Inevitable Part 3

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Steve places the six pack Longboards down on the sand by the chairs overlooking the ocean, watching as Eddie played in the shallow surf. It had been a long day helping Junior move the last bits of his stuff into his apartment. Kicking up a bit of the sand and looking in the distance, he would only admit to himself that he had got used to Junior living here, the house seeming that little bit less lonely. If he was being honest he hadn't been able to find his equilibrium since the night with Catherine a couple of months ago, and then there was that OP to rescue Joe. The conversation with Joe about Catherine and his dad had been playing on his mind and with Junior moving out he knows he is going to have even more free time to think about the past.

Flashback 2000
Getting off the plane in Coronado Steve's whole body ached. But he was thankful that Joe had made him promise to call his dad and ask Catherine out, he hadn't thought of anything else. Grabbing his pack and going over to his small room on base he slightly favored one side.
" Steve " hearing someone running up behind him he turns just before he gets to the small complex. A smile graces his face and his immediately feels lighter seeing her in her full cammo's. " I heard you were hurt, sorry I tried to be there when the plane landed, but then the Admiral asked for some info and I got caught up, how are you feeling, should you be up and about ? " " Rollins breathe, I'm fine." He interrupted her with a smile. " I am" responding to her sceptical look with a cheesy grin " I will even let you do a full body check if you want " she relaxed at his banter, hoping that if he felt good enough to play with her he must be ok " you wish" she responded laughing. Looking away to open his door he remembered his promise to Joe about asking her out and yes, he really wouldn't mind a full body check. He casually put out there as he wasn't sure what she would answer and he wanted to be able to play it off if she said no " I need to wash about two weeks' jungle and hospital off me but we could grab some Indian food later if you fancy it ?"
Catherine wasn't sure what to make of that request, they had been friends for a while now, spending time together when they were in the same place, usually eating in the mess hall or grabbing beers off base, sometimes just the two of them other times with the SEAL teamed it her colleagues if they were around. She hesitated biting her lip, did he mean like a date or did he just really fancy a curry and a beer after everything he had been through. Whilst they had a connection neither of them had acted to make it anything more than that. Catherine didn't know what to do, she was a Navy brat, she made friends easily but had very few close friends, she really didn't want to lose what her and Steve have, but then again her heart had raced when he had joked about her giving him a full body check earlier on. Interrupting the back and forth in her mind " Or Italien if you don't like Indian food ? " " I like Indian food" Catherine responded before she could stop herself . Smiling at her he nodded " I'll make a reservation and be over to your lodgings for 19 hundred hours Lieutenant." With a mock salute and smile Catherine left Steve to have his shower.

McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora