Oblivious 13/ BUTTERFLIES

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McGarrett/Rollins Residence
December 8th - 8:00 p.m.

Skype call in progress

"Did Steve just come home?" Joseph Rollins asked with a grin when he saw his daughter's glance shift to the flying fur that was Cammie as she shot out of the room.

Catherine nodded. "Cammie alerts when the truck's a half mile away. So, your friend said Mary's repairs should be done right on schedule?"

"Yes, he did. It's all set." Joseph had been pleased to help Mary by having his navy buddy check into her projected repair estimate before she bought a house.

Having him contract to do the repairs made Steve and Catherine confident the job would be done well. "Thanks again for that, Dad."

"Don't be silly, even if Mary weren't family, there was no way I wasn't going to step in if someone was scamming a young woman out of her money."

"Well Steve and I really appreciate it. You're the best." Catherine smiled. "So ... mom said she found a place for all the souvenirs ..." She teased and glanced around as Steve entered their bedroom.

"Hi, Joseph." Steve gave a small wave as he walked into view of the tablet and saw Catherine's dad on the Skype screen.

"Steve. How's it going?"

"Good. Really good. Did Catherine mention her breaking a code was instrumental in our take down of a drug cartel today?" Steve leaned in and dropped a kiss on her head and she smiled at her dad mirroring Steve's proud look.

"I was only doing my job, I ..."



"Accept the complement, Sweetheart. Let us be proud."

She chuckled. "Okay, then. Thank you. Both."

Before Steve moved to cross the room and change clothes, he said, "Take care, Joseph, give Elizabeth my best."

"Hey, Steve?" Joseph's expression turned jovial. "Catherine tells me you two planted the butterfly bushes."

"Yes, we did. They've already attracted a few butterflies." Steve was smiling at how happy that made Catherine.

"Did you mention to her how helpful the sales assistant at the nursery was?" Joseph was fighting back a laugh.

Noting Steve's look, Catherine turned away from the screen and mouthed "What?" as he groaned.

"You, too, Joseph? Because Danny ..."

"Danny was right, Steve. And I have to say, I didn't believe him at first, but..."

"Did he put you up to this? Because ..."

Joseph's hand came into view and he held it up in a 'swearing in' gesture. "He did nothing of the sort. I'm surprised he didn't already tell Catherine."

"Okay, what the hell are you two talking about?" Catherine laughed.

"Steve, I'll let you fill her in. I have to run, we have lunch plans. Goodbye, Honey, I love you."

"'Bye, Dad, love you. Tell mom goodbye again."

"Will do." Joseph's grin became a sincere smile. "And Steve?"


"As funny as I think it is? I can't think of a higher complement you can pay my daughter. Have a good night, Son."

Steve's eyes widened a bit. "Uh ... thanks. Goodbye, Joseph."

The screen faded, and Catherine powered off the tablet and stood. Wrapping her arms around Steve, she kissed him and grinned. "Spill, McGarrett ..."

McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable Where stories live. Discover now