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Autopsy Hallway

Danny Williams fell back to read a text from Fong as Steve and Catherine entered the doors to Max's area, when two male voices coming from around the corner, reached his ears. They didn't realize the detective was within earshot, and their laughter caught Danny's attention as he heard the end of their discussion.

"Freaking oblivious."

"McGarrett? Hell, yeah.""Did you see him in the lobby? And yesterday, with that chick from records? She practically couldn't speak when he thanked her for the files. He's oblivious. Has no idea three quarters of the women in this building would do anything ... and I do mean anything ... to get his attention."

"He really doesn't notice? Legit?"

"Legit. I've worked a few cases under Lukela where we assisted Five-0. Half the witnesses, the CSI techs, they get all giggly around him, like they're in high school. Dude's focused as hell, never notices. I don't think he cares about the attention because, well, you've seen Rollins ... would you?"

"No. You're right. And ya know how I always say I'd never cheat 'cause my girlfriend would kill me?" McGarrett's girlfriend actually could kill a guy."

"True, Bobby, true."

Both men laughed again and Danny chuckled to himself as he pushed through the autopsy suite doors, thinking of the flirting girls in the convertible years ago when Steve just kept driving. Oblivious, indeed.

Ladies locker room - The Palace


Two women's voices echoed in the room and bounced off the tiled walls.

"Guess that's what it takes, huh, Rogers?" The first woman scoffed.

"What's 'what it takes', Ventola? What are you whining about now?"

"To get appointed to Five-0. If doing McGarrett was what it took, every woman on HPD would have volunteered."

"That's crap and you know it."

"Do I? McGarrett and Rollins are a couple, you know that, right?"

"Catherine Rollins is qualified for the task force. She was Naval Intelligence, did three tours overseas. She's been helping McGarrett with intel since Five-0 was formed."

"That what they're calling it now? Helping with Intel?"

"Oh my God. You're jealous because you propositioned McGarrett and were never even on his radar. Neither were any of the women who tried to get noticed. Even when Rollins was at sea for months, he was oblivious to all of you. Besides, McGarrett wouldn't jeopardize Five-0 to give his girlfriend a job. That's insane, even from you."

"Yeah, whatever. Maybe he and Williams" the woman made air quotes "'Missed' Kalakaua and needed a substitute chick on the team."

"You're disgusting. They're like her big brothers, anyone can see that. I hear you saying shit like that again, I'll report your ass. I swear to God. Hell, I'll report you Lieutenant Kelly. See how well you talking bullshit about his cousin and friends goes over."


"Yeah. 'cause if I told Kalakaua, she'd kick your ass to hell and back, and if McGarrett or Williams found out, you'd be giving out parking tickets on the mainland, for the rest of your life."

"Jesus, Rogers, okay. Forget I said anything."

Their voices faded as they exited the restroom, never noticing Kono and Catherine standing off to the back of the room, next to the showers.



"Ahh, Shit." Kono gave Catherine a pained look.

"Kono, don't."Catherine placed a hand on Kono's arm. "I spent too many years in the Navy to give a crap about the rumor mill. No one who knows Steve would believe ... I just don't want anything to negatively affect the team."

"It won't." Kono smiled "You're too good at your job. Listen, You think that's the first asshole to make a comment like that about Five-0? Please."

Kono took her badge and weapon out of her locker, slamming it perhaps a bit harder than necessary.

"When we first formed, there were all kinds of rumors. Why was a non-cop running the task force? Why'd Steve pick us? Why Chin? Who half the force bad-mouthed and the other half ignored? Why Danny? When he had his choice of anyone, Steve chose the haole from Jersey who hated the island and had a mouth on him, to be his partner. Why me? Especially me."

Kono sighed and sat on one of the benches. Catherine took a seat opposite, waiting for her to continue.

"I heard it all, Cath. Most of which the guys don't even know. Like Chin used stolen money and paid my way onto the team. Or I paid my way. On my back ... or my knees. I ... um ... put a few of the bigger assholes in their place. I almost understood it from the boys club, but from the women? I'd have thought since they'd paved the way, they'd be okay with a woman getting a great assignment. And most of them were, once I proved myself, you heard Rogers just now. But there's always a few. With you, it's different."

Kono stood and looped an arm around her friend. "You're no rookie. You're qualified. This here, today..." She waved her hand in the direction of the exit "... is nothing to worry about, she was jealous of you, personally, of you and Steve. Half the women we meet get a thing for him, but he's got it so bad for you, he never seems to notice. It's actually kind of funny, he's so oblivious."

Catherine hugged the younger woman, smiling. "I really missed you sister. I'm glad you're home."

Kono smiled back, her dark eyes twinkling. "Me, too. Thanks for helping us get here."

McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable Where stories live. Discover now