Inevitable Part 8

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Steve took her breath away,that was the last thing she thought he would say. Alright she didn't expect that at all it wasn't one of the things she thought he would say. She was expecting him to yell, or to be shocked something like that, but definitely not this. Not knowing what to say she panicked " Steve you don't have to do this, just because of the baby, you have a girlfriend and I think we have had enough revelations today without adding in a proposal you haven't had time to think about." Steve was disappointed she hadn't said yes, but then he realised, that she also hadn't said no. Knowing Catherine like he did, she was more like him than people realised, everyone always thought it was him that had kept things casual for all those years she was his " not girlfriend" with whom he had a " thing" but he knew Cath was just as bad as he was with big declarations and if she was boxed into an corner, emotionally or physically, she would take flight. So Steve embraced this new bravery the news of the baby had given him and cupped her belly with one hand. " I'm in love with you Cath, I always have been, with or without the baby you're it for me. I love you." And after two seconds he quickly added" and I broke up with Lynn. So I'm free. If you still want me ." Tears springing to Catherine's eyes, looking at Steve she saw just how devoted to her he was, reaching up she gave him a soft kiss that she hoped he realised how much him asking her to marry him and telling her he loved her meant for her. " I'll always love you, Sailor." he smiled at the use of his nickname he had always liked. Even more so when she asked " hey, do me a favor ?"  after giving a small chuckle as that was normally his line he responded with a quick kiss, well because she was here with him and he could, he said " anything". She smiled and shyly said " ask me again sometime ?" knowing she wasn't saying no felt damn good and Steve pulled her in closer and placed a loving kiss on the top of her head. They sat in silence for a few minutes, enjoying being together, watching the magnificent sunset. When Steve asked " so what happens now ?" Catherine didn't know if he meant now, tonight, or about them or about the baby so she just took the most logical " I've booked an appointment with a doctor at Tripler at 9am tomorrow if you want to come with me ?"
" Yes I'd love that. Have you had a scan yet ? Is it a boy or a girl ? When did you find out ? "Catherine turned in the seat to face him a little more. " I was on an op on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border so no, no scan yet, not too many doctors out there. I haven't really been sick at all, was just getting really tired, then I realised I'd skipped my last two periods. I'm sorry Steve I wasn't on the pill as I wasn't with anyone and it was just too hard to keep getting it renewed being all over the place and there wasn't really any point. I didn't think about it when we were together, I didn't really come back to Hawaii thinking we would have sex and it just felt so natural being with you, that I didn't even think about it, I was a bit of a mess for a while missing you again when I left so I didn't think about it, when I realised it took me two weeks to get somewhere to get a pregnancy test and it then took me another three weeks to get out of my op to fly here to tell you."
Giving her a cuddle to reassure her as she still seemed worried about his reaction he lightened the mood and asked with a scheming smile " you want to know a secret ?" the sudden flip to his lighthearted mood confused her but she went with it anyways " always" he shifted to being more serious " I'm pleased we didn't use anything and this happened." loving how open he was being she smiled at him " me too."

McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable Where stories live. Discover now