Oblivious 15/ HUMMINGBIRDS

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Mihaly's Tattoos

Steve and Catherine stood with the owner, Mihaly, and Yaas, another artist, at the counter of Mihaly's. They were standing beneath a sign that read:







It had made Steve grin slightly. He liked clearly defined parameters.

He and Catherine were showing both artists images of tattoos on an unidentified victim that had been dumped on the grounds of a member of state's Ways and Means Committee's home.

"Yeah, that's my work. This guy came in to have an old tattoo covered. See here?" Mihaly pointed to some heavy blackwork on a closeup of the dead man's bicep. "There was a prison tattoo here, and here, like you suspected. I reworked new art over it."

Before they could speak, the second artist, Yaas, offered, "The woman's was a brand."

"Woman?" Catherine asked. She and Steve exchanged a look. "He came in with a woman?"

"Yes, Ma'am. About your height and weight. Maybe twenty five, twenty six. She wanted an ankle tattoo covered. Definitely a brand." He looked at his boss and both men nodded.

"Would you sketch me the original?" Catherine had her phone out to photograph the image. If they could identify the tattoo, they could identify the pimp and quite possibly get a break. "Could we go somewhere more private?"

"Absolutely. Right back here, Lieutenant." Mihaly led her into a smaller room they used to work just as Steve's phone rang.

"Go ahead, I gotta take this, it's Max." Steve spoke to Max for a minute and ended the call. He followed up with a call to Danny. He told his partner their progress, suggested he contact the human trafficking division in case this was more than a simple case of an ex prostitute accompanying a boyfriend, and instructed him to then break for the night. It was late and they'd been at it for two days.

Steve had just ended the call when a patron in the shop addressed him.

"Excuse me, Commander McGarrett?"

He turned to see a young woman in her early thirties. "Yes?"

"Can we talk?" Her long dark hair was pulled up in a ponytail and she wore a pair of cutoff jeans and bikini top with a tank over it. She was seated on a loveseat with a book of flash art in her lap, rubbing her arms against the cold as she looked at pre-drawn tattoo selections. She patted the seat next to her, but Steve stood by an armchair.

"Do you have information on the victim?"

"Victim?" She looked confused for a second, but recovered quickly. "Oh, ah the dead guy. No. I'm Tammi. That's with an i by the way." She held out a hand and Steve shook it. "I wanted to ask you ..."

He crossed his arms and waited for her to continue.

"How do you feel about hummingbirds?"

"How do I feel about ...what?" Steve's brows furrowed.

She pointed to the tattoos partially visible beneath his T-shirt. "Ohh, can I see your tattoos?"

Steve's eyes widened slightly, his face registering disbelief. "Excuse me, what?"

"I'm getting one." She giggled. "Of course I am, why else would I be here? I know you have two so I was wondering ... could I see them?"( I know he has three but in my opinion a strangers doesn't know how his lower back looks )

McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable Where stories live. Discover now