Child dance show

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Jin has a child he had her when he thought he was straight her name is Misty she is 13.

Jin is happily married to jungkook and they have a 2-year old girl called y/n.

Misty wants to be a dancer and the words went out because Jin used to be in BTS so did jungkook and everyone thinks that Jin is a bad dancer but he isn't so they think misty is going to be a bad dancer.

Misty has a dance competition and so many reporters and everyone has time to see her fail she has a solo on her own and she's looking forward to it so it's her dad and jungkook they know she's not going to fail they see her dance many times before and it's magical.

When she starts says she's like a butterfly in wings she knows what she's doing she feels like a different person and like electricity is going through her she doesn't care about whatever People say she just does her dance and ends up winning the competition.

All the reporters say how wonderful Missy actually was and they're very sorry to the Kim family.

Jungkook are very proud and love her very much.

Hope you enjoyed it.
Love Midnightanna xxxx 🇰🇷💜

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