Oblivious 5/ MEMBERS ONLY

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H50 HQ – Bullpen


"Um, Commander McGarrett? Here are those reports you requested from the archives." Stephanie Ramirez, the newest hire in HQ Records, was fresh out of college and model-pretty with huge dark eyes. She bit her bottom lip and beamed at Steve. "Would you like me to organize them chronologically for you? Or I could go through them and alphabetize them, or make an Excel spread sheet of the info?"

"Just the reports will be fine, thanks. It's Stephanie, right?" Steve looked away from the screen above the smart table where he was standing between Catherine and Kono and smiled. "Here, I'll take them." He held out his hand "Thanks for dropping them off, they could've sent them up with a runner." Everyone knew they often made the new employees do grunt work down in Records "You lose a coin toss?" He joked, but didn't wait for a reply. He turned his focus back to the screen.

Stephanie stifled a giggle and handed the files to Steve. "I won." As soon as the words left her lips, her hand flew to cover her mouth and her cheeks colored "Um, I mean ... I ... you're welcome, Commander. If there's anything else you need..." She trailed off, fidgeting.

Catherine elbowed Steve lightly and nodded toward the girl who was shifting her weight from one foot to the other. "Steve..."

"What? Oh, sorry. No, thank you, that'll be all." He added without breaking his focus on the task at hand. "Kono, zoom in, right there." He pointed to a detail in a photo.

Kono rolled her eyes at Cath over Steve's head as Stephanie skittered from the room with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh my God, Boss."

"What? What'd you find?" Steve looked between the two women then at the display screen.

"Find?" Kono stared at him. "A member of the Steve McGarrett fan club is what I found. I thought she was gonna pee her pants when you smiled at her."

It was Steve's turn to stare. "What? No way." Catherine couldn't help but laugh at his incredulous look. He pivoted toward her. "You and Danny put her up to that. You didn't notice anything about that girl, Kono, because there was nothing to notice. All she did was say 'here's the files' and 'you're welcome.'"

Kono chuckled. "Boss, Boss, Boss. So oblivious." She shook her head "What she actually said was ..." Kono adopted the posture of a love-struck teen, complete with wringing hands. She batted her eyes, bit her bottom lip while smiling, looked up through down-turned lashes and in a higher voice that sounded nothing like her own, said "Wow, Commander McGarrett, you're like soooo hot, all my friends are jealous because I got to come up here and hand you some paperwork! Here are the files you asked for. Do you want me to do like ten hours of additional work on these for you? Then maybe I could wash your truck on my lunch break? Anything else you need ... just ask. Oh, and 'You're wellllcome, Commander.'"

Kono burst into laughter along with Catherine. "They had a freaking coin toss down in archives! Holy shit, Steve, I can't ... Cath you'd better sleep with an eye open girl..."

"You're nuts." Steve made a dismayed scoff "Both of you." And just as Danny entered, he strode into his office leaving the women hanging on each other and trying to compose themselves.

Danny joined them at the smart table. "What's so funny? I could use a laugh. Chin and I just raided the apartment from the Frank Smith case. Guy's a friggin' hoarder. I'm actually considering burning my shoes. Who the hell knows what we walked through?" He shuddered. "Chin had to go into the basement storage area. He's down in the locker room taking a shower." He looked at his grinning teammates "Give."

"The new girl from records just dropped off archival reports for Steve and I was waiting for her to ask for his autograph. They did a coin toss to see who got to come up here." Kono gasped and wiped her eyes. "I pointed it out and he totally denied it and ducked into his office."

Danny smirked. "McGarrett-itis." He confirmed and Catherine chuckled. "We named it while you were away."

"Danny!" Steve's voice cut through the bullpen.

"Ahhh I'm being summoned." He popped through the glass doors to Steve's office just as his partner was about to call his name again.

"You bellowed, Steven?" Danny's eyes were laughing, belying his attempt at a serious expression.

"Do. Not. Encourage. Them." Steve actually looked perplexed.

Before Danny could respond, Catherine came up behind him. "Steve, we have something. Smith's son was holed up in an office building about three miles from here. HPD's bringing him in."

Steve stood and checked his weapon, calling, "Kono, get Chin and head over there, search the offices. We'll meet you back here."

"On it, Boss. Kono called over her shoulder as her boots clicked across the floor on her way to the door.

"I'm gonna grab the son's financial records from when he lived in Philly." Danny said as he headed for his office "I have them on my laptop, I got the email just before Chin and I left."

"Good, I'll go through them, see if there's anything there that can lead us to the third guy." Catherine said. As she was about to follow Danny out, she was stopped by Steve's hand on her arm.

"Steve?" She turned toward him.

"Cath? That stuff before, about me attracting, um ... attention ..." He looked so serious, Catherine turned to face him fully.

"Steve, Kono was ... we were just busting you, you know that, right?" Steve wasn't sensitive, so she was a bit puzzled, but she clarified anyway.

"Yeah, no, I don't care about you guys ragging on me, I just wanna make sure," Steve ran a hand through his hair "you know that even if I was cognizant of half the stuff you claim I miss, I'd never encourage ... anything," He smiled gently and when Cath looked in his eyes she saw the earnestness there "and why." He shrugged. "Because I don't want ... need ... attention from anyone else; haven't for a long, long time."

In spite of their very strict no PDA policy, Catherine was tempted to kiss him right there. Instead, she put her hand over his where it still rested on her arm. "Of course I do, because it goes both ways." She squeezed his fingers.

"And for the record, that's why we tease you, because you don't encourage it, don't even see it. It's also part of what makes you so attractive to the" she air quoted "'McGarrett fan club', Like I've said before: handsome and smart; you could easily be a player. Instead, you're ... well ... you."

"Attractive, huh?"

"Oh, now I've done it. Don't get conceited on me, Commander."

Steve laughed. "Never."

She brushed an imaginary something from his shoulder, simply because she needed to touch him. "Wanna know a secret?" Her hushed tone dripped with innuendo.

"Hell, yes." He smiled sexily.

"That Fan Club?" Her brown eyes were laughing and she looked around theatrically before whispering "You're lookin' at the charter member."

"Yeah?" He tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, and I think I deserve extra perks for that." She leered at him.

Steve glanced out at the bullpen and seeing no one, stepped close enough that Catherine could feel his breath as he whispered in her ear. "Perks? Well, we'll have to review that request. There's a special meeting tonight, charter members only. We'll put it on the agenda. That ... and there's the matter of dues ..."

Catherine smiled wickedly at him. "You're on, Commander." She turned to leave the room, then stopped and turned back murmuring "And what exactly do I get if I win a coin toss?" Before she continued to walk into the bull pen.

Her stomach flipped as Steve's growled 'Anything you want.' rang in her ears.

McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable Where stories live. Discover now