Oblivious 18/ DEPOSIT

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Kamekona's Truck - 5:40 p.m.

Three women stood clustered near a Range Rover as one nodded to the others.

"There he is," Charlene Barnett indicated.

"That's him? He's actually better looking in person than on the news."

"You're actually gonna do this, Char? What if he arrests you?"

"Don't be silly, for what?"

"I don't know. Harassment. Stalking. Craziness."

"I'm doing it. Can you imagine if he agreed?" She left the two other women and walked determinedly toward where Steve stood in line.

Her friends shook their heads. "I swear, she's on a quest since the divorce."

"Yeah, well, she was married to that bastard for fourteen years before she realized 'not this year' meant never and then it was almost too late."

"Whatever. If Commander Gorgeous there arrests her, I'll chip in for bail."

The women sat back on a bench and waited.

Steve was just grabbing his order when the redhead with green eyes began speaking to him.

"Commander McGarrett? I was hoping to run into you. I've got something I've been considering for a while and then I saw you on Halloween and I was sure I should ask you about it." The woman fell in step next to Steve as he walked.

"Excuse me?"

"I saw you on Halloween. Carrying that adorable toddler; trick-or-treating with the group of kids. You were terrific with them." She smiled.

"Oh, ah, thanks. They're good kids." Steve's look indicated he wanted to know where and how she'd encountered the group on Halloween.

"I live off South King Street, I've seen you with your dog, too." They were approaching the table where Danny was already seated, and Charlene Barnett reached out, lightly grazing Steve's arm. His eyes followed the gesture unapprovingly, and the woman immediately withdrew her hand. "I was wondering if we could talk, if you had a minute."

"I'm actually on duty." He nodded at Danny who was making no effort whatsoever to hide a smirk.

"Okay, I'll make this quick, then. See, I got divorced last year and I'm 41 and, well, I want a baby."

Steve did a double take, and Danny literally choked on his water.

"You ..."

"Want a child. But I hate the thought of using a donor I've never seen or met. Any chance you'd be interested in ... Look, I know you're in a relationship, I've seen the Lieutenant, but you wouldn't have to do anything but make a deposit. I'd compensate you, of course ..." She smiled. "Unless, of course, you'd be interested in more traditional methods ..."

"What the ..." Steve's eyes grew huge. "What the hell are you talking about?" He was aghast. "Are you insane? We're ... Catherine and I, we ... I'd never ..." He literally stopped mid sentence, at a loss for words.

"I guess that's a no." She looked disappointed. "Please take it as a compliment, Commander, I've waited a long time and I want an excellent specimen." She smiled and turned to walk away. "If you change your mind ..." she offered over her shoulder, but Steve was no longer looking in her direction. Catherine was approaching from the parking lot wearing a smile, and Danny was attempting to catch his breath after trying to hold in a paroxysm of hysterical laughter.

Danny wiped his eyes. "That was ..." he gasped, "that may have been the best one yet." He looked up, ignoring his best friend's murderous glare and said, "Hi, Cath."

"Best what?" She sat across from Danny. Steve was still standing in place, and she tugged his hand. "Those for me?" She reached for the wraps he'd placed on the table. "Thanks. Aren't you eating?" she added, because he was still standing. "Did we get called in?"

Danny opened his mouth but Steve's "Shut up, Danny," cut him short and made him bark another laugh.

"I didn't say anything yet, Steven. Not even the word oblivious, but that was one for the books. Catherine, do not have liquid in your mouth when he tells you about it." He turned to Steve with a smirk still firmly in place and checked his watch "I'm officially clocked out. I'm going to Parent Teacher Appreciation Night and get appreciated. See you both tomorrow." He gathered his shrimp container and napkin and stood to walk toward the parking lot.

"What was that all about?" Catherine took a bite of her dinner and raised a hand to Kamekona who was waving at her from the truck with a pair of tongs.

Steve started to speak, but stopped and ran a hand through his hair. "I ..."

"What?" She stopped eating and tilted her head in question.

"Some woman asked me ... I can't believe it's not a put on..." He looked around skeptically as though someone was about to reveal a joke.

"Steve ..."

"Okay, a woman I've never laid eyes on in my life, although she said she lives on South King, asked me if I'd ..." He looked as embarrassed as possible for Steve McGarrett, and Catherine smiled encouragingly. "Be a donor."

"A donor? We're already orga..." Catherine stopped at the realization.

"No. A donor for her to ... " He looked around sheepishly. "Have a baby," he huffed out the last few words.

"A sperm donor? No way." Her smile grew slowly. "Not that I don't believe you, but she walked up to you, at Kamekona's truck and said, 'I hear the garlic shrimp is good, and by the way, can I have a sperm donation?'"

"Not exactly in those worlds but, pretty much. And Danny ..."

"In front of Danny? Oh, that totally made his day."

Steve scrubbed a hand over his face. "Of course it did."

"What'd you say?"

"I said I thought she was insane," he said matter of factly.

"To her face?" Catherine tilted her head in question.

"Well, yeah. I said you and I, we're together, and who the hell would do that?"

She glanced around before kissing him briefly. "You'd be surprised."


"I totally trust your instincts on everything, always, except ... you're sure she wasn't looking for a more traditional means of ... collecting that deposit?" Her eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Ah, she ..."


"Ha?" He raised an eyebrow.

"She propositioned you, too." Catherine placed a hand on his knee. "Of course she did. Brave and handsome. Not to mention smart." She squeezed his leg gently and smiled into his eyes before taking another bite of her wrap.

"She had to realize she sounded like a crazy person," Steve mused.

"A particularly ballsy one, but just another member of your fan club, Commander." She offered him the last of her meal and took a long drink of his water. "They'd all proposition you if they had the nerve. You realize most guys would kill for that much attention?"

He leaned in to finish the remaining bite of Catherine's dinner with a shrug, and she responded with a soft smile. Steve was so confident in so many ways that his inability the realize his effect just made her love him all the more. "What do you say we go home and I proposition you?"

He grinned and stood, offering her a hand. "I say let's go home. 'Cause yours is the only attention I'll ever need."

McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable Where stories live. Discover now