Oblivious 9/ DOG PARK

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McGarrett/Rollins Residence
Saturday morning

Catherine held out Steve's cell as he was coming into the house after tossing a ball around the beach with Cammie, who was at his heels. "Here, it's Grace."

Steve dropped his towel over a kitchen chair and took the phone. "Thanks. Cammie swam a mile this morning." He said with a proud grin before turning his attention to the call.

As Steve said, "Hey, Gracie!" Catherine grabbed his discarded towel and ran it over the dog's damp fur. She noticed his voice soften as he continued with, "No we don't have plans. Ya know what, Sweetheart, are you sure you don't want to go to the regular park and just bring the dogs? Or you can come here with Scout and they can play on the beach."

Catherine looked at him questioningly. She thought he was actually going to turn down a request from Grace. Then she heard him sigh. "For charity, huh? The Humane Society Dog Park over on Waialae. Got it. Okay. We'll see you later." Steve looked at Catherine who was smiling at him as he hung up. "What?"

"Nothing. For a minute there, I thought you were about to say no to Grace." She grinned.

"I've said no to Gracie." Steve grumbled, but a half-smile gave him away.

"Yes. Yes, you have." Catherine handed him a water bottle and placed a quick kiss on his lips. "When she wanted to sky dive with you or go repelling, because you knew Danny would kill you. You've never said no if she's asked for something reasonable."

Steve shrugged. He knew he was busted. "We're going to the dog park."

"So I gathered. For charity?"

"Yeah, the Humane Society is having a fundraiser. Gracie was supposed to go with her friend's family, but the kid and the mom are down with a stomach bug. She raised eighty seven dollars at school and she really wants to go make her donation. She's bringing Scout. Danny's got plans and he offered to break them but she asked to call us first. He'll meet us there to drop her and Scout off and I told her we'd drive them home. She wants us to bring Cammie."

At the sound of her name, Cammie looked at Steve expectantly.

"Hear that? We're going to the park." Catherine said and the dog wagged her tail happily. "Let's feed you and we'll get going." She turned to Steve and looked at him with a head tilt. "Didn't you want to go?"

"No, it's not that, we just haven't taken her to a dog park before, and ... what if she doesn't like it? She's never been around that many dogs." He shrugged. "Guess we'll find out, though. I'll be down in ten." Steve kissed her, ruffled the dog's fur and trotted upstairs to change while Catherine shook her head and grinned at Steve's concern that the dog he'd initially agreed to take home 'for a few days' wouldn't like the dog park.



Dog Park

After Catherine had walked Grace and her dog, Scout around the 'sponsor's circle' and Grace made her donation to the Humane Society, Steve sat on a bench watching the dogs play while the girls took a quick bathroom break. Cammie seemed to be enjoying herself and Steve was smiling when Grace came back and gave him a hug. "Thanks again for coming today, Uncle Steve. Aunty Cath and I are gonna get lunch at the food stand. What do you want?"

"Here," Steve pulled two twenties out of his wallet. "Tell Catherine I'll have whatever she's getting and a water. Get a couple of liter bottles for the dogs, too. We can't bring the food in here, so when you get back, we'll leash the dogs and take them over by the water to eat, okay?"

"Great!" Grace took the money and bent to kiss her dog on the head. "Be good for Uncle Steve, play nice with your new cousin!" She ran off to meet Catherine who was waiting for her outside the fence.

McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable Where stories live. Discover now