Oblivious 6/ I'LL BET

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Gennaro's Restaurant

"Three of 'em, at your five o'clock." Catherine whispered to Steve as they sat drinking wine at a small table in the bar area of Gennaros's restaurant.

It had been a long couple of days and when Steve suggested Italian for dinner, before going home, Catherine readily agreed. They had little food in the house, as the case they'd just wrapped had kept them working twelve hour days and they'd slept at HQ the night before. So after showering and changing at work that evening, they'd decided to just eat at the restaurant instead of opting for takeout.

"No way." Steve told her. "They're all old timers in here." He leaned forward.

"Pfft! Like that matters." Catherine hung her light jacket over the back of the chair and looked around.

"You're wrong this time, Cath. We're the youngest people in this bar by twenty years."

"Ohhh Steve, Steve, for someone so smart ... okay, I'll bet you a car wash." She playfully held her hand out across the tile-topped table.

Steve glanced around, doing visual recon of the room. "You're on." He took her hand in his. "My truck's a lot bigger to wash than your car, you sure?"

"Very sure. And I want my car taken to the good car wash that Chin's and Kono's cousin owns. The brush-less one." Catherine smiled over the top of her glass as she took a sip. "You, outside the house with a hose and a questionably clean rag from the garage doesn't count, no matter how handsome you look doing it." She tilted her glass in a toast.

Steve laughed, it had been a long week and he was clearly happy to have her to tease and unwind with. "See now, when I win, you can wash the truck at home, preferably ..." An amorous glint lit his eyes, "in the cammies you cut off into shorts."

Catherine tilted her head. "You never change, Commander."

"Nope." He grinned. Having finished his wine, he grabbed her glass and took a swallow.

"Good." She winked. "I've kinda gotten used to you."

"Ummm, excuse me." The waitress looked apologetically at Catherine, then Steve. "Commander, this is for you." She indicated the drink on her tray. "Sorry, I have to tell you. You want me to tell them 'no thank you' like the other times, right?"

"What?" Steve looked up. He'd been focused on Catherine, who'd brushed her foot against his shin under the table.

"Ha! I win!" Catherine exclaimed, then laughed at Maggie's odd look.

Steve rolled his eyes, and realizing Maggie was waiting for a response said, "Sorry, Maggie. Yes, please, just send it back and say no thanks."

The young waitress smiled at Steve. "You got it. Sorry, again, but if I don't check first, I get in trouble. Your table's ready anyway. You can follow me into the dining room."

"Damn." He tossed a bill on her tray and stood, guiding Catherine with a hand on the small of her back as they walked through the bar area.

When they passed the table of three women near the corner, Catherine felt their eyes follow her and Steve and linger until they were out of sight and into the dining room.

Catherine shook her head as they sat down. She picked up her menu with a grin and peered at him over the top."Wow."

Steve smiled apologetically.

"I'm kidding. Just proves I'm with the hottest guy on Oahu." Catherine chuckled and placed her hand on top of his where it rested on the table. Order me the chicken murphy?" She stood, grabbing her purse. "I'll be right back."

McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable Where stories live. Discover now