Oblivious 17/ A HUNDRED AND ONE

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Catherine walked into the break room to join the rest of the team and sat next to Steve. "Hi guys," she said, smiling when he handed her a wrap from the box of take-out dinners. "Thanks, I'm starving."

"Just under five hours." Danny smirked. "How was the fundraising committee?" He'd had his share of boring meetings and was happy Catherine was tapped to sit in for the annual HPD fundraiser.

"It wasn't that bad." She took a bite. "There were some interesting suggestions, though." Her smirk gave her away.

"Like what?" Steve cast a look in her direction.

"Chin jumping barrels on his motorcycle."

Chin laughed. "Ah, no."

Catherine smiled. "Annnd ..."

"And what? Can't be worse than the year they suggested a bachelor auction." Kono grinned.

Catherine burst out laughing. "They did not."

"Oh, but they did." Danny shook his head. "Steve shut that down in two seconds."

"Because it was ridiculous and degrading." Steve took a long swallow of water.

"And because you knew I'd get more bids than you." Danny snorted.

"That's even more ridiculous because nobody was going to be bidding on me. I wouldn't have been in the auction, I was with Catherine."

"Who you were calling your 'not girlfriend' with whom you had 'a thing' at the time so nobody knew that. Except of course us and everybody who'd ever met Catherine or seen you together."

Catherine and Steve exchanged a look before she continued, "They suggested a kissing booth."

"Hell no. No way." Steve's brows knitted. "You're not volunteering for any kissing booth ... are you?"

"Wasn't me they wanted." Her smile grew.

"Kono wouldn't do it either." He glanced at the smirking cousins. "What?"

"Boss, again, oblivious. We gotta meet with the DP, we have court in the morning." Kono stood to leave and Chin followed. "See you all tomorrow."

Steve added, "'Night, see you tomorrow," after Catherine and Danny's good nights to the cousins, then turned to look expectantly at Catherine.

"Really?" Her expression was amused and loving.


Danny barked a laugh at his partner and grabbed a water. "I'm gonna finish up my report and go pick up Grace. See you in the morning." He was still chuckling as he left the room.

When Steve repeated, "Cath..."

"They suggested you."

She patted his cheek when he continued to stare, speechless.

"No, they didn't." He found his voice.

"I couldn't make that up." She gave him a tiny smile.

"That's insane."

"Half the women there would have lined up on the spot."

"Now you're exaggerating. A lot of those women are your mom's age."

She raised an eyebrow. "You forget our bet in the restaurant? I won a car wash."

Steve's eyes lit. "Actually, I won when you wore the cut off cammies to help me wash the truck, but whatever. Those women sending me a drink that night was a fluke or a bet or something."

McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable Where stories live. Discover now