Inevitable Part 1

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Closing the door to her hotel room Catherine looks at her single bag ... getting angry with herself, she's 38 years old and that's what she has to show for her life, a single bag ... and a shit load of emotional baggage.

She really thought that a year after seeing him in Morocco, hearing about the proposal, she could come back and it wouldn't hurt as much, knowing he had moved on and that she was trying too. She thought she could just work alongside him again, be friends."Friends" she said out loud as if to convince herself. They had never really been just friends she thought wryly laughing to herself. Yes they pretended back in the early days, she had just started at the academy 18 years ago when she met Steve, but that had quickly progressed to " diner".

So here she was packing up to leave Hawai'i again, what was it about Hawai'i that made her want to stay... she had never in her whole life stayed still, growing up a Navy brat the progressing in the Navy , but here she was finding it hard to leave, imagining a life here where she could put down roots, kicking her bag, she berates herself " you had that and you gave it up so get on that damn plane." Angrily wiping a tear from her cheek she sighs and sits on the bed just letting them fall, knowing in her quest to find something she has kept running, running from the uncertainty of a life with Steve, from friends, she wasn't kidding earlier when she had told Steve that her life consisted of assets and sources.
God Steve even got a bloody dog, how out of the two of them was he the one to sort his life out, she was always the one to calm him down when he had nightmares, now she was just living from assignment to assignment, terrorist to terrorist and for what ... she knows she has to stop this line of thinking because if she loses the fight in her then she really would have nothing.
Taking a deep breath and giving her face a wipe she stands up, ready to put her mask back on and get back to it.
There is a knock in the door of her hotel room, without thinking she opens the door and there he is.

How after all the years can he still affect her so much.
Like a freight train hitting her heart. "Steve".

McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable Where stories live. Discover now