard it. She looked back at him. He had never seen her so distraught. She opened her mouth and her lip started to quiver. More tears came followed by a few small cries. She couldn't hold back any longer.

    Draco was shocked. She was always so strong and yet here she was letting go of what seemed like a year worth of pain. He didn't know what to do. She tried to calm herself but instead her cries deepened. Draco quickly casts a silencing charm so no one would find them. She continued to cry and he tried to think of what to do. He didnt know if she would want to be held by someone she fights with everyday. But as she began to hunch over and wrap her arms around herself, he knew it's what she needed. It didnt matter who he was. He pulled her arms away from her and wrapped his own around her waist. Hers then wrapped around Draco neck with a force that almost knocked him over. She cried into his shoulder for a long while.

    An hour had past and she was beginning to calm down . He was now cradling her in his lap and gently rocking her. His chin was on her head and he was hushing her softly. Draco didnt know what had come over him. He felt like he had to make sure she was ok before he could leave. She still hadn't said a word and he accepted that she might not. The sobs had subsided and they were again left in silence. Draco thought maybe she had enough so he loosened his grip on her. She tightened hers. "Ok" he whispered as he hugged her closer again.

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