Inevitable Part 10

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Slowly waking up Catherine reached out for Steve, remembering how supportive and loving Steve was brought a smile to her face. Looking around she wondered where he was, she couldn't hear the shower so after using the bathroom she went downstairs to see if he was out for a swim or doing breakfast. Walking down the stairs she noticed that his car was gone. After she went back into the room to take a shower and get ready for the day he still wasn't back. Looking at the time she only had an hour before her appointment at Tripler. Finally she had to let in the fears she had been holding back since she woke up alone, not able to hold back the tears she thought he had been called on a case, or didn't want to come she finished getting ready. She began to let the tears fall whilst putting all her bits back into her pack. She was sad that he hadn't at least woken her to tell her he was leaving, but mostly just disappointed at the thought of going to her first scan alone. Finishing packing her bag she took it downstairs to grab some breakfast whilst calling a cab.
Sat in front of the door waiting for the cab to take her to Tripler she had her bag with her as she didn't know if she would come back afterwards. She was getting angrier and more disappointed the more she thought about it. It was ok for her not to take priority, but could he really not spare a single hour to see a scan of their baby ? She just didn't know if she could just come back here and be ok with him treating her like that.
Just as Steve pulled into the driveway the taxi followed him. In an all too familiar scene seeing Catherine and her bag sat ready to leave, every single insecurity he had managed to squash yesterday came back to the surface. He started shouting before he was even fully out of the truck " Cath please no not again you can't to this to me again not again please I beg you please no. You said we had five days. You can't just take the baby away you can't be a spy and mom, I will go through the courts if I have to but I won't let you go off around the world with our baby. What about the scan ? You need to at least check if the baby is alright before you go off again !" Running out of steam and seeing Catherine cry he stopped and just sat down on the step next to her not touching or looking at her. Quietly so Steve barely heard her Catherine muttered " I thought you got called on a case and wouldn't make it back in time for the scan so I called a cab to take me to Tripler. I was angry you didn't want to see the baby so I didn't know if I would be able to stay here so I packed my bag."
Both of them realising they had gotten the others intentions wrong they shared a sad resigned smile.
" I guess we have more issues to work on than we thought." Steve said, slowly putting an arm around her, leaning over and giving her a kiss on top of her head. " Is it ok if I ask the taxi to leave and I drive us ?" Giving him a wider, but still sad smile Catherine responded with " I'd like that." Paying the driver to leave, Steve got a box out of his truck and passed it to Catherine " your favorite breakfast from Rainbow.
   I'm going to get a final few bits from the house for the trip, I thought we could head straight off, if you're still up for it ?" Catherine nodded and Steve grabbed his pack from the house before putting Catherine's in too, opening the passenger door to let Catherine in, she stopped and reached up to give him a gentle kiss on his jaw. " I'm sorry Steve I shouldn't have assumed you had chosen work over me me the baby." Leaning down to give her a proper kiss Steve cupped her cheek and rested his forehead on hers. " I'm sorry I assumed you were leaving, let's just enjoy seeing the baby and we can work on trusting each other again later, ok ?" With a gentle kiss Catherine gave him her silent approval.
They sat in an awkward silence for some of the drive which was unsettling for them both but as Catherine began to dig into her loco moco she broke the tension by reverting to their easy banter " I'd forgotten how good this is, it definitely knock a couple of dinners off your tab Sailor." Smiling and accepting the offered bite whilst not taking his eyes off the road he countered " really ? I seem to remembered I not thinking Rainbow counts as dinner "
" well if you want to whip out your tux again I wouldn't complain " sharing a smile at being able to move back into their rhythm there was an unspoken promise that they both wanted this and would try their very best to make it work. " By the way where did you go this morning if it wasn't a case ?"
Smirking he responded " Honestly I was at HQ and I told Danny that I wouldn't respond to any calls for the next five days because I couldn't just write him a message he probably would have thought I got kidnapped or god knows what else.        And Uhm I went to my bank, when you left I Uhm didn't sell the ring I just put it into my safe-deposit box, I don't know why, I guess I was just desperate and hoped that maybe one day I would need it so yeah that's Uhm all." Completely astonished Catherine looked over at Steve and then she smiled her wonderful smile this beautiful smile he fell in love with so many years ago.
Steve squeezed Catherine's knee and they were able to settle into a much more comfortable silence.

Walking back to the truck in a dazed silence Steve began to open Catherine's door before facing her, brushing a stray hair out of her face before cupping it with the same hand and whispering " that was unreal, I can't believe what you can see, how clear all the features are, I can't wait to meet him or her, thank you for letting me be a part of this, you are amazing." before placing a gentle kiss on her lips. Steve then smiled seeing how giddy Catherine was, and it wasn't how he would normally describe his bad-ass girl. " I couldn't to it without you Sailor, I already love the baby more than nearly everything or rather everybody and I can't wait to do this with you." Placing a kiss on the top of her head before watching her climb into the truck Steve gently muttered " me too Cath. Me too"

🎉 Ai terminat de citit McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable 🎉
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