Oblivious 16/ PERFECT

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Side Street

The two young women slightly behind and to her right weren't talking loudly, but Catherine caught their conversation as she made her way closer to the bar.

"So, you liking the job so far?" the first girl asked her companion.

"Yeah, it's really good. I'm gonna be shadowing a supervisor for ten days, but I like it. Thanks again, Cuz."

"No problem, all I did was tell you about the opening."

"Before they posted it. That's a big deal, Chelsea. Hey, I wanna ask about ... interacting with other departments."

Chelsea laughed. "Already? You're there three days. You can't be looking for extra work already."

"No, no. I just ... was wondering, if ... will my department ever interact with Five-0 for instance?"

Lynne Hakoshima laughed. She smirked at her younger cousin with a knowing look. Just as she was about to speak, her coworker and friend, Erin Wilkes came up to them. Erin had trained Lynne four years back, and had become like an older sister.

"Hi Chelsea. What's funny, Hon?"

"Chelsea just asked what departments interface with Five-0."

"Aw. Don't tease. You had it, too." Erin smiled at the younger women.

"Had what?" Chelsea looked to her cousin to explain.

"McGarrettitis," both women said together, and Chelsea blushed furiously.

"Don't be embarrassed. Nothing new," Erin told her.

"I never said I..."

"Didn't have to. How long were you there before you saw the Commander in person?"

"I ..." she started to protest, but shrugged with a giggle. "Yesterday. I was in the lobby when he came through. He's really ..."

"We know."

"I saw him on the news and stuff, but he's even hotter in person."

Erin grinned. "Don't get all starry eyed, he's taken."

"Of course he his. He's like perfect. How can he not be taken?"

"Yeah, all the good ones usually are. Besides, he never takes the bait anyone drops."

"Seriously, of course he's not single. Who's he with? A supermodel, right?"

"Really, Cuz?" Lynne smirked.

"What?" Chelsea wondered.

"A supermodel?"

"C'mon like he couldn't get one? Or an actress, or someone equally perfect. Gotta be."

Lynne shook her head. "You've seen Lieutenant Rollins? From the task force?"

"Of course, I ... Oh."

"Yeah. Oh. They're together for like a hundred years," Erin informed her.

"See?" Chelsea confirmed her point.

"See what?"

"Perfect. She's perfect, too. Freaking perfect. Gorgeous, thin, smart, kick-ass. Of course a guy like him would be with a woman like her."

"Yeah, well, plenty of fish in the sea. Let's go fishing. C'mon, ladies." Erin chuckled, grabbing her drink from the bartender. The others did the same, and Catherine waited a few seconds after they were gone before taking the three beers the bartender had placed in front of her and turning to go back to their table.

The team was meeting at Side Street as a combination 'welcome back' for Steve and Catherine and 'thanks for covering work while we were on vacation' get together. She and Steve were happy to eat out since they'd had no chance to food shop since arriving home.

Steve was just coming in from outside as she moved away from the bar. "Hey." He indicated with a chin lift. "Please tell me one of those is for me?"

She smiled. He'd been reviewing the files on everything they'd missed most of the afternoon, after a morning spent attending a budget meeting with the Governor, so she'd ridden with Danny all day.

"Absolutely." She passed him a Longboard. "Long day, huh?" At his grimace, she nudged him with her hip and he smiled. The first day back to work after vacation always seemed extra long, but for Steve to be stuck indoors for all of it - she knew that was particularly tedious for him.

"Everyone's on their way. Danny's holding the table, we ordered appetizers. It's so busy in here, I said I'd grab this round when I got up to use the bathroom."

"Thanks." He took a swallow of the beer and placed his other hand on her back as they started through the crowded bar to their table. "Let's go sit before Danny scarfs down all the chicken wings, I'm starving."

Later that evening, as they left Side Street and climbed into Steve's truck, Catherine noticed a small group of people a bit younger than her and Steve. His eyes ran over the group, and she could literally see him assess each person, deem them not a threat and move on. Yet he absolutely didn't register the way the girls stood up straighter, smiled a little brighter, touching hair, licking lips as he passed. She grinned and snaked an arm around his waist as he draped his over her shoulder.

Later that evening, when they were home in bed and Cammie was settled, Catherine lifted up on an elbow and looked at Steve.

"Hmm what?" He was on his back, one arm behind his head, eyes closed, but he felt her shift and sensed her gaze. His mouth curved in a small smile.

"I overheard something ... Interesting tonight."

"Did you?" His eyes opened and held hers.

"Yeah. Some girls at the bar were saying how they thought the very hot Commander McGarrett was perfect."

His expression was immediately incredulous and Catherine smiled softly.

Steve had always been confident in many things: his intelligence; his physical condition; his mission planning skills; his ability to assess and make split second decisions. Self-doubt on a mission could cost a life, and Steve knew that all too well. But as confident as he was, part of what made Catherine love him was his absolute inability to realize exactly how handsome he was. Of course he knew he was a good-looking guy, he wasn't a stupid man, but it wasn't something he thought about. He was perfectly happy that Catherine found him attractive. And that made her love him all the more.

Steve regarded her with sleepy eyes and a half smile. "You're busting me. What didn't I see that you picked up on your Steve is Oblivious Radar?" He smirked. "Someone in that group outside of Side Street? Because I guarantee every one of those guys noticed you looked perfect."

"Aww. Thanks." She laughed. "That you noticed?"

"That I always notice," he growled, but his tone and expression clearly said he was teasing, because he knew he had nothing to worry about.

"Again, aww." She rubbed his bicep. "But I'm serious. They not only said they thought you were perfect, but that I was. Based solely on our looks and reputations ... That's just ..."

"Dangerous." Steve lifted an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I just had a conversation with Grace about perfect guys. Because her favorite singer tweeted about finding his perfect girl."

"Gracie got it when you explained?" She smiled at how he knew she'd have explained. "She understands nobody's perfect, right?"

Catherine nodded. "She's got a good head on her shoulders. I did explain how if someone seems perfect, you either don't know them well enough yet, or you're fooling yourself. And I told her a quote my mom really likes. 'You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not.' "

Steve lifted his arm and she snuggled into his left side "Sounds exactly right." He lifted her chin and kissed her. "I'm so, so far from perfect, Rollins. How'd I get such a brilliant woman?"

She traced a circle over his heart. "By being perfect for me."


McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant