Oblivious 4/ FAN CLUB

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Grace Williams' P.O.V.


I'm standing with two friends at the 'parent pickup area' of my school, waiting for Danno. We have a super fun night planned and I'm really excited.

"Oh my God, who's that?" I'm so busy trying to spot my dad in the mob of people, I don't even realize Cindy's talking to me until she pokes me.

"Who's what? I mean who?"

"Duh, the guy with your dad. He's like the hottest guy on the planet."

Oh. She's spotted my uncle, who I guess hasn't had a chance to change after work. He's still wearing his badge and holster and if I'm not wrong he even has some blood on his shirt and a little bruise on his left cheek. So just a normal workday. "That's Uncle Steve."

"Uncle? You're related to him!?" Wow, okay, that sounded kind of mean.

"Well, yeah, he's not my Mom or Dad's brother, but he's my Dad's partner so we're ohana."

"Partner? Crap, he's gay?"

"Not that kind of partner. They're cops. And best friends. My dad's Five-0."

"Does he have a girlfriend?"

"What?!" I look right at her. She's got my full attention now.

Cindy's seventeen, and the older sister of Barbara, one of my BFFs. She only pays attention to Barb when there's something in it for her. She's never even spoken to me. I'm not cool enough to hold her attention for long, but it looks like my uncle is.

"I said ... Has. He. Got. A. Girlfriend?" She's twirling her hair.

"Eww, Cindy ... he's like ... old." I tell her.

"No way."

"Yes, way. He's as old as my Dad!"

"Still a hottie anyway!" She turns away and jumps up and down; calling to a friend she saw across the school lawn.

The next thing I know, Cindy and two of her friends are surrounding Linda, Barb and me, and they're all whispering and staring at my family. Barb's rolling her eyes at her sister, but I feel my cheeks getting red. They think my uncle is hot, how embarrassing.

Cindy's two friends, who normally wouldn't even look my way, are talking to me now. "Steve freaking McGarrett from Five-0 is your uncle?! Your dad is that Williams?" the taller one asks.

"Yeah, my dad is Detective Danny Williams. He's second in command of the task force." I smile, I can't help it. I'm so proud of Danno. I'm the center of attention for a minute. This wouldn't be bad, if it wasn't only 'cause they want information about Uncle Steve.

It's not like I don't know how good looking Uncle Steve is; I see grown women act stupid around him all the time. When I was younger and we'd be on the beach, or out for shave ice, they'd come up to us and pretend to be all interested in me, asking if he was a single parent and stuff. I'm used to that, women do it to Danno a lot, too. They say things like "Ohh your little girl is so cute, she looks just like you." It's kind of funny sometimes, but Cindy and her friends are in high school and ... just ... ick!

Two more girls have joined us now. "Who ya talking about?"

"The hottie with her dad" they point to me.

I look up. Danno's on his way over with Uncle Steve, who's got a smile on his face. I wave at him and he gives me a thumbs up and waves back. That means the reservations are all set for tonight.

I take a big breath. "Hi, Daddy." I don't say Danno in front of the older girls, I don't want to explain it and it's not like they're my friends or anything. I hug him. "I missed you!" Today's the beginning of his week and I miss him so much when it's not.

McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable Where stories live. Discover now