Inevitable Part 5

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Waking up beside Catherine Steve couldn't help but smile, he couldn't remember he last had felt this relaxed and content, maybe not ever. Running his hand down her arms as she lay with her head on his chest he pulled her in, a little closer and planted a kiss on the top of her head. Giving him a good morning kiss she kept her head up and gently inquired " what made you decide to make your move ? Dinner , the kiss?" Steve gave her another kiss then tucked her head back down, so she wasn't looking at him anymore. He wanted to be more open with her, without being too exposed. He enjoyed having someone to share with and always found himself eager to get her input so he began to talk " Sergeant White, Joe, um, things went shout pretty quick on this last op and it was just me and him for a while, I wasn't exactly in a good shape, any other CO and they would have left me, he should have too, but Joe and my dad ... he's like an uncle to me, I guess at this point even father figure, I know him better than my own damn father. Any way, he said I was going to get out of this and when I did I had to finally ask you out, obviously wasn't doing as good a job as getting people to think we were just friends as I thought, if even he could tell" smiling Catherine leaned up for another kiss " I'm pleased you're OK and that you kept your promise" smiling Steve responded " its working out so far"

Liking this side of Steve and how natural it felt to be with him like this Catherine cuddled in closer and stole a few more kisses, sensing that Steve wasn't quite finished but not knowing what he was thinking she pulled back and gestured for him to continue
" He err wants me to go see my dad too, in um, Hawaii , I haven't been back since I was 16, dad has been over to the mainland a few times when I was younger but not for the last six , maybe seven years."
Sensing Steve's inner turmoil that he usually hid very well Catherine was surprised at how open he was, she knew he shared more with her than anyone else but even then she knew very little about his family history other than his mum had died and he went to the military school before Annapolis. For Steve having Cath near him always calmed him, he felt more centered around her which is why he had struck up the friendship with the intelligence officer in the first place. She had impressed him not only with her skills but with her approach and the easy banter that they had fallen into, he sought her out in the mess hall and the gym and soon they were having drinks and spending their small down time together.

His heartbeat was still too fast and his whole body tense, wanting to ease some of his struggle in the only way she could think of she offered " I could come with you? I'm due some R&R and you could show me round Oahu from a local's perspective? Of course only if you want me to come along ?You do keep saying you're going to teach me to surf though." She really did blow him away, knowing exactly the right thing to say, holding her tighter he smiled gratefully " yeah I'd really like you to come along" Catherine could feel the switch and that Steve had ended this conversation but she was really happy knowing he had opened up and she had put the offer out there.

McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable Where stories live. Discover now