Inevitable Part 7

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Stepping back she blurts out " I'm pregnant. It's yours I swear. I'm so sorry, I didn't plan this I promise. I'm so sorry I mess up your life again Steve. " Catherine was now crying even harder. Mentally she slapped herself, she had been planning this moment doing everything she could to finish up her op to get back to Hawaii to tell him for weeks and then she just blurted it out. She was so worried about ruining his life again, she knew he was with Lynn and whilst the thought caused such an ache in her heart if he was happy she didn't want to cause him pain, again. Before Steve could react she followed her initial statement.
"I want it, our baby. You don't have to be a part of it if you don't want I just wanted you to know. I would never keep you from our baby if you want to be a part of it but I know you never wanted all this with me. I'm just so sorry I messed your life up again by coming home last time."
His brain scrambled to keep up with all of the words, trying to process what she was saying. Holding her tight calmed him like she always did. What she was saying was going through his mind, pregnant, our baby, coming home... Steve smiled, not his normal smile but an ' all of my dreams have come true' kind of smile. He cupped her face with both hands still smiling and whispered " inevitable" kissing her a gentle peck on the lips and wiping her tears he whispers " I want it, it's what I've always wanted" a lone tear slips down Steve's face and he rests his forehead onto hers.He slowly moves them over to the chairs and sits her on his lap, so they can look out at the sunset. Sitting in a comfortable silence gives them both time to reflect. Catherine feels herself starting to relax. She knew, deep down, things would be ok and Steve would be there for the baby even if he didn't want her,but so much has changed between them in the last few years she hadn't been able to completely stop herself worrying. She loves how tight he was holding her onto her right now, he just had this way of making her feel safe and that everything would was going to be ok. Steve was still smiling like the cat that got the cream but then his insecurities started to kick in. He had everything he had ever dreamed of in his arms, right now. He knew he was as much to blame as she was when she left after Kono's weeding, he'd only ever told her he loved her once on the phone when she was in Afghanistan and if their conversation last time when she questioned if he really was going to propose was anything to go by she really had no clue just how deep his feelings for her were, still are.
" I would have said yes" those five little words had haunted him for months every night after he got back from Morocco. He realised as he held her that he didn't want to lose her ever again. He wanted the baby, their baby but he wanted it all, them to be a family, to sit and watch their child playing in the water, the three of them growing together in this house. He had only found out a few minutes ago, that he was going to be a father but the love and need to be a dad hit him so hard it nearly took his breath away. He wouldn't let her go again he resolved. He couldn't. He realised he had to step up and fight for them, fight for her, convince her that he, their family is enough. She has to stay.
He'd gone quiet, it worried Cath and she could see he was thinking, panicking. She stiffened, what if this was the point where he asked her to leave, told her she really had messed up his life.

" Cath, Marry me ?"

McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable Where stories live. Discover now